Would you rather be GERMAN or FRENCH?

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Unironically German


I’d rather be Northern Italian tbqh


German of course


German because half of the fr*nch population is black.

Is this a question on the new African EU entry form?

Won't matter soon because they will be the same country


this. We're the middle ground

me? I am Frankish

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Je veux être le français

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German of course. I'm a car guy and I'm really jealous of their autobahns. German cars are extremely nice to drive fast, but if you do so here you might lose your license like I did. And it's not just the cars, Germany is a really nice country, I love the culture, foods, beers, all of it


UK too, muslim lover


You mean Turkish or Algerian

I would rather kill myself


Our Father.

theyre basically the same

at least their language sound manly and they're respected instead of being saw as LE EPIC GAY SURRENDER KEK XDD everytime


I'd prefer to be French
If not able then German(turk)

German because I'd be white.

German, I would rather have my head cut off slowly with a rusty fork than be fr*nch


Well, at least french turns girls on

Don't let stupid Jow Forums memes make you hate your own culture

Pedantic genocidal drone vs. fashion-obsessed metrosexual bimbo

That's a tough choice. I'd prefer not to.

German. Frenches are too butthurt and arrogant at the same time.

Pathetic, have some pride you soggy little ape.

I would prefer death over both

French, im not a pathetic Jow Forumstard memelord

French, if i was german i'd just end it

Hard to choose. Germany has better economy, but French language sounds much better.


German of course

French, im not a pathetic Jow Forumstard memelord

Friendship ended with Greece

no pls

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Wouldn't want to be a kraut desu
I'm a failure but that's not because of my country, France is unironically great


Probably French. Germany looks depressing as hell.

France has Europe's largest black population
France has Europe's largest Muslim population
France has Europe's largest Jewish population
France has Europe's largest gypsy population
France has Europe's largest French population

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And Krautniggers arent"t? Let me show you this beautiful post by your fellow countryman:

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Based & ally pilled

So you'd feel at home

France is a mutt country and it's beautiful

All I want is a snow-white Gallic lady with dark brown hair, blue eyes and a hairy pussy to fill with English seed

Send some over, Jean-Luc-Clement

It also has the largest br*tish community

Based as fuck, Louis.

and you have it's 2nd largest population of blacks and jews

>France has Europe's largest black population
>France has Europe's largest Muslim population
>France has Europe's largest Jewish population

And they manage to no kill each others most of the time. Isn't that beautiful?

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A country without Jews is basically a non-country.

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das rite

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>all those german answers
fuck Jow Forums

Cause they don't know what germans really are like

t. works in tourism

Sober and common sense pilled

Easily German.
Don't get me wrong, l dislike them as much l dislike the French, but at least l would have a better life in Germany if l would ever lived there.


I like it here and i dont think my life would have been better in france

>I dislike them as much l dislike the French
fuck sh*talians

What's wrong frenchie?

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I will punch you in the stomach then you will cry loudly then I will masturbate to the sound of your sorrow


Italian because they aren't massive faggots


wtf after this reading this I love France now

yea that's because you're a real man, not some wannabe tough guy like those Italian shitposters who can only feel masculine when they're behind their cheap keyboard, lmao

>being this pathetic

German, and I used to be patriotic.

shit, coming from an *talian, I feel deeply insulted

I was a nationalist not so long ago but now, I wouldn't say that I hate this country but I dislike it. So Germany by default.