/lang/ - Language Learning General - What language do I learn edition?

What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Will I learn a language by using Duolingo?
Use it as a supplement
>Should I learn X to get a qt wife?
Fix your personality
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn

Attached: uuuuuuuuhhhhh.jpg (640x640, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Previous thread

should i learn A in order to learn b?

Only if A is French and B is Arabic.

Does anyone have any material to learn papiamento?


Another Translation challenge - Small talk / Texting Edition
>I've never done this before, no bully :(
>Depending on your language maybe try to use more colloquial/casual language.

Hi! It's nice to meet you.
Lovely weather we're having!
How have you been?
What part of England are you from?
On weekend I like to go bowling, fishing and ice-skating.
I'm doing nothing at the moment.
What time did you wake up this morning?

>thiccer sentences
It rained earlier so I think I'm gonna stay in today.
Did you hear about that story in the news yesterday?
I'm going to go now, so I will talk to you tomorrow!
Are you still going to go to that restaurant tomorrow, the one you mentioned earlier?
Now that you've said that, I don't think I want to go anymore.

> no one texts anything more complicated than this

oh okay, i was thinking of maybe learning english in order to learn german? I've heard English is quite difficult though so maybe i'll just go straight for german

Learning plattdeutsch to learn sumpfdeutsch ("Dutch") would seem logical.

Same with Swiss German and Hebrew.

>What language do I learn edition?
Learn one of these:

what do you mean? isn't English your native language

if you're memeing I swear to god

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he's memeing you tard.

nah m8 I wrote this using google translate :^)

How do I find out what kind of Spanish accent I have when I try to speak it? I get the feeling it is probably Mexican since that's what my teachers were and what I hear the most but I don't know.

if you have an accent you can't exceed B2

post a clip of you on vocaroo over at /spic/ and ask them. Odds are mexican accent if that is what your teacher has.

If you subvocalize you can't exceed C2

from old thread

[Queen's English tier]
>Obviously you have chosen to keep the particulars of your dismissal from me. I shall leave a gap in the conversation for you to remedy that.
Offensichtlich du hast entschieden die einzielheiten von deiner entlastung weg von mir zu halten. Ich sollte eine luecke im gespraech lassen fuer dich zu beheben

>I do not know of women and their feelings, but I know they nurse their hurts like wailing newborns.
Ich weiss nicht von frauen und ihren Gefuehlen, aber ich weiss dass sie ihre schmerzen heilen wie die Neugeborenen

>If you forget to load the pellet, the gun fires, makes a sound, but releases no shot; it is a great jape, do you agree?
Wenn du vergessen hast die munition anzulegen, die waffe schiess, macht ein gerausch , aber gibt keinen schuss ab, es ist ein gross jape (I don’t know jape is in English ), sind Sie einverstanden?
[Фёдop Mихaйлoвич Дocтoeвcкий tier]
>Even if we suppose that all these calculations are entirely sound, that all the decisions taken during this past month are as clear as day. Even then I will not dare! In the end I'll crack!
Selbst wenn wir uns vorstellen dass alle die rechnungen ganz vernuenftig sind, alle die entscheidungen die in diesem letzen monat gemacht wurden, sind so deutlich als der Tag, selbst dann werde ich nicht wagen! Am ende werde ich knacken.

>He got to his feet, looked about in surprise, as if his coming here were also a cause for wonder, and made off towards T—Bridge
Er hat seine fuesse, er guckte herum vor ueberaschung, als ob seine ankunft hier waere auch eine ursache die man bewundert und er geht die bruecke an.

>He was pale, his eyes were burning, and every limb ached with exhaustion, but suddenly he seemed to be breathing more freely
Er war blass, seine augen brennen, und alle seine glieder taten weh vor erschoepfung, aber ploetzlich sein Atem sheinte lockerer.

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Another from old thread
[Maarten van Rossem tier]
This makes the car a relatively expensive and less efficient means of transport
Per capita, even Israel spends three times more on research and development
There is one aspect which makes The Netherlands absolutely unique: the Dutch own 19 million functioning bikes in total, that is to say 1.1 bikes per resident.
Das macht das Auto eher teurer und mit weniger effizienten mitteln zu transportieren per capita, selbst Israel gibt dreimal mehr aus an forschung und entwicklung. Es gibt einen Aspekt dessen macht holland ganz einzigartig: Die holander besitzen in gesamt 19 millionen fahrende fahrraede, das heist 1,1 fahraeder pro einwohner.

[Фёдop Mихaйлoвич Дocтoeвcкий tier]
>As if an abscess that had been developing all month on his heart had suddenly burst
Als ob ein abszess auf seienem herz der hat den ganzen monat entwickelt ist ploetzlich geplatzt worden
>He was free from this spell, from sorcery and charms, from evil delusion
Er ist endlisch frei von dem zauber, von der hexerei und charm, von boesen taeuschungen

>Subsequently, when he recalled this time and all that had happened to him during these days, minute by minute, point by point, mark by mark, he was always struck to a superstitious degree by a certain circumstance which,though in fact not all that extraordinary, had, he later felt, somehow predetermined his fate
Anschliessen er errinert sich an diese zeit und alle was ihm passiert ist waehrend dieser tagen, minute nach minute, punkt nach punkt, zeichen nach zeichen, er war immer beeindruckt auf einer abergläubischen ebene, durch einen bestimmten umstand dessen obwohl tatsaechlich nicht so außergewöhnlich war, hatte er spaeter empfindet, irgendwie das hat sein schicksall bestimmt.

please correct and kek if u will

are there any good digital Finnish dictionaries

American accents are kawaii

Is it a bad idea to start learning another language alongside studying Japanese? I've been learning jap for about a year and am considering picking up Finnish or Russian as well. I think that these languages are dissimilar enough that there's low chance of getting the different language rules mixed up in my head or whatever, but I'm a little wary of taking on two of the more difficult languages for English speakers at the same time.

check out lucas video on youtube from channel polyglot dream, on his advice on learning two at the same time

Okay am beginner and I've never done one of these before in German so I'm sure these are all wrong. no bully bitte

Hallo! Es freut mich, dich kennenzulernen.
Das Wetter ist wunderschön.
Wie geht es dir?
Aus welchem Teil Englands kommst du?
Am Wochenende gehe ich gerne Bowling, Anglen und Eis(skating?)
Ich mache zur Zeits nichts.
Um wie viel Uhr hast du im Morgen aufgewacht?

Es hat früher geregnet, deshalb werde ich zu Haus bleiben.
Hast du gestern über die Story in der Zeitung gehören?
Ich gehe jetzt, ich werde morgen mit dir reden.
Gehen Sie immer noch zum Restaurant, das du früher hast gesagt?
Nachdem du hast das gesprochen, ich möchte nicht mehr gehen.

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I've been learning danish for a few years, kinda dropped it lately, I guess I got into a stance where I can't get any better without living in Denmark.

>learning peninsular german dialect instead of real german

when will brainlets ever learn

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How does one learn a ““meme”” language that has little resources?

>What language are you learning?
Just started Hungarian.

Attached: hungarian_pepe.png (450x768, 51K)

>buy a dictionary online
>start reading

Spanish is pretty much the only language I know well that I don't speak with a particular accent.

Yeah, that's true, I was bored and was checking out duolingo, I don't remember exactly why I picked danish desu, but it was not difficult at all, and I learned some basic danish for real, I went on 2017 to Denmark and I could understand almost everything and also could communicate with danish people.

Any plans for Norway or Swedistan?

just started papiamento so I can have ladies like pic related

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not at all, maybe another meme language like Euskal

Except that there is no dictionary haha
Theres only like seven people left who speak it.
I have the grammar book though. It may be a little outdated, as it was written in the late 70s/early 80s

Hallo! Ich freue mich, dich kennen zu lernen.
Schönes Wetter heute!
Wie geht es?
Aus welchem Teil Englands kommst du?
Am Wochenende gehe ich gerne Bowling (?), Angeln und Schlittschuhlaufen.
Jetzt tue ich nichts.
Wann bist du heute Morgen aufgewacht?

Es hat früher geregnet, also denke ich, dass ich heute zu Hause bleiben werde.
Hast du von der Geschicht, die gestern in den Nachrichten war, gehören?
Jetzt gehe ich, also werde ich mit morgen dir reden.
Gehst du morgen noch in das Restaurant, das du zuvor erwähnt hast?
Naja, ich möchte nicht mehr gehen. (No idea how to say the first part of the sentence)

morgen mit dir*

what language is it?




>learning Finnish


>page 8
Sweden must be sleeping for a change

Jo etoy aprendiendo caribeño, lo mejol dialecto d'epañol. Aunque, creo que debería ser un idioma diferente, como 'lo dialecto' d'italia

Wow u must be really smart from becoming almost fluent just on duolingo

This serb's german is probably the best ive seen on 4 chan , very nice

I have some questions about learning new words.
About English: I've been learning English almost since elementary school, I seldom see a new word in the news or in something else that is for the commoner, however when I try to read any sophisticated works of fiction I see a lot of words which seem to be hapaxes. It feels like for any English adjective there are at least ten synonyms of French or Latin origin. How does one acquire knowledge of them, if you barely encounter them a couple of times in your whole life? Do you just brute force it in Anki, hoping that it will enter not only your passive vocabulary but active too? How does a native speaker do it?
About French: how does one remember the gender of a new word? There are no relations to gender of the word in your language and the shape of the word rarely tell which gender it has. Do you bruteforce it in Anki too?


hi, user. what language are you studying?

obviously chinese, what else?

absolutely not for making friends here

what's the appeal though? why no french, german, russian, etc?

I love realizing that I can listen to French radio and understand 80-90% of what they're saying now

they speak english anyway. Complete waste of time

too easy, and I don't want to talk to a bunch of arabs and africans

most of russia will be speaking chinese in 50 years anyway

you sound like a great guy to be around at parties

nice, im learning french too, how did you do it?

good night thread and sweet dreams to all of you

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What are some good TV shows I can watch in French that'll help with natural language acquisition? Something relatively easy to comprehend without English subtitles, but not completely boring either

>I don't want to talk to a bunch of arabs and africans
Most media in French is from France AFAIK. The overwhelming majority of literature in French is from France as well. Françafricains are numerous but don't have as much of a mark on French internet or media, from what I've seen.
I started studying in 7th grade but started getting more into it in high school. I read about grammar and the different tense-aspect-mood combinations bit by bit over time, then I started reading books and short stories in French to get a feel for the style and syntax of the language. I eventually worked my way up to watching French videos with subtitles, then without subtitles.

For news and some general culture I watch France24's stream on YouTube. I wouldn't know many French TV shows though.

That looks like a pretty good one, just subscribed

>Complete waste of time
absolutely. learning anything other than English is lol

Goodnight, Sweden ;p

>page 8

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listening comprehension is a struggle

How does one read (and type) Unicode characters from obscure meme languages like Avestan and Chakma?

At least in Canada, all movies come with a french dub/sub option on movies. What I do is put it in french dub with french subtitles and it's pretty GOAT for language acquisition. Just dub can be hard to follow

Which language?

I think some meme languages are covered, like Gothic.


Salut ! Enchanté.
Il fait si beau aujourd'hui !
Comment vas-tu ?
Tu viens d'où en Angleterre ?
En week-end j'aime aller jouer au bowling, pêcher et faire du patin à glace.
Je ne fais rien en ce moment.
À quelle heure tu t'es réveillé(e) aujourd'hui ?

>thiccer sentences
Il a plu plus tôt donc je crois que je vais rester dedans aujourd'hui.
T'es au courant sur cette nouvelle-là qui était dans le journal hier ?
Je vais y aller, alors je te parle demain !
Tu vais toujours à ce restaurant-là demain, celui que tu m'avais parlé plus tôt ?
Maintenant que tu dis ça, je pense que je ne veux plus y aller.

Page 9

What will we speak on Mars? Esperanto 2: Ayy Lmao Edition ?

Ich langweile mich, was ist zu machen?

hang out with us and listen to music

Was Musik?

anything to keep the thread going


gib Norwegian help


> Det her er kanskje ulovlig, det er slutta der.
> Ja, men ... det ???? plutselig så, foles det veldig som et innbrudd.
> Innbrudd? Du har jo nokkel. Du skal jo låse deg innbrudd ?????

Can't push myself to start learning a third language, wat do
Inb4 had German classes in school/started learning moon runes and gave up

Disney ist für Juden

I managed to pass Goethe A2 Prüfung using only Duolingo

何部のイングランド から来たのか。
>thiccer sentences

>he didn't listen to Let It Go in every language to decide which language to learn
lmao look at this dude


Why not come to Pawnee, Oklahoma? You can see the world’s largest Dick Tracy mural while you absorb the culture of the Pawnee people.


Attached: Jackson.jpg (1200x1385, 116K)

Bien joué

You can also watch ARTE.You have to download their app if there is a region lock just download a VPN their documentary are in French and there are subtitles, their most recent documentary is on XI Jinping. They also have a well made news network.
On geek culture : youtube.com/user/bitsartemagazine/videos

French movies :
I know mostly old stuff, recent French movies don't seem very good.
Belmondo's movies are usually good action movies, I would recommend Le profesionnel and Le magnifique to start :
youtube.com/watch?v=OA67o29fnGk (A spy get sold by his government and decide to comeback to get his revenge)
youtube.com/watch?v=cly4X01y3Yk (A loser writes Erotic action novel for girls but he is so tired of how cheesy it is and decides to ruin it)

Louis de Funès is considered comedy pic in France but he can be very bad I only recommend Rabbit Jacob and Oscar :
youtube.com/watch?v=wLwHaK86DsM (Jow Forums has to pretend he is jewish or else he get killed, mostly funny cause you can't do many of these jokes nowadays)
youtube.com/watch?v=GVMwIawdN9E (Quiproquo the movie, usually it's such a tired cliché but this movie does it so well that it works)

Stand up comedy :
Coluche : youtube.com/watch?v=gus0b8Z-Ez8
A classic for French


Youtube channels :
AVGN but in French and more funny : youtube.com/channel/UC_yP2DpIgs5Y1uWC0T03Chw
Short animation clips of historical massacres : youtube.com/channel/UCLbgxBMMEo6mAYe87esxGmg
Makes fun of boomer marketing : youtube.com/channel/UCAiy7bY8nTQCWrkSRh6Wu9w
Makes fun of SJWS : youtube.com/channel/UC_i-uMpN1lEyuoUGDq-dajQ/videos
Funny sketchs : youtube.com/playlist?list=PL76oDTZ7imia7B0GGeosHtIz_vpQZxby7
T'es au courant de*
Tu vas* celui dont tu m'avais parléé plus tôt*

Tu es très bon en Français, bravo.

These are actually really good links, exactly what I wanted. Thanks!

>was ist zu machen?

Lern vielleicht mal vernünftiges Deutsch.

TV series :
Kaamelott with Palmashow is the most funny thing on tv these recent years, the subtitles are absolute garbage.

French literature :
Would need it's own thread. Can still provide stuff if you need.

Recent good French movie :
Jean dujardin's movies are usually good :
youtube.com/watch?v=2S9Z901FL0k (''dude capitalism'' the message of the movie is old and edgy but it's very well made and full of good ideas)
youtube.com/watch?v=dw0tlOdn5Mc (Same actor, makes fun of the James bond and French smugness archetype)
youtube.com/watch?v=AELNPQcR6lE (Typical copVSmafia movie, forgettable but well made)

Old French musique :
Aznavour, nicknamed the French sinatra, good lyrics and good voice :

Stromae catchy, okay lyrics :

Brassens, largely inaccessible to non French speakers because he is more a comic-poet than a singer, the best of French writting but hard to understand even for a French, mostly talks about sex, his most famous song is about a guy getting fucked by a gorilla :

Brel, more musical, good lyrics :

Johnny Hallyday, did someone say boomer music ?

French techno :
N'to is very good but no lyrics

Renaud, far left singer very engaged lyrics but has some good words and catchy music (for French songs) :

There are more things in recent music but I don't really listen to it and now it's lots of nigger stuff, still some okayish stuff left tho.

>page 7

help me sempai

I'm also an En/Ru speaker and I'm learning Spanish right now. Not terribly difficult and plenty useful


is this German right?

Was ist das beste Gebäude in Deutschland?

Made breakfast so I was busy, but here it is
>Det kanskje egentlig e ulovlig dette her, ser du det?
>Ja, men du vet jo det, plutselig så... plutselig bara veldig som et innbrudd
>Innbrudd? Du har jo nökkel. Du ska jo låse, du gjör ikke innbrudd, det er klart

Tricky slurring in this one from Sigurd desu


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what did you eat for breakfast? was it traditional Swedish food?

Nah, just cup noodles today 2bh
Didn't have the ingredients nor energy to make anything more interesting. Should probably go grocery shopping later to restock my pantry tho.

Attached: thonks.png (112x112, 17K)

I ate KFC today, fried chicken and coleslaw, later I will eat mashed potatoes and gravy

sometimes I pretend I am a Norwegian and eat traditional Norwegian foods like scrambled eggs and organic yogurt

>traditional Norwegian foods like scrambled eggs and organic yogurt

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irgendwelche shisha-bar in berlin

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