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First for qt ukranian refugees

nth for don't bully!

kys homo

make me daddy

>for qt ukranian refugees

Attached: findloveinukraine.jpg (460x300, 20K)

Likely it’ll happen in due course

/cum/ is shit. /brit/ is far better.

BAH haha

Then stay there

too fast, there is no possible for comfort talking. especially if your english isn't fluent. also there are many rude people. europeans like to bite each other. though what do you want? all history of europe is eternal war all against all.

At typically refers to a specific place, on refers to being on top of something, and in refers to inside something. Of course there's exceptions but that's the general rule. That's why you can say I'm on the street and in the street, but not at the street because the street is not a specific place. You can say I'm on 32nd street, or I'm at 32nd street, but not in 32nd street because you are not inside 32nd street. I'm at Jon's house means you are in the general area of his house backyard or inside.. I'm in Jon's house means you are inside his house. I'm on Jon's house means you are standing on top of his house.


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then fuck off over there you giant faggot

Really, it's considered that uki girls are very cute allegedly, but i wouldn't say this, really cute girls are actually rare here.

you gay

And this only refers to location. They have different uses for other things as you can see on the website I linked.

Thanks a lot. It's really good explanation.

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English is harder to learn coming from a Slavic language than it is for a Latin or Germanic language so don't worry too much

god is a woman


is she a pretty woman

Thank u, next

i get much delight of learning english, it's really very good hobby. i can speak with world and all those things.

depends on what religion we're talking about.
you're mexican so you're catholic almost certainly. In Catholicism and chrisianity at all god is called as father so he's man. But also you could be some pagan mayan or aztec in this case god could be woman, idk though which Gods mayans have.

We’re gonna go up the elevator to our hotel room and I’ll grab her ass.
She’ll push my hand away with a shy smile and a “tsk”. But this ass grab alone was enough to get her juices flowing after 9 months of celibacy.
Upon entering the room, taking off our shoes and placing the luggage in a corner I will then grab her dress as I am standing behind her and lift it over her arse. This will be followed by me pulling down her panties and almost simultaneously giving her a gentle push between the shoulder blades, making it clear to her that she should bend over in anticipation for my penis entering her vagina.
As she is standing there bent over with her arse exposed I quickly unzip my pants, whip the dick out and rub it on her wet puss a few times in order to moisten the tip before I finally push it inside and sex her up. It would only be a few strokes to get us both in the mood, after that we’d undress completely and move over to the bed.

Thoughts on this scenario?
It’s something I have been fantasizing over.
Not sure if an approach like this would be preferable over a more romantic kind of reunion sex that would involve some slow kissing and light foreplay.

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Oooh, muy loco empanadas despacito

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Puedes traducir el meme en ingles por favor?
no se 100% que lo dice
es el Slang latinX

am at the toilet at late 2 am haha

Jajaja pa k

Nigga it's almost 6 am. You drunk

>unironically living in Alaska

from that ass
i would make two tacos of shit

but with no onion because then my breath would smell Ajjajsjs

Didn’t know what bolla and asico was
Gracias señor taco

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cant sleep

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want to learn Arabic

Me too once I'm done with spanish

spanish is my first language but I forgot most of it when I moved here :c


the lombardi is coming home

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Had a very bad day today lads. I smashed a glass fishbowl with a plant in it on the ground. I punched a whiteboard on the way out of the house in anger.


reading blog of man who is traveller and travel around world thanks money he is given by strange people.
it looks like he write in his blog, folk i nedd money to get to China and spend month there. If everyone of you gave me 50-100 rubles (he's russian) it would cover all my expenses on it.
And people give him this money. Uhh, world is full of strange people.

I went to dinner by myself around 7 pm. Got on the phone & had a cry to my sister. Lol, had the police going around the street looking for me because I said tonight was going to be the night. Got to the highway barrier and once again I pussied the fuck out.


nevermind bud, it's nothing all will be alright.

Fight with a roo

They now want to give me the Prozac tonight. I said it's going to have to wait till tomorrow as I have a heated phone call to make in the morning.

Can't get him. Hans, what did he tell, he wanted to commit suicide?

thought i would try yank breakfast. found this american cafe diner place

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looks peng

it was really difficult to eat. That american bacon just shatters when you try to impale it on your fork and syrup and pancakes never goes with bacon in the UK

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Also I am sad because this afternoon it looks like my pocket pussy is falling apart. Stupid me flipped it inside out & left it in my bottom draw. I unflipped it today & there's a fucking hole at the top. And the vagina lips are a bit ripped. ;_;

good job tommy, you managed it.

Might put it on my Willy tonight & see if it's still useable. What a waste of $40. Although the experience of walking into a sex shop was worth it. Haha.

they gave me a lollipop when i left :^)

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was in toilet for over 50 mins but couldn't poop

americans eat too much meat

i've read problems with poo in the loo come from eating too much bread.

Heart rate was 131 bpm at 9 pm tonight.
Stress level was MAX.

He’s a crazy

That bacon looked over cooked af anyway

that's how americans have it, they think euro bacon is too soft and clammy

I just woke up lol

my home

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what is life like in this state?

Hmmm do they
That shit was just burnt to death imHo

extremely comfy

This is pretty interesting to see explicitly iterated, as an English speaker without much of a formal grammar education. Fuck the assholes that turned English class into 100% "literature interpretation"

>Fuck the assholes that turned English class into 100% "literature interpretation"
what do you mean by this fren?

Don’t know grammar
Only know how to speak

How can you know it without grammar living in not english speaking country? You can't move word if you don't know word order in sentence, tenses, constructions like as...as etc.

>How can you know it without grammar living in not english speaking country?
Video games and Jow Forums.

>Match with a 7/10 whose profile starts by talking about her love of 6 rappers I don't know because fuck rap
>Match with a 5/10 who likes hiking

Hello 5/10!

>tfw police just tried to force entry into the basement
There's now a fucking foot hole behind the door. Lol

it doesn't work, trust me. it's like we all listen to english in music and movies since childhood but there are no people who have learned english in this way.

Well I've seen a lot of people claim as much. I personally have almost no intellectual understanding of English, and can't articulate how it works. I just feel and do because it's what I've heard and read for my entire life.

>Fuck the assholes that turned English class into 100% "literature interpretation"
>what do you mean by this fren?

There were two main schools of thought in the world of English study. One preferred to study etymology and grammar, whereas the other was obsessed with interpretation of literature - that is to say, the kind of literature study where some blowhard schoolteacher/professor will say:
>"When Hemmingway said he looked past the blue curtains towards the hill, he was clearly referring to his wife's pregnant belly, and the blue curtains mean he was 'feeling blue' because his wife was about to get an abortion".
The interpretation people won out, so almost my entire English education consisted of the above bullshit. I find etymology and stuff pretty fascinating, but it's almost nowhere to be found in Western academia compared to literary interpretation, so my knowledge of the subject is almost entirely self-taught by necessity.

Another thing that helps is that they still teach grammar normally in French, and the grammatical rules of the French language are fairly similar to English, so I had to sort of transpose those rules that I was taught about French (also Latin and Greek) over to English, in order to infer how my own language works.

I'm pretty sure this lack of explicit English grammatical instruction is fairly normal across the Anglosphere.

Idk, I just acquired the language through media and all
obviously i took mandatory english classes at school for quite some time (almost a decade) and that helped, too. it set the foundation. without any formal education i don't think I would be able to speak it. otherwise all the weebs who spend their whole day watching dumb jap shit would be native speakers by now.
but looking at the level of english most of my friends are at and comparing it to mine it is quite obvious who only took classes and didn't use the language much outside of that context.
immersion is key!!

at the same time, i wouldn't be able to explain fuckall about german grammar to you. speaking and understanding how it works just comes naturally because it's the language i grew up with and my only mother tongue. what lies behind it all and how it works like that and why is a mystery to me.

I am in your debt for this song.


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you could put your pocket puss in it and fuck this hole

>God is a woman
>god is called as father so he's man

These are both wrong. God is the Holy Trinity, not merely the Father. In regards to God "being a woman", the Father and Son are clearly both masculine, but the Holy Spirit is neuter. If one wanted to really push into heretical territory, esoteric Kabbalah Judaism dictates that the Shekhinah (Jewish idea of the Holy Spirit) is actually the feminine aspect of the Godhead, and in this way a 'Judaized Trinity' could be more accurately described as Father, Son, and Mother. However, even then only one part of the three could remotely be considered womanly.

On the other hand, it is more likely that the media kikes pushing ideas such as these are simply trying to be subversive by declaring the archetypal Father is actually a Woman, which is an absurd proposition and not worthy of consideration.


Attached: Chile Bailando.webm (720x1280, 1.17M)

Imagine the smell

Forgot pic

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GOD is nonbinary and polyamoric

Hole is low to low to the ground.

if it were at waist height would you??


I told about people who aren't anglos. Ofc anglos know their native tongue without anything.
I got it. Well, method like that can't be accepted in learning russian, i guess, due to our commas. User should know grammar rules very well to use it properly.
sure, i told about same things. person need some grammar fundament for using english and only then increase vocabulary and other things.

Probably not haha. I shouldn't be making holes in the place here as this is an old home with asbestos in it. There's asbestos warning stickers are the place.

>I told about people who aren't anglos. Ofc anglos know their native tongue without anything.
I'm not an Anglo, but I'm just saying I can understand other people claiming to have learned English a certain way, because that is how I learned it.

>can't be accepted in learning russian, i guess, due to our commas
Is there something special about Russian commas?

its 5 am and i'm still awake haha... :c

its 7 am retard