I have recently learned something about Argentina that puts me at a great unease

I have recently learned something about Argentina that puts me at a great unease.

They have a concept called the Escrache. The word comes from the english "Scratch".

Escrache means a public female humiliation. It's when a group of female decide to accuse a man of rape or sexual harassment.

The Argentina females band together and denounce him for his crimes.

Example :

>A teenage boy killed himself after an escrache.

>Feminist street protests accused him of rape during an escrache. The woman who started the escrache was a friend who later confessed to wanting revenge.


What THE FUCK Argentina ?

Attached: shutterstock_446725087-Argentina-flag.jpg (1920x1200, 335K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ikr? It’s fucking sickening. False rape claims should be paid with incarceration.

Argentina is a radical feminist country

Another example.

Baby Etchecopar is a famous radio host. He argues feminists are crazy. He was prosecuted by the Buenos Aeres Attorney General and sentenced to 5 months of mandatory feminism.

He must invite feminism on his show, let them talk, never interrupt them, and never criticize them or their ideas. If he breaks this, he will be jailed.


And Baby was also targeted by an ESCRACHE attack on the streets :


What is going Argentina ?

poor boy

Attached: 1541932246347.jpg (619x453, 28K)

False rape claims should carry the same prison time as rape. They do as much damage in terms of ruining lives.


>Students from Comandante Luis Piedrabuena High School in the City of Rio Grande have a achived an ESCRACHE in fronts of parents.

They have finally admitted that they have targeted their male professor because they wanted revenge

The issue started during a class debate on the issue of gender. Students were joined by members of the Tierra Del Fuego University and local feminists movements.


>be falsely accused of rape
>life ruined
>you have nothing to lose
>kys instead of enjoying yourself doing that you are being accused of and worse

It's doesn't work that way for females.
Thanks feminism.

Jail time just for a lie is plain stupid, you'd need to raise the penalties for every other offense or crime you brainlet

Blue-haired landwhale or cuck?

It's not a lie about your weight or an excuse to miss a dinner with your mother-in-law, it's a lie that can ruin someone's life, you stupid fuck, it's an accusation of the most heinous crime in front of society.

Thank God Bolsonaro is a self-proclaimed anti-feminist

How bout punishing it with rape instead?

kys muslim rapist

Go read a book ignorant

No estoy de acuerdo

Yo odio el acoso sexual y por supuesto, hay problemas con mas de 60% de los hombre aquí.

Sin embargo, en países dónde las mujeres tienen los mismos derechos legales, el feminismo es una ideologia peligrosa y un gran negocio

Ah, the classical leftist retard phrase. No surprise here.

The Argentinian we have here are kind of faggy. But I didn't though stuff like that happened there

quedate hay hasam,no vuelvas aqui

that is not how it happened.

The girl wanted to make a "prank" on his friend during a feminist demonstration. As they were calling out men who have raped women, suddenly the kid heard his full name. Of course the kid felt like shit and ran away scared. The whole thing was untrue, of course

The dude became depressed and started posting and sharing depressing messages on normiebook saying how he felt completely dissapointed and that his life was destroyed.

Later on, the girl came out publicly saying it was only a joke and the he never crossed the line with her, but it was too late. The kid was extremely depressed after seeing his piblic reputation crumbling and decided to take his own life.

Finally, his mother, a deranged femminist, came out on the newspaper and social media "ranting" about his son's death. Rather than blaming the femminists for the false accusations, she almost justified them and instead made it look as if it was her own son and the patriarchy the culprits. It's a pretty fucked up story

>Si para capturar a miles de violadores tenemos que escrachar a unos cuantos pibes “inocentes” (aún si se suicidaran) pues es un precio a pagar. Se sacrifica una vida para salvar muchas, muchas, las cuales, son más valiosas.


muerte a loa h*mbroides

Your insanity will never fit in here, this site's culture is at odd with feminazi leftist insanity, your kind is mocked here. And copying our slang only makes it more cringy.

If i have my life ruined because of false accusation, i would slaughter the roastie, the judge, the journalist slandering me in this order or die trying.
And then, i would simply leave and start a farm in a third world country, living a frugal life.

>abusing the justice system to deliberately harm somebody and ruin their life
>a lie
I guess a doctor telling people to drink poison would be just a lie too

You can always sue back

You've got it wrong achmed, "escrache" is when a person (male or female) is publicaly exposed, it might or not include protests or just be in the media, the escraches can be against sexual molesters, politicians, abusers, etc


>a normal person can afford to sue somebody
nice meme

I guess your advice to poors is to "just stop being poor" too.

You dont have free lawyers for poor people there?

>Escrachar Etchecopar
sounds legit

You have free lawyers for civil cases?

Pretty sure unless it's a criminal offense the state won't cover your legal expenses in most places. Which is my fucking point, false accusations should be a criminal offense prosecuted by the state just like theft, murder, arson, jaywalking etc, not shoehorned in with shit like slander.

This guy gets it kek

Yes, for both criminal and civil cases if you cant afford one

>a bullshit story is presented as a true fact on Jow Forums

depends on the details, for example making a false police report is a crime. otherwise it is just defamation, libel or slander or whatever.

South America has feminism? I always thought hitting your wife was like saying hello there because everyone pretends to be as macho as possible.

Argentina is quite possibly the most feminist country on earth.
a lot of the problems they complain about are most definitely real, but liberal feminism is fucking retarded and I hate it.


That's no way to talk to your brother, omar.

el lenguaje inclusivo es para plural
pedazo de inútil.

>saggy boobs angry grimace rabbit teeth. jpg
i was literally shaken when i first saw that pic of an angry feminist protesting. it was so scary. someone said it was argentina.

pedece de inutile*

They don't like men who try to protect a church :



And now look at how they defend abortion.


I'm not kidding when I'm saying Argentinan women are extreme.

yeah i know the one, they were yelling at the congress building I think

to be fair the Argentine northwest is populated by non humans, both feminists and religious retards.

And how harshly is it punished? The law should reflect the fact that a woman can easily ruin a man's life by nothing more than the accusation, not just waste a few hours of government time.
Well that's not the case everywhere. And there's also the question of how likely you are to succeed.

what is even going on in the northwest? nothingness, dusty towns and coal mines?

good question, no idea, probably a misdemeanor, not harsh at all. but i guess most people here would file a lawsuit for libel and go that route since they stand no chance in the criminal court. but a lot of times they can win in the civil court.

la unica iglesia que ilumina es la que arde

the entire landscape is reddish
there's a lot of indians and mestizos
the whole area is very, very poor, because they don't give politicians enough votes so the government doesn't give a fuck about them
local governments are run by the same people for decades and basically exploit them
rural Argentina is rather religious
what you would call "white" people from there (we don't classify people like that) are retarded progressives, therefore liberal feminists

if it wasn't for the landscape and history it would be the worst place on earth excluding war zones and maybe some of those overcrowded asian shitholes

interesting. how would feminist movements thrive in rural areas full of conservative religious people. that's odd.

What's wrong with that?

Time to cancel your netflix subscription bro

He'a probably talking about the berber invasions to spain for 800 years

also the word itself doesn't come from english, it comes from the genovese dialect