That 30yo manlet boomer who drinks a liter of milk everyday thinking hes gonna grow

Attached: 456789123.png (584x555, 117K)

>business & finance

The projection has gotten so bad that people are literally just telling us their life story at this point


What's a liter a cola

I'm tired of this low quality shitposting.
>Huh, better make a thr3ad about my shitty genetics on biz XD memes ftw :D

He even edited the image to more closely resemble himself.

Test test mods are gay
hitler did nothing wrong


I kekked out loud at this. The sad thing is that OP probably didn't do this on purpose, rather he did so subconsciously.

Attached: 123154687.png (233x216, 7K)

>search Jow Forums boomer meme
>scroll down
>image comes up
>decide to use it to change things up

got the image from this link

>watching a 30 year old manlet boomer cope this hard
just sad

Sure thing, buddy

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>that 30yo manlet boomer manchild that still cites his sources because he never matured past highschool

if you haven't noticed that's what the boomer meme is about

Attached: 00A3568C-B4E6-4C76-A46F-AC6DE85B2555.jpg (1200x788, 123K)

cope this one struck a nerve with you huh

Don't worry little guy biz still loves you.

Attached: 20180623_155256.png (500x521, 267K)

>drinking pasteurized crap """milk"""
>eliminating all of the beneficial bacterial colonies that were the only fucking reason human beings drank milk to begin with
Raw or GTFO

u ok buddy?

we're seeing levels of cope thought to be impossible until now


I get banned for posting threads about thot milk farming, OP posts this shit and mods allow it