Fuck the english """"""language""""
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Are you learning Engrish or what
Thought is pronounced more like "thot"
Your "though" is the worst, it sounds like you are saying go but that may just be because of the audio quality.
Try "taught" next.
That's what you get for being multiple languages in 1.
Gets worse with there, they're, their.
Check out this video
>Words that are spelt different sound different
wow wtf I hate English now
Also the th sound in "thought" and "though" are different.
it's so inferior peoples such as yourself forever carry the accent of being a savage native
More like 'What If English Were Phonetically Consistent Within a Specific Accent and Baseless Consistencies'. You could make heaps of different versions.
English is grate irregardless of its quirks
every language has something to make it a pain
English has its spelling
Japanese has its writing system
Chinese has its tones
>mutt mongrels can't comprehend the glory that is English
Absolute STATE you filthy fucking mutts
That's only the perspective of English excepting the spelling, which is easy for us. Chinese will find the Japanese writing system fairly easy as they use much more characters than Japan does (Japanese should use more but they continuously simplify and use fewer). And there are native speakers of tonal languages or similar. Chinese writing is harder than tones for almost everyone, anyway.
In learning a language that is conceptually and mentally removed from yours, the hardest part is simply interpreting it correctly. For an English speaker learning Japanese that applies to the mentality and grammar, but also to interpreting the writing (would be easier if they used more characters but Japs can't even keep up with what they've got now, some believe they shouldn't use Kanji, so that's not happening).
you forgot trough too
morir to die
morar to dwell
morada dwelling
morado purple
Fuck you too mate
Very cute want to be my bf?
it's thawt
English is a nasty amalgamation of Germanic and Latin. Not glorious.
based Australian man
You don't sound Japanese
Heal heel heel
Red read
Lead lead
What's the difference?
I felt difficult to learn English
I think English langunage is devil language...
Japanese is very easy.....
I can't understand English...
Not in Australian.
Of course it's true. Japanese got two sets of on'yomi along with your native kun'yomi, which kun'yomi varies depending on meaning.
Chinese do have multi-pronunciation characters, but most of the differences are small. (Not include those cause by simplification)
As I thought....
>Chinese do have multi-pronunciation characters, but most of the differences are small. (Not include those cause by simplification)
I'm interest Chinese grammar so I was going to learn Chinese.
However, I can't understand....