Won a green card lottery

>won a green card lottery
>have to decide whether to stay/go until the end of the month

Should I start a new life in America, anons?

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are you white?

isn't Belgium first world country already. Why move to mutt land.

They pay the highest taxes in the world, i'm not exaggerating.

Bring an FAL

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yes, we are

I just decide to add some adventure to my life

yes, I'm whitoid

one of the consequences of living in the land of chocolate.

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Do you have a job? What is your field? Are you in education? What do you want to do in the future? Have you been to the US before?

Are you retarded going to an alien land?
99% of the US is shit and uninhabitable, stay in belgium where you will have a much greater quality of life than living with aliens.

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Will be a big change, but change can be good. Where you planning to go?

>Do you have a job?
>What is your field?
>Are you in education?
no, I was suspended from the uni 2 years ago
>What do you want to do in the future?
I dunno
>Have you been to the US before?
yes, 3 days in Boston and 1 day in NYC during my trip to Canada

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Give the green card to me instead

Do I actually have a chance of getting a green card if I'm studying Information engineering (aka IT)?

It's not in my plans moving to the US but I'm rather curious about it. I don't know how the green card lottery works at all.


it's totally random

yeah, probably stole this unique opportunity from some dude like you

So to get a greencard that means you have a marriage lined up? How did you arrange that.

high education applicants have a good chance of getting in, OP was just really lucky as he doesn't have any beneficial education or work experience to help him get approved.

Can you keep your Belgian citizenship if you go?

How old are you, do you prefer city life or nature, do you want to go to uni? You should probably stay in Belgium then because uni is incredibly expensive here, you need a car to go anywhere, minimum wage is not liveable and rent is insane. I'm actually choosing to study in the Netherlands or UK because I cannot afford uni and I can't afford a car so I'm trapped in my shitty suburbia. If you do go to the US you should only live in cities, suburbs are hell and make you depressed.

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no, dumbass
read this:


Yes he can. His oppurtunity is permanent residence not citizenship. He would need to stay 5 years for citizenship. But even if he got US citizenship he can keep his Belgian citizenship.

You'll be a second class person in the US without education. If you're only going to flip burgers for minimum wage you might as well stay home.

If you are a twink pls come to Kansas and we can be twink bfs

I work a shitty $7.25 an hour job and after taxes its really $5 an hour. And average apartment in my boring surburbia is $1300 a month, not including utilities. Plus I have to pay for gas, health insurance, car insurance etc. Uni is $30k a year here, I could take a loan but then I'd be in debt forever.

There's plenty of trade jobs here that require little to no education, but they're labor intensive.

pls no bully

I'm thinking of a "greencard marriage" which was someone getting citizenship via marriage.

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what the fuck, where do you live? Minimum wage here is $12.50 and bottom of the barrel rent here is $600/month

>it's totally random

wow, I still don't get why do they do this but it's ok, I don't complain.

> high education applicants have a good chance of getting in

Sounds cool tqbh.

>OP was just really lucky as he doesn't have any beneficial education or work experience to help him get approved.

Doesn't sound like a cool immigration tbqh. What's the difference between OP and a random guy with no studies from, let's say, Mexico? If I were the president of America, I'd like that my country received the best qualified people.

This. Most of the US is not walkable and theres no public transit, unless you live in Boston or NYC but then your rent would be like $2000 a month. Studying in uni is super expensive but if he wanted to he wouldn't even need a green card he could apply for a student visa

>what's the difference between him and a Mexican?
Whites have a higher chance of getting in. Also his chances of getting in were extremely low.

university isn't the only option, he could go to a community college.

You should come :3
Most Europeans who come here like it

Its all taxed anyway, my friend in Boston earns $12 an hour but their taxes are super high so its $8 after taxes. Rent for a one room apartment would be around $1300 a month which is standard. I roomed with weirdos from Craigslist paying $700 living in the hood and they stole my money and I always heard them talking, fucking, partying, burping, screaming and never cleaned after themselves

Community college is for retards and he could save much more money studying in Belgium. He'd most likely need to get a drivers license, buy a car, car insurance, gas, repairs, to drive himself to community college because you NEED a car in America

Noooooooo americans said they pay no taxes and rent is free americans are rich!!!!

Americans know deep inside that the quality of life is much lower here than in Europe but they try to deny it to make themselves feel better

Then why not take it? Would be convenient to have even if you don't want to stay in the US long term

You can only be away from the US for 2 years before your green card is revoked

I live in a republikek area with extremely low life expenses but also live in one of the most liberal states in the country. So our wages are high and average rent here is ~$850

The truth is a painful pill. Even here healthcare is universal and we're poor retards. They put lasers in my eyes because i didn't like wearing glasses and it costs me about 3 euro for the snacks I bought in the waiting room

Middle class Americans are rich though, idk what he's talking about.

based on the replies you've given itt i'd say just go and try to man up

Then why can't they afford to build the wall

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Because the wall is expensive and pointless

Which state is comfy, like good old america not urban city life?


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Middle class Americans live an allusion of wealth but they are actually very deep in debt. Morgage, gas, car insurance, car loan,, health insurance, student loans, and with kids its even much much more. My mom got in a car accident and was in the ambulence for only 20 minutes and after insurance the bill was $35k. And you see many people begging on Gofundme because they cant afford their health bills

Colorado is supposedly very free and the most American state.

>35k after insurance
Ambulance isn't even 35k on it's own, nevertheless after insurance.
>deep debt
That's not because they have shit wages, it's because Americans don't know how to save money and they want everything right now so they finance.


I'm tempted.. to just go away from this country and buy a ranch in colorado. Imagine that.

>good old america
Like the West you mean? You could find that even in California. Settle in a small town on the Sierra Nevada and live like that until you decide to come down from the mountains.

Colorado is also very expensive because everybody wants to live there

I mean freedom to live life as you want to, liberty. But i dont want a very multicultural area so i guess it doesnt matter anyways

Its the happiest and slimmest state with lots of beautiful nature

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Ok, you're a loser. Feel free to not come here.

i've heard there's a movement of crazy right wing christian conservatives moving to idaho and surrounding areas

Norway is so expensive that he will either be used to it already, or the prices are even lower than in Norway.

Every western US state has what you want desu. Rich people buy up these ranches in the middle of nowhere and larp as cowboys all of the time.

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Dont know then. Their education is shit tier and you will have a shitty job without education. Why not come at my uni? :) For French and Belgian citizens its cheaper than other international students and you could probably pay like 5000 to 6000 at most for a year of education. The Same shit would cost over 20k in the u*a

But how's the people there?

That's been happening since the 80's. There was a standoff between the FBI and some secessionists in Idaho back in the 90's.

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Belgian uni is like 800 euros. American top unis are elite tier and youre guarented a super rich life with connections with the elite. Going to an Ivy League, Stanford, MIT is like a title of nobility

Life is shit here unless you're rich. You'd be better off staying in Europe.

Very friendly and mind their own business mostly unless you decide to live in a small town where everybody gossips about each other

See, this is why i dont wanna go to america. It is a federalized nightmare. Nah, i'll stay here and hold unto the little folk culture we have left, maybe move up north.

You won’t make it in my homeland

Low population density and friendly whites

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They were evading their court dates and prison time.

God no.

If you earn minimum wage, you don't pay any income taxes. You get it all back when you file.
Also I live in Boston and 1300 is significantly less than average

Lol i actually think its the opposite, i think states rights is retarded and its so dumb how each state has its own laws, like if you fuck a 16 year old in one state youre a sex offender but in another its ok, weed is ok in one but you will go to prison in another, some states abolished bail bonds some if you cant pay the bond fee you rot months in jail until trial

>unemployed with 0 skill set
stay in your welfare state

You still get taxed with other stuff like FICA, social security, federal income tax, look at a paystub

Come here

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are you a sex offender

I would if I was alone, but I have a big family that I'm not going to leave. I just have to make do with Norwegian nature and I hunt as a hobby, it's not a bad life over here.

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But can i enter USA if i got a sentence for drunk driving?

thanks for invitation my francophone brother

I speak 4 languages almost fluently and I also have my own boxrec page

No but America has very retarded laws. There was a recent caze where an 18 year old Austrian guy flew to Florida to meet his e-gf who bought a fake birth certificate saying shes 16 but she was actually 15. They had sex in their airbnb and the police found her and arrested him for child rape. He got beat up in jail and his bail bond was $200,000. It was huge news in Austria. A rich Austrian donated to bail him out but he was still stuck in the US until the trial and court bullshit. He only recently returned home back to Austria with the charges dropped, and he flew to the US in June. His name is Leo Simetzburger.

It was also interesting comparing how the US and Austrian media reported it. The US media depicted him as an evil pedophile rapist and neglected to mention that she bought a fake birth certificate. The Austrian media had empathy for him, saying it was teenagers in love, that she lied her age, how it was a tragedy.

language speaking means nothing in the US we have 100 million immigrants if I wanted an indian punjabi i could find one in 20 minutes

Sure but a person making minimum wage would be saving a lot since they don't need to pay for healthcare or even groceries

Yeah, my co-workers are an Algerian and a Moroccan who speak Berber, Standard Arabic, Darija, French, and English. We work at McDonalds.

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What are you talking about? Like Medicaid and food stamps? I applied and got rejected

USA is where nations go to die

Me irl

based america
fuck european pedos

Speaking Darija and Berber is literally useless though
Darija isnt even a language its just a weird form of Arabic

Belgium is a superior country to USA, I'd say stay there. I'd move there if I had a chance to.

No my Egyptian co worker cannof understand any Darija, look up comparisons online its a different language. Its ony considered the same for geo-politcal reasons.

Mexican consent age is 12


Massachusetts has MassHealth which you automatically have when you make less than 30k and you should reapply for food stamps. I used to work in social services and sometimes it takes multiple applications

Why would anyone come to this shit country? I guarantee you probably have a better chance in your country than this dystopian shithole.

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Don't come here. You'll make more money, sure, but your quality of life will decrease and your descendants will become mutted and culturless within one generation.

I live in New Hampshire. How do I get disability benefits

Literally this. My parents are immigrants from Ukraine but never taught me the language and I never been to Ukraine. Im basically a cultureless White American with a weird last name.

There are large cities but there is tons of untamed wildlife

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Show them your address and they will assume you are mentally handicapped.
But honestly just apply asap unless you can prove you've been unable to work for up to the past year and qualify for retroactive back pay