Peruvian girls are ug

Peruvian girls are ug...

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She looks Indian

she most likely owns a toilet tho

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Man, you are logged in google.

They are ok

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Lmao we will just leave it at that

Ha ha ha
Very Fucking funny and completely original retard

Enjoy your shitting streets and polluted rivers curryball

BASED fucking Colombia bantz

Wish my GF from Bogota of 4 years and i didn’t break up :(

Whatever Zhang

Be careful who you call Zhang

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I love you rasheed

Can we get back to Latinas please?

bro, she got bored waiting for that juicy green card

The bullying against India is getting out of hand. It's not even funny anymore. Guys, it's time to stop.

god bless castizas

That hits too close to home senpai, ouch.

I actually did her whole application to our graduate program in the US. Paid for all her GRE tests too.

Found out she cheated and broke up with her three weeks after she moved here to be with me and get her Masters.

She never trusted me after I broke up with her halfway into our relationship because long distance was so difficult.

I forgive her, and she forgives me, but fuck it hurts.

Including proof I’ve been to Colombia, that’s a sash from Andres DC in Bogota


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callate indio

>Wish my GF from Bogota of 4 years and i didn’t break up :(
Why did you break up?

Wow... that kinda makes me feel sad now

that actually sucks man. I hope you can find someone who fills the void she left. Is she still in th states or did she return to colombia?


I totally destroyed her. We spent 10 months dating when she studied abroad at my university in US, spent another year or so long distance with me making it to Colombia to visit her for like 5 weeks after she went back. But I’m study Arabic and my International Affairs degree is mainly focused on the Middle East, so we didn’t see each other for awhile after that because I was either in the US or some god forsaken desert. LDR got way too difficult so I broke up with her ... was a huge mistake and she had a mental breakdown and started self-harming ... I eventually went back to Colombia, we got back together, dated another 2 years. I basically moved heaven and earth so she could come to my graduate school and found out she cheated 3 weeks after she moved here to be with me.

Fucking sucks man ... now i go to a tiny ass grad school and see her every fucking day and want to die.

Such is life though. I’m blessed to have seen as much of the world as I have, especially as an American. That’s why I’m always on Jow Forums

She actually changed my life ... thought I was going to law school for awhile and ended up choosing to get my Masters in International Affairs because of her ...

Lmao I should just kill myself

Bolivia > Chile > Peru

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She’s still in my tiny ass college town ... at my graduate program of like 90 people ...

We are both miserable as fuck now. We both regret what we did.

I’ve got a weird love / hate relationship with Colombia now. It was the first country I ever went to, and it was amazingly beautiful and her family was remarkably kind to me. I had never experienced that family dynamic because American families are so independent.

Now those memories are a beautiful kind of pain.

Long live Colombia, fuck all other Sudacas. U.S. should help Make Colombia Gran Colombia Again.

Jesus that’s fucking insane man

That white Brazilian user had a really hot Peruvian wife

I just typed out a long ass response to that which magically disappeared because I’m on mobile ... the gist of it was -

We may all be autists shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, but we unironicaly all have the capacity to change the world and make it a better place with the choices we make in our day to day lives.

I have suffered a great deal on this path, but I’m a better American and better human because of the pain and suffering I’ve dealt with the past few years.

I would NEVER have had the balls to go to the West Bank by myself, if it hadn’t been for this amazing woman from Bogota I dated for 4 years. Pic related.

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love you bro. hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel and emerge victorious from all these hardships you've been through

Te amo mucho hermano. I appreciate your kind words immensely.

Hope you know that theres atleast one gringo out there that knows there is soooooo much more to Colombia than Escobar and Cocaine ... I’ve actually cried before when talking to other Americans about Colombia and how much that stereotype pisses me off.

Here’s a picture of literally my most prized possession. My ex girlfriends Tía gave this to me on Christmas Eve at Monserrate in Bogota.

I don’t EVER leave home without it, and I’m not even religious. It just means so much to me.

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Bumping for Sudaca GF

Bros I want some brown booty in my life, what do

Find love in Colombia like I did.

Hope she doesn’t rip your heart out after 4 years though. Pic related.

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How would I even do that, though

Buy a cheap ass ticket to Cartagena, Colombia bro

Fortune favors the bold

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I don’t speak Español, though.

I only speak a little Spanish b/c I’m from Texas.

The brown girls worth dating all speak English anyway man. Don’t be scared, just go for it.

Thanks, I’ll do it one day, then.

Based lad

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This thread can not die

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