Are you ok with this?

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No, Central Europe is a meme spawned by German imperialism

it looks better but russia is not european


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No, I can only wish to be Southern European, otherwise I'm a bydlo living under hot climate conditions

Why do people always group spain with Italy and Greece?

why not

No, Poland and Slovakia is definitely Eastern Europe.

This guy gets it

>Tfw too Eastern for Westerners
>Tfw too Western for Easterners
>Tfw to Southern for Northerners
>Tfw to Northern for Southerners
Life is suffering

Yes and no.
The Balts are eastern European, yes, but you should keep OP's central European countries as is.

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You're eastern all right but not european


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Fixed for real.

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To me there's only Western Europe, slavs and Scandinavia

Slovenia is Central European, too.

this, greeks even sound kinda like spaniards

Poles the likes calling themselves central Europe is literally a meme. They only say it because they don't want to be in eastern Europe even though literally everybody consider Poland for an example eastern Europe.

But were Catholic/Proddy.
We use the normal alphabet.
We have connections to Germany.

Also Indo-Niggers are as Europeans as Finno-ugrics.


this is more accurate

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tfw part of the (((west)))

poles are catholic and therefore western/central

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Remove the whole west europe concept and call that central, move Polan to east.

surely Ireland and the UK should at least be west

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nice one

I like this post
>Central European

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It is fucking NOT though. You are just a dumb retard.

Found the Slovenian slavshit leeching off the Dutch people

It kinda is though. There is very little difference between central and western culture. It is more of a geographical thing


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>Alsace Lorraine
>A D M I T T I N G

Anyone who thinks p*Land wasn't the epitome of eastern "European" is deluded

Fxd 4u

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Central Europe doesn't exist culturally. Countries like Germany have more cultural ties to western countries like Luxembourg or the Netherlands than Poland. You're Eastern Europe through and through.

balts are northern, or at least estonia is
estonia is so fucking based i love estonia

Poland is the reason people don't want to be called eastern European.
If Poland wasn't eastern European, being eastern European would be nothing to be ashamed about.
Since Poland is eastern though, it still is very unfortunate to be eastern European.



>Germany vs Poland and the rest
hence all the clashes

Central European is that austro-hungarian mixing pot

Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy are the only real southern Europeans.

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>mixing the baltic with beautiful spain, portugal, italy and greece

Fuck Europe, man

No, we are not you dumb fucktard. We are central European, and Central Europe does exist. Oh, and daily reminder than Krauts only have their country unified due to Branderburgian-slavic-Prussians, not some fucking Nordniggers. Nice try doe Pierre.

Fuck you

France is definitely in Western Europe.

You are eastern European.

You are eastern European.

no, we are eastern european and thats a good thing

You are eastern European.

meditarean, I think it's cultural thing.

we are either central or north, eastern no, Lithuania as geographical center of Europe can chose.


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if it's the geographical center north is not a choice

finally, something that makes sense.

yeah, kind of central, but Germany is very keen on having this title and we are not yet ready for war, in few years though.

No, we are Central European you nigger.

No, we are Central E.

Poland is not eastern European, and Krautniggers are the reason people don't want to be called European.

>Geographical center of Europe
Random ass islands in the arctic, and frozen tundra in Russia dont exist.

The centre of Europe is somewhere around the czech republic.

if anything it's Greece the odd one, Spain and Italy are the most similar

>You are eastern European.

an interesting take

are you colorblind user?

You are eastern European.

>geographical center of Europe
Your eyes must be fucked.

You are eastern European.

You are eastern European.

Czech is more like political or cultural, but geographical and geological is Lithuania.

You are eastern European.

if Poland isn't in it, we're fine, but not pleased.

central if you want to put us with Poland, we'll fight Germany if needs be.

No, you're literally eastern European. Poland as well for that matter.

You are eastern European.

Polska - Eastern Europe
Baltic - Eastern Europe

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if with Poland, no and that means war. We will take the title of Central and make Poland south.

We aren't part of Europe we just anchored here to start some shit.

You are Eastern European

Where is Donegal?

Fuck off.
FUCK off.

Baltshits are Eastern Europe. With Poooland it could be debatable.
But what's more "Eastern European" than being part of the soviet union?


>With Poooland it could be debatable
No it's not. You're 100% Easterb Europe.

Based and truth

cringe and lies

whatever just take me to scandinavia and out of this gypoid hellhole

It's certainly not geographically correct, as parts of the mainland UK are further North than the whole of Denmark, Latvia & Lithuania.

Can't be based on economics as the Baltics are poor by European standards and Scandinavia is super rich.

It can't be religious or linguistic, as France and Spain are Catholic countries speaking romance languages, whilst the Netherlands & UK are heavily Protestant and speak Germanic languages.

I'm stumped desu

just accept it, easternbros

Poland is Central European, you nigger.

Youre a gook that speaks a language mutually intelligble with gooks in Russia like Khanty

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its stupid for a retarded anglo like you

they're divided by clusters

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go back to glorious rumania radu

cry me a river.

central, take Poland as Central, them we can be eastern.

You are Eastern European

We are Central E.

You are Eastern European