France has fallen

France has fallen

Attached: Paris.jpg (1024x1024, 151K)

The whole of Europe is

>one black guy in the picture
>France has fallen!

It is our fault. We removed the man that warned of the Jew destroying Europe with finance and corruption.

Of all the wars, our (((Media))) insist on telling us THAT was somehow the greatest generation and heros. Gentiles killing gentiles is, in their mind, the best kind of goy.

I wonder if the spics that replace us will be as happy to die for Israel.

they all look french to me

Attached: 1566378574387.jpg (626x563, 79K)

My GF really wants us to go to Paris next year, how do I talk her out of it?


Almost three centuries ago*

tell her that you are a beta cuck afraid of brown people, her pussy will get so dry she wont want to go with you anywhere