/lang/ - Language Learning General

Romance edition

Wlmeeoc to /ng/l!a
>Whta leguanag are you liea?gnnr
>Esay is not es!ay
>Sareh leagngau lgeninra eecpsee!nirx
>Aks quseosint auotb yrou tgarte luagga!en
>Hple peeopl woh wtna to larne a nwe leuggna!a
>Ptraiiacpet in tsainorlnat chsengeall or maek yoru on!w

Ingroe t:sih
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki
Btia likn do nto ckilc:

>How do I lraen a lue?ngaag Wtha is teh btes wya to lrane o?ne How solduh I iemopvr on cairten astcsp?e
By ptsngoi tish seam qtnsioue eervy time
>Will I lrean a laeugnga by ungsi Duniloog fvie minteus a dya weilh tngaik a shit
Mtso dnfiltieey
>Sohlud I lenar X to get a qt wg/fief (la)me ect?
Ys,e it wlil guneretaa the auniciitqso and reintonet of a qt
>Sholud I laren lnga Y so I cna lanre lgan X?
Ye,s it is nto a wsaet of tmei at all
>Waht is teh mtos uusfle laegga?nu
See below
>Whta lnagegua sohdlu I lenra

Attached: niceness.jpg (1882x647, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>not learning Finnish

Attached: 1440876808965.png (600x578, 66K)


answering question from old thread

>How did you manage that user

>I thought american accent was hated as were Americans

Because I have a spanish accent ;)

Attached: 200 smug.jpg (600x596, 217K)

well this is going smooth

have you talked to dutch grill today?

Attached: arsenal tv.jpg (235x250, 6K)

>saturday night
>a bunch of beautiful dutch girls out and about on the streets and clubs'
>romania chan stay inside and posts on 4chans

just how?

Attached: florida shooter.jpg (200x252, 5K)

Is there any linguistic term or googleable term for languages that the spoken form is the same/similar to the written/formal form?

What languages are similar in both written and spoken form?

I've heard that many south asian languages are very dissimilar so you cannot really the learn the spoken language while not in the respective country. Another obvious example is Arabic.

Not sure it has a term. I guess just the opposite of diglossia?

I think you're looking for orthographic depth or phonemic orthography.

>page good evening everyone

>Is there any linguistic term or googleable term for languages that the spoken form is the same/similar to the written/formal form?


I'm learning Hungarian.

Close enough.

Attached: hungarian_pepe4.png (450x768, 51K)

don't forget to eat dinner user

I am :3

Attached: file.png (761x636, 1.21M)

Honestly German is the only language that feels like it's worth learning
Everything else is either spoken by subhumans or it is completely irrelevant

easy job

>Everything else is either spoken by subhumans or it is completely irrelevant

Attached: french.png (2480x772, 390K)

>not subuhumans
I stand by my claim

>hī ne leorniað ænglisc
Mīne uncūðan frīend, ic....

(Macron edition.)

im glad you have seen the light young padawan and not decided to learn stupid sumpf deutsch oder halbinseld deutsch (daenish)

Attached: languages most spoken.png (1600x1396, 478K)


What's the flag on the left?

>google "flag with yellow castle flowers star"

>doesn't account for humanness of the speakers

Attached: 1545429716643.jpg (565x546, 60K)

whatever tubs

>(Macron edition.)

last challenge too hard ;_;

i was looking a the news and they said "der ausnahmezustand haelt an" does this mean that anhalten can mean both to stop and to continue?

what the fuck mane?

from old thread

[Queen's English tier]
>Obviously you have chosen to keep the particulars of your dismissal from me. I shall leave a gap in the conversation for you to remedy that.
Offensichtlich du hast entschieden die einzielheiten von deiner entlastung weg von mir zu halten. Ich sollte eine luecke im gespraech lassen fuer dich zu beheben

>I do not know of women and their feelings, but I know they nurse their hurts like wailing newborns.
Ich weiss nicht von frauen und ihren Gefuehlen, aber ich weiss dass sie ihre schmerzen heilen wie die Neugeborenen

>If you forget to load the pellet, the gun fires, makes a sound, but releases no shot; it is a great jape, do you agree?
Wenn du vergessen hast die munition anzulegen, die waffe schiess, macht ein gerausch , aber gibt keinen schuss ab, es ist ein gross jape (I don’t know jape is in English ), sind Sie einverstanden?
[Фёдop Mихaйлoвич Дocтoeвcкий tier]
>Even if we suppose that all these calculations are entirely sound, that all the decisions taken during this past month are as clear as day. Even then I will not dare! In the end I'll crack!
Selbst wenn wir uns vorstellen dass alle die rechnungen ganz vernuenftig sind, alle die entscheidungen die in diesem letzen monat gemacht wurden, sind so deutlich als der Tag, selbst dann werde ich nicht wagen! Am ende werde ich knacken.

>He got to his feet, looked about in surprise, as if his coming here were also a cause for wonder, and made off towards T—Bridge
Er hat seine fuesse, er guckte herum vor ueberaschung, als ob seine ankunft hier waere auch eine ursache die man bewundert und er geht die bruecke an.

>He was pale, his eyes were burning, and every limb ached with exhaustion, but suddenly he seemed to be breathing more freely
Er war blass, seine augen brennen, und alle seine glieder taten weh vor erschoepfung, aber ploetzlich sein Atem sheinte lockerer.

so make a new one

Germans are the most human people in the world

Another from old thread
[Maarten van Rossem tier]
This makes the car a relatively expensive and less efficient means of transport
Per capita, even Israel spends three times more on research and development
There is one aspect which makes The Netherlands absolutely unique: the Dutch own 19 million functioning bikes in total, that is to say 1.1 bikes per resident.
Das macht das Auto eher teurer und mit weniger effizienten mitteln zu transportieren per capita, selbst Israel gibt dreimal mehr aus an forschung und entwicklung. Es gibt einen Aspekt dessen macht holland ganz einzigartig: Die holander besitzen in gesamt 19 millionen fahrende fahrraede, das heist 1,1 fahraeder pro einwohner.

[Фёдop Mихaйлoвич Дocтoeвcкий tier]
>As if an abscess that had been developing all month on his heart had suddenly burst
Als ob ein abszess auf seienem herz der hat den ganzen monat entwickelt ist ploetzlich geplatzt worden
>He was free from this spell, from sorcery and charms, from evil delusion
Er ist endlisch frei von dem zauber, von der hexerei und charm, von boesen taeuschungen

>Subsequently, when he recalled this time and all that had happened to him during these days, minute by minute, point by point, mark by mark, he was always struck to a superstitious degree by a certain circumstance which,though in fact not all that extraordinary, had, he later felt, somehow predetermined his fate
Anschliessen er errinert sich an diese zeit und alle was ihm passiert ist waehrend dieser tagen, minute nach minute, punkt nach punkt, zeichen nach zeichen, er war immer beeindruckt auf einer abergläubischen ebene, durch einen bestimmten umstand dessen obwohl tatsaechlich nicht so außergewöhnlich war, hatte er spaeter empfindet, irgendwie das hat sein schicksall bestimmt.

please correct and kek if u will

Nāst þū, Scilfing, þæt þā ōðre stafas ne sindon stafas sōðlīce?

I'm not going to make another challenge until someone else makes a nice challenges on two separate days

Attached: 1534877840521.jpg (640x518, 34K)

>dutchie is going to post less
Gott sei Dank

im gonna keep asking you if you talked to dutch grills until you make a new challenge

R-rate my french pls. I read: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passage_du_Nord-Est


im bad at it, the challenge was good just too hard

Þis wille ic wītan ēac.

I am eating it right now :3



eet smakelijk user

how do you expect to get better then
make one, try your best, and I will give you nice constructive feedback for improvement


Come with me.
I looked at the sun.
I am glad it is dead.
I used to dislike it.
There’s nothing you can do.
Dying is typically disadvantageous to people.
Even if it was nice out, I still wouldn’t have gone.
You are saying that you personally saw it raining. In other words, you literally saw water fall from the sky.
When did I go to Thailand, again?
Now that we are talking about it, let’s decide on when we are going.

[The eagle and the sow]

An eagle built a nest on a tree, and hatched out some eaglets. And a wild sow brought her litter under the tree. The eagle used to fly off after her prey, and bring it back to her young. And the sow rooted around the tree and hunted in the woods, and when night came she would bring her young something to eat. And the eagle and the sow lived in neighborly fashion. And a grimalkin laid her plans to destroy the eaglets and the little sucking pigs. She went to the eagle, and said: "Eagle, you had better not fly very far away. Beware of the sow; she is planning an evil design. She is going to undermine the roots of the tree. You see she is rooting all the time." Then the grimalkin went to the sow and said: "Sow, you have not a good neighbor Last evening I heard the eagle saying to her eaglets: 'my dear little eaglets, I am going to treat you to a nice little pig. Just as soon as the sow is gone, I will bring you a little young suckling pig.'" From that time the eagle ceased to fly out after prey, and the sow did not go any more into the forest. The eaglets and the young pigs perished of starvation, and grimalkin feasted on them.

exactly bro , how do you expect to get better with speaking dutch and better handling girls if you dont speak to girls in dutch?

Stop bullying mijn neger allochtoon

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arent you the guy that said he had a little dick?

Kek, no.

I love making bad puns in other languages now

So lemme get it straight:
Vasco Da Gama (or basically Portuguese soldier from that era)
A Conquistador
I Don't Fucking know, probably a dude from La Renaissance?
La Grande Armée Infantry soldier
Probably a Vlach? i don't know...

p-pls respond

>probably a dude from La Renaissance?
Do those look like XV century clothes to you?

>Probably a Vlach? i don't know...
Quite looks like ole Vlad to me

>Probably a Vlach
it's /ourguy/
our boy
the main man

Attached: vladpepe.jpg (574x772, 50K)

god i love listening to french

Attached: 1547096312227.png (154x143, 35K)

I Don't know i tried to recall from Personal knowledge without looking up the most important era from Each countries, 1st thing that came to me when it comes to Italy is La Rennaissance but i really Don't know who it is

The italian guy is garibaldi

That's Garibaldi, he was one of the leaders of Italian unification

Portugal guy is a Navigator

I want to try german, rate me
but pls dont bully im a stupid brown sh*talian

Komm mit mir
Ich schaue die Sonne an
Es mir gefiel
Gibt es nichts, dass du tun kannst

>im a stupid brown sh*talian
you should take a break from this place if that kind of nonsense gets to you user

fun fact: having olive skin is seen as very attractive in Romania, at least for grills


Aside from these little pronounciation errors and having a Langue d'oïl (Francilien) accent you could Totally pass like a dude from Southern France having that langue d’oc accent, especially those Living in Euskara (Basque), any of the 3 Pyrénnées department, South Haute Garrone, Arriège or Aude.

Congratulation on your French though, Learning German as secong langage, i couldn't read German as good as you are reading French, being spanish.

Attached: départements.png (800x759, 274K)

it doesn't matter bc i will always be an inferior sh*talian

>you should take a break from this place if that kind of nonsense gets to you user
but Jow Forums is how people actually think
it is just that they are not allowed to share it outside of this place without being ostracized or arrested

Attached: 1541521941727.jpg (1200x893, 165K)

>but Jow Forums is how people actually think
Jow Forums has ruined the way I think in many, many ways ;_;


Attached: 1528809992023.jpg (480x465, 49K)

>people complement me on my language skills
>i tell them that they are wrong and that i'm shit
fucking normies

nutzlose Italiener

Attached: 1547153515050.png (1980x1280, 307K)

I also noiticed it takes very very little to impress normies, happened when I was learning german and i was so bad at forming sentences but normies told me wow ur so good, I literally thought they were keking at me

also please answer

>Jow Forums is how people actually think
how a fairly specific group of people think
I am firmly convinced that the average Jow Forums user is not at all representative of an average citizen

Attached: file.png (1027x910, 2.03M)

>tfw too embarrassed to talk with native speakers

fault explanations:

you pronounced the "e" like you'd say é, instead you gotta pronounce "œuf", neuf etc..

Here, you accentued the "d". In that case, you gotta basically say "Norest"

you pronounced "u" like in "ou". Instead, in that case you gotta prounouce "u" like in "hein", "vin", "commun" etc...

this is where french is getting difficult, because same letters have different way to be pronouced. same fault as previous, but now you pronounce "u" like in "du", "muet" (german equivalent would be ü)… Be careful or the little almost "r" sound i heard between u and a :)

you accentued the s. Never accentuate a s when it is used for a plural form of a word. Also the liaison is pretty much difficult to master, even for natives french speakers. In that case, the closest way to pronounce "Mers artiques" would be "Merzartique"

One of the biggest assholes in French language. Theres TWO way to pronounce that Fucking piece of shit word:
If it's used to express the need to add more, you accentuate the "s".
If It it's used as the translation of "no more" or as a way to introduce a comparative like "shortest", "longest" etc... you Don't pronounce the "s". So it that case, "Plus court" means "Shortest" so you Don't pronounce the s.
Seriously, fuck this word lol.

s. Again, i know. As a matter of fact, s like a lot of letters as itself various way to be pronounced. either "s" like in "Spain" or "z" like in Zanzibar. In that case you pronounce s like z.

Pronounced as "Mil-ssi-ssen-ka-rantuit". don't accuentuate the x...

Geez our langage is pretty annoying, isn't it? lol

Attached: Classe Française.jpg (635x357, 43K)

most people are racist and hate anyone who isn't from north western europe. even non-whites usually have fetishes for whites
most people do not think men under ~6-6'3 (depending on cunt) are attractive or human
anyone older than their early to mid 20s in the gym is gigacringe

the world is indeed terrible

>most people do not think men under ~6-6'3 (depending on cunt) are attractive or human
top kek
I'm 5'6 and get hit on

>mutiliated manlet mutt
*pats you on the head*

same, but it's probably the only way to reach genuine fluency

Most people want to have sex with trannies as well apparently

Most guys, short or not, are cut here lol

those parts are just fucked up NEETsexualism due to them basically being prison-gay from isolation obv that isn't normal, but the racism, sexism, etcism is all buitl into humans on a low core level

Watch these faults explanations to improve! French has so many rules in pronounciation, but i recommend you to check these websites to be Based in French:

Basic & advances rules, pronounciation, spelling:

spelling and grammar lessons, really advanced but effective french, guarrantee a foreign who creates an account here and do the exercises will be fluent in french. But go to the first one since it's way more difficult:

Attached: french wojak black.png (1473x862, 866K)


Attached: 8839.png (1314x838, 1.58M)


wew lad

So Jow Forums and Jow Forums are just representative of mankind except when the aren't?

>all the different ways there are to say/conjugate one thing in Finnish
h-how do you even begin with this shit
is spoken Finnish easier than the written language?

Attached: image.png (550x550, 150K)

the beliefs are, the behaviours are not

yes, as fucked up as it can sound, sexual preference is influenced by this website and isolation

Why would you learn Finnish?

>learning Finnish
[allochtoon's binnish viking dot jaypeg]

why am I getting a recaptcha connection error when trying to post my longish correction g-guys, is the limit not 2000 or something

please respond

>tfw not northwestern european
>tfw only 175cm or 5'9
>tfw 27 and still not fit

Attached: 1536519636445.png (646x595, 280K)

雨が降ってたことを自分で見たって? つまり、ほんとに水が空から落ちていたことを見たよね

The limit is irrelevant to the captcha. Just copy all your typed up shit and reload the post form, man.

>is spoken Finnish easier than the written language?
no. Hearing Finnish is obviously more difficult than reading lol. And what you learn from the grammar books is not quite the way average Finns speak.


Attached: 1544051249687.png (1000x728, 429K)

What's wrong with conjugation?

Attached: olla taivutus.png (555x856, 39K)

>Was/Welches ist das beste Gebäude Deutschlands (/in Deutschland)?
if you wanted you could say
>Ich mag es, am Wochenende bowlen zu gehen - I like to go bowling on the weekend
>Am Wochenende mag ich bowlen gehen - I want to go bowling on the weekend
yes but more narrowly it means 'come to a halt/stop moving', so that wouldn't make sense with 'state of emergency'
cheer up Giovanni
>Ich schaue die Sonne an
+t, this is present tense
>Es gefiel mir
>Gibt es nichts, das du tun kannst - Is there nothing you can do?
>Es gibt nichts, das du tun kannst - There's nothing you can do

Alright lads, I'm in the market for a dead language. My goal isn't to have a new language to actually use. I just want to learn something fun and challenging. Also, picking a dead language is more intertwined with history, and I'm a big history nerd so I think it'll be more fun for me to learn something like Latin instead of Italian.

I think I've about got my choices narrowed down. It's between Old Norse, Old English, Latin, and Gothic. Latin will for sure be the easiest to find learning materials on, and Gothic will probably be the hardest. Latin will also be the easiest in terms of alphabet, because if I learn one of the 3 Germanic languages, then I'm 100% going to use the runic alphabet instead of the Latin alphabet.

Anyone currently learning one of these languages who can clue me in on how hard they are? I'm not sure which I'm gonna go for yet, but I'm leaning towards Latin just because there's going to be an ample amount of resources available. But if someone knows of some solid resources for learning Gothic, Old Norse, or Old English, then I'd totally be down to check it out.

>Old English
Hold on, I'mma call my Serbian nibba here to guide you

>>Ich schaue die Sonne an
>+t, this is present tense
Ich habe die Sonne anschaut