Just went all in LINK


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Single or double digit (iq)?


Large Marketcap, huge supply, and already obsolete with IOTAs filling it’s niche, sorry

How does it feel to make it?

unironically triple digits taking some of the hardest math courses you can take

If it isn't modern algebraic geometry, it's not really hard. Also, math doesn't require a high iq.

haven't made it yet. I was holding other stuff like BTC and ETH and OMG as well as LINK. I realized that I wasn't going to get rich that way. So I decided to put everything into LINK and be a top holder. Either I'm uber rich and i can focus on being an academic, or I'll be a normal academic who's happy either way.

I should rob this nigga for shilling LINK.

Yes I'm at one of the world's top math departments. unironically of course

Me unironically going buy link @ 2800

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Has depression begun to set in? Do you already feel like killing yourself?

Nice one.

How big is your stack?


>math doesn't require a high iq.

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You kept saying LINK is a scam though

I hope you're a nigger, cuz you're gonna need to cash some welfare checks

How big is stack

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why are you so confident in LINK? when will it moon?

Link is taking fkn forever to moon


Maybe I'll invest when it does a x2 or x3 from now.

Is 0.5 LINK enough to make it?

why not wait til end of year when people are market selling realizing we are still months away from main net?

>t. Triggered brainlet who thinks he's smart for understanding basic abstract algebra

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If you will be satisfied with $500,000 a year from now.

6 figures

It’ll moon in next 2 years if at all. What’s the rush?

how much will it be in two years? $100?

At least $20. That’s 111x. Don’t count on $100 but I think that’s possible. Always use conservative estimates.

kek says so

What was the get for

try 100sats

I think $100 EOY 2020 is pretty reasonable

based on what reasonable estimates?

I'm assuming that:
>2020 Bullrun
>Mainnet is out, and marketing has begn (will happen well before then)
>smart contracts have gained some sort of adoption

It would equate to a $35 Billion market cap at current circulation, which is a pretty fair estimate imo. I'm also estimating a $2 Trillion market cap by 2020 mimimum. I hope I'm being clear enough, a lot of these numbers kinda float around my head

>Total supply = 1 billon.
Hey guys, this erc20 token called link will be around 20 to 100 bucks in 2 years. Trust me, I am very smart!

I think it’ll probably be a $35 billion+ marketcap. Let’s say crypto is going to be 20 trillion next run up. Okay divide that in half to be conservative. So 10 trillion. Why 10 trillion? Aside from money, it’s an overall financial revolution. What industries make up finance? It certainly includes Insurance, credit, not to mention general banking transaparency (something that could have prevented 2008.

Okay so, 10 trillion. What’s half a percent of a 10 trillion? 50 billion. So if you believe LINK FUD, you’re telling me the security of and acces to data for the biggest change in finance in centuries wouldn’t be worth

If you think because “1 billion magic tokens” LINK can not be valuable.... well you wouldn’t have thought “21 million magic bitcoin” would have been valuable. Fallacious thinking. Refine it.

Only 35% is circulating, and the majority will likely be staked.

Yeah, this is another way you can look at it. The WEF estimates an $8 Trillion crypto market cap by 2025-2027. My personal estimates are $100 EOY 2020 and $500 EOY 2025. I might be a bit high on the latter estimate though

Lmao. There's no way you aren't AB, you shitposting piece of shit.

this is very clear...i was actually thinking the samething that smart contract would be mainstream and Chainlink might possibly be the key to that

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data is the new oil.

but stock market is $25 trillion and this took 25 years. i doubt crypto will be $10 trillion by 2020...maybe $3 trillion

A few things:
The global stock market is much higher than 18 trillion. Also, within crypto we have mirroring of almost every function of traditional finance. Not only
Do we have financial services, we have general services... Taxis, supply chain, consumer goods...

I’m a fan of old school systems programming. C and Unix. One of my favourite books is the classic “K&R”. In it, it is said that every program is more or less the following

Open the file
Read the file’s data into memory
Do something with the data.

Let me ask you. How do you trust what is being being read into memory? If Blockchains are immutable, then wouldn’t it be a catastrophe if the data of any program could be faulty?

Every program needs proper data. Smart contacts need proper information on triggering events. What is programming if not a way to
a “plan a series of future events”.

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good to have you with us fellow /allin/ marine

Chainlink is the sensory system of the blockchain organism. We are investing in our demise.

>sensory system of the blockchain organism
Beautifully put. I know who you are.


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robots destroying all the humans to preserve the world


Na man we got laws against that...isn't Singularity (AGI) all about helping humans out using AI as a helper of the human race?

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Oh, cool. I ain't that guy but it's reassuring to see that there are other people who have had the idea.