Demonstrations against Climate change

The adults havent been able to do anything against the climate change. So the high schoolers must act. After being inspired by a young Swedish girl, these Finnish girls are not going to school on Friday but instead will be standing in front of Parliament House demonstrating agains the climate change.

They are from Kauniainen regions high school.

School principal: "If you go for the demonstration, you are without permission staying out of school and that will be marked on your records"

The girls dont care, it is worse that nobody does anything against climate change than some school record which says you werent there in the school on a school day without a good reason.

The girls reason it this way:
”I'm not old enough to vote so I will demonstrate in front of Parliament House", said Finnish girl Cecilia Andersin

Her friends Emilia Hanhirova and Laura Ylinen are part of team of 10 who will all going to the demo. Actually they are the ones organizing it.

Finlands climate has already warmed up +2 degrees Celcius and people are getting worried.

”While teenagers dont use Facebook much, all adults do, so we are advertising it on the Facebook", Andersin told.

There is right now 700 "interested" persons marked on the climate change demo.

The shcool principal of GYMNASIET Grankulla Samskolan, Finnish man Niklas Wahlström says that while it is good that students take climate change seriously, they are choosing the wrong methods of showing it. Demonstrating on a weekend would be fine, they wouldnt be out of school then.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's wrong with climate change?

>Cecilia Andersin
>Emilia Hanhirova
>Laura Ylinen


And it has to be the ugliest one who's Ylinen...

me on the left

мнoгo чeгo. нaпpимep живoтины пoдoхнyт вcякиe, вoзмoжнo чтo-тo гдe-тo зaтoпит нaхyй и тaк дaлee. a дo мeмнoй cибиpи c бaнaнaми и кoкocaми ты нe дoживёшь

Why are Finns so ugly?

Mocквy нe зaтoпит, a в Cибиpи yжe ceйчac знaчитeльнo тeплee, чeм paньшe. Плюc Ceвepный мopcкoй пyть cтaнeт peaльным.

In our defense, mostly just the Eastern ones.

it might make your country hospitable

Mong, you gone full Tard

But aren't Eastern Finns more Finnic, unlike the germanic mutts in the west?

>Mocквy нe зaтoпит
дa нa этих-тo пoхyй, a вдpyг в кaкoм-нибyдь дpyгoм мecтe нopмaльных людeй тoпить бyдeт? a в cибиpи -45 пpoшлaя зимa, этa -37 былo, ждём вoт -40

Because third of the population is this Western "non-Finnic" and a tenth other non-Finnic, the term Finnic becomes pretty pointless. Better call it Uralic.

Пpoвинция paзбyшeвaлacь.

The Swedish girl was confirmed to have been backed by some shill from an environmental organization. Absolutely mental stuff. Don't fall for her bluff, Finland. Her mother is also a mentally ill woman who lets her do all this just for publicity.

пpocтитe пoжaлyйcтa чтo дoпycтил мыcль o зaтoплeнии paкoвoй oпyхoли энтoй cтpaны, кaюcь

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You mean she was a member of an environmental organization? I don't understand.

Дpyгoe дeлo.

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There was a professional lobbyist behind all her speeches, ideas, all that shit. Some extremist leftie. All of it, even her speeches, were just a bunch of faked stuff.

She held a speech at a "climate meeting" but they didn't show the fact that nobody attended the speech. Very cringe, absolute state of celebrities trying to get their kids publicity while letting them skip school for 40 weeks straight.

I don't think our politicans are as hard-working. Yours are pretty fanatic.

Based and redpilled, Generation Zed is going to change the world

Yes. Ours work very hard to ensure our destruction.

They also timed her campaign to a fund-raising effort for the company that controls the "non-profit" organization.

Climate change is a fact, there is no doubt that it is real, the problem is to prove it is humanity's fault or not. To my is 90% natural and 10% men.

such beauties

Such a ridiculous thing to get riled up about. Should he mad at central bankers for robbing us blind.

I'm so tired of these 20-something women protesting against climate change when they themselves probably have traveled around the world with airplanes. Not so long ago a student of the university of Helsinki wanted to do a big ass protest against climate change. After checking her facebook page, I found countless pictures from Mexico and other far-away locations.
The only realistic way a Finnish person can affect about climate change is to stop traveling. Ban tourism and we might actually see some change.

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They would be, if they were taught them that at school and media and if it made them to think they are cool and good because of that.

No it's not. We are heading toward the next ice age.

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Why don't we just plant more trees and let our population shrink if climate change is so bad? I don't get it, our politicians constantly talk about going co2neutral. While admirable I think its more worthwhile to increase the size of our forests desu.

These women need white chad dicks in their mouths NAO

What admirable is there about agenda'd deindustrialization of your country in the name of "climate change" while its nothing but moving industries to other countries?

Politicians are getting boners everytime they speak about global warming but they never offer obvious solutions to it. Smart grids and shutting down small companies to benefit corporations is all they want to do in the name of fighting global warming, and that hasn't made you ask any questions?

Global warming is used as a tool to get people to accept the idea of energy based currency, a technocratic idea that the powers that shouldn't be absolutely love. Hence "carbon foot print".

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Even if all carbon emissions somehow stop people like to pretends like its not going to happen regardless.

Because its just a ploy to get more tax money.
If people truly believed it was an issue and would accost billions people would be getting jailed for going over thresholds and not just fined.

Stop being childish, you maggot.

>Global warming is used as a tool to get people to accept the idea of energy based currency
Keep going

In what sense.

No it's not. They already can tax people and do wealth redistribution from the poor to the rich by bank crises all they ever want without any real resistance. Energy based currency is the reason.

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I meant that its admirable to reduce the emissions if possible. Which I consider a good thing. But what you are saying is essentially true. We moved our industry from Europe to China and everything got polluted there and now China is moving everything to Africa. Which does not help at all.

When politicians talk about fighting climate change I usually stop listening to them because what they are proposing won't work anyways.

When people talk about eastern Finns they usually mean Savonians(dialect region 6)
they are a very recent mix of Finns(Karelo-Isthmians, Tavastians) and local Saami people in the last 700 years who also managed to be so inbred they have extremely poor mental and physical health.
I don't think there's any evidence Saami people are more Finnic or Uralic than Estonians.

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What is it with young women and people in general that they think:
"Hurr climate change = apocalypse". They mostly do not even know any scientific facts about it but what they are told by fearmongering parties. Then they vote green so they can jerk off on their moral superiority. Yes climate IS changing and it IS because of humanity but earth had many climate changes and periods in its time independent from humans and nature always survived it. In fact these people who are emotionaly crying about some species dying out and those who want to preserve everything are most opposed to the true nature of nature because it truely is the ability to adaption to external changes which is the most progressive force in natural evolution. But these people dont care. They see a picture of what were green hills in the past but today its a desert and that makes them emotional. Nobody cares about the fact that for example the mass of all plants on earth is growing because of CO2. But they stay with their agenda and think its some kind of heroism or moral superiority to stand against some change that nature always has survived and always will survive just to feel better about themselves.

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Climate change != Global warming.

Citizens would be granted annual quotas of energy usage. All commodities would be priced by how much their production requires energy and all use of different commodities would be subtracted from that quota. Carbon footprint.

Digitalization of everything, deployment of smart grid technology and eradication of cash goes hand in hand with global warming politics.

>Finlands climate has already warmed up +2 degrees Celcius and people are getting worried.

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