Are there any perks to being a Mexican American?
Are there any perks to being a Mexican American?
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Depends how much money your parents make
tfw CHI in college, I hate it. It's full of whitoids telling me that Jesus is bad and that trannies are good.
That’s what you get for going to a college in California
being able to get along with every race. whites and blacks dont get along but get along fine with hispanics, and asians dont get along with anyone, even other asians, except for based hispanics. some of my best friends dont even speak english, just spanish. they're so friendly we dont even need to understand each other. truly the greatest people in the world.
This. Being a social chameleon is a good perk
but this is the PNW
This. I could say "what's up my nigga" to my black friends and hang out with the nerdy wh*Tes like it was nothing
Of course there are. You're the biggest contributor to the mutt-factory and thus will eventually turn the US into a fully spanish+halfspanish country
Also your people make for over 40% of the population in certain states so you can feel at home while doing so.
You can say the n word
Tfw gay chi in califas
Literally the same thing
>tfw CHI
>tfw my black friends gave me a nigga pass
>tfw my wh*Te friends are too pussy to say it
How do you guys do with women? I’ve never seen a chi with dating outside their own ethnicity
People are mostly friendly to us. We dont have problems with all other races.
If you are 100% European heritage mexican, you can be mexican shapeshifter where you can be white or hispanic depending on what benefits most.
Dated a chinese/filipina, she turned into a huge SJW and kept trying to make me feel guilty for everything. I flirted with a blonde girl at a coffee shop the other day.
I'm a Jow Forums Castizo, so I do alright. Where I live it's like 90% hispanic. Most of the women who give me attention are fellow Castizas or med girls, but I've had Anglo girls crush on me. Never asked one out, though, on account of my social retardation.
Guilty for what exactly?
this is 100% me, and bc i'm Catholic i don't believe, in killing babies, fags marrying, and trannies. The whitoid can't stop me.
Blonde green eyed mexicans are the first to say we wuz aztecs and rep mexican pride
For not being a gay, disabled, muslim refugee. And bc I hated niggers
I've had a wh*te girl feel up my sides in the middle of the street and lock arms with me when I didn't even know her
>Blonde green eyed chicanos
All white looking mexicans call themselves European
I thought it was only Puerto Ricans who could get away with this?
I’ve personally never had any luck with anyone though I really can’t tell you why. However not all other CHIs don’t really have this problem
Dominicans too.
Cholos have a cool sense of masculine style.
No they don't
All latinos can, black or brown we all are brothers
Right. I figured only east coast brown bois get the nigga pass.
I don't know about that. I grew up in a mostly Mexican town and they did not care for the pinche mayates or get along well at all.
A decent life.
Press F for the qt CHI cop, killed by a wh*toid in california the other day
I've had people try to start shit with me for no reason but I've also had plenty of good friends. All in all, a decent life so far
Pretty easy to make friends.
Perks of being non-white while in reality being closest non-whites to whites due to Iberian/European blood.
Perfect candidate for the military, police, and other government jobs.
Chip on your shoulder is good motivation.
Attract women naturally. Especially latinas. Even the ugliest dude can still have a hot Mexican gf.
You can be your own man and yourself. No one will tell you you are too white or you don't have to listen to white people when they tell you to think a certain way and be PC.
Your prone to violence will make you good at mma and boxing.
I feel attracted to that flag, pls tell story behind this pic
This chi has a black mom but looks southern Mexican. There are blacker people in Veracruz, Oaxaca, and even Guerrero.
But when you out two groups of people in the same area they don't get along. European diaspora clicked up and did the same. Also too much gang and hood nigga shit goes on. Not even black people in America get along with other black people if look at Chicago for starters. Blacks in Latin countries are also much better integrated into Latin culture so much so they are Latino first and black second.
cops in america call themselves "the thin blue line" between criminals and normal citizens. That flag is an extremely boomer muh cops thing, so boomer that it reminds me me of like turkish nationalism or bolsonaro, just a new and powerful level of boomer. Except this time it isn't funny because the girl was murdered and she was probably a nice person