/lang/ - Language Learning General - Sleepless Edition

I will never stop bumping :^)
(Thanks to the burger who made this pic btw)

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Will I learn a language by using Duolingo?
Use it as a supplement
>Should I learn X to get a qt wife?
Fix your personality
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn

Attached: Sleepless Sven.jpg (999x1071, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:


vorgesc moldovenesc


Pls someone help

I'm working on it

I snorted my milk out at the pic KEK

>>I see the moon
>>The moon is bright on clear nights
>>On clear nights, you can sometimes see the whole galaxy
>>Although there is a breathtaking universe outside, with millions of stars, with millions of questions, I rather stay inside and do a language challenge.

Serbia user, it's the guy learning Old English here. I finally got a chance to start trying to learn some stuff. Working on pronunciation first since knowing what a word looks like won't do me much good if I don't know how to actually say it.

As a side note, is there a way to get some of the Old English letters mapped to my keyboard? I've heard of using the Icelandic keyboard settings but I don't know if that has letters like wynn. Although I guess having some is better than having none of the letters mapped. Using the unicode for 2 or 3 letters is a hell of a lot better than using it for 10 or 15.

Someone help me too!!!!


> Du malst mich jetzt, ?????? böse.
> Mit ein bisschen Drucke ____ plötzlich doch.

What language do I learn?

Attached: uuuuuuuuhhhhh.jpg (640x640, 48K)

Use the layout creator if you're on Windows. I made one for runes and I just press Ctrl+Shift to switch, like this ᛌᛁᚱ᛬ᚦᚢ?

For special letters I use a custom userscript which adds shit to my quick reply window, which is not something everyone is capable of doing of course, so it's not very universal, but I'd collect the letters I want and make that keyboard layout. You could for example take unused keys and assign them special glyphs, like ƿ, so that you don't have to give up w or v for it.

Oh and he is sleeping btw, it's night time in Serbia. :^)

Attached: muh qr.png (465x435, 20K)

learn C++ and Java

Thanks, fren. Also, I figured he might be asleep.
Good thing Swedes never sleep apparently.

Attached: 902.jpg (680x544, 33K)

I can go more into detail in a few things if you want to, but you need to specify them for me in that case. I thought I'd translate the article into Swedish so you have something to compare with:

Vulkanen på Island: Askmolnet över Europa kan lätta upp för tillfället - enligt prognoser.

Nu när Grimsvotn-vulkanen på Island inte längre spyr upp aska förutspådde talesmän i onsdags försiktigt ett uppskov från askmolnet som tidigare stängt luftrum och höll kvar flygplan på marken under veckan i Storbritannien och i kontinentaleuropa.

I onsdags blev ungefär 450 flyg inställda i Tyskland på flygplatser i Bremen, Hamburg och Berlin.

Nu förvantar sig brittiska Meteorological Office minimalt med aska över Storbritannien och kontinentaleuropa de närmaste dagarna - goda nyheter för brittiska resande som har en röd dag (röd dag = national holiday) på måndag. Flygkontrollbyrån Eurocontrol säger också att det inte förväntar sig att molnet ska ha större påverkan på europeiskt luftrum på torsdag.

Men allt kan förändras om Grimsvotn vaknar igen vädermönstren förändras. British Geological Survey har frågat allmänheten om hjälp att övervaka spridningen av askmolnet genom att göra en onlineenkät och samla in prover.

Ed Daly, (övervaknings???, no idea)chef för iJet intelligent Risk Systems säger att vinkriktning och molnets partikelstorlek är avgörande för att uppskatta säkerhetsriskerna för flygplan och hur långa flygstörningarna blir. Till exempel var stoftet från Eyjafjallajökull i april 2010 mycket finkornigt och stannade i atmosfären under en lång tid. Askan från Grimsvotn är tyngre och når marken snabbare.

- Men det är för tidigt för att avgöra huruvida Grimsvotn kommer att störa trafiken lika mycket som Eyjafjallajökull gjorde, enligt Daly. Det utbrottet stängde Europas luftrum i fem dagar och strandade tusentals resande.

Are you insomniac?

Du är en robot

This is a reminder that you are bad if you try to describe pronunciation without using the IPA or phonological features.

And the last three:

Daly erbjuder dessa lärdomar från det senaste vulkanutbrottet:

* Köp en reseförsäkring som täcker inställda flyg.

* Ha med dig extra pengar, oavsett om det är genom ett kreditkort eller mer kontanter. På så sätt klarar du dig även om du tvingas vara borta längre än du förväntade dig.
Okay, so this is by no means perfect, and I'm not a professional article writer, but I hope you have something to compare to now and like I said, just ask me if there is something specific you want to have explained.

Thank you so much!!

Learning korean right now as my new year’s resolution. 12 days in

I’m already wondering why I’m even doing this and if korea’s really all that great


Isländsk vulkan: Askmolnet över Europa kan komma att lätta upp -- för tillfället, enligt prognoser.

När Islands vulkan Grímsvötn nu inte längre spyr aska förutspår man försiktigt ett uppskov från det askmoln som tidigare i veckan stängde luftrum och höll flygplan på mark i delar av Storbritannien och kontinentala Europa.

Tidigare i onsdags ställdes cirka 450 flygningar in i Tyskland vilket påverkar flygplatser i Bremen, Hamburg och Berlin.

British Meteorological Office förväntar sig nu minimal aska över Storbritannien och kontinentala Europa under de närmaste dagarna, goda nyheter för helgens brittiska resenärer då måndagen är en för dem nationell helgdag. Flygledningen Eurocontrol säger också att de inte förväntar sig att molnet ska ha någon stor inverkan på det europeiska luftrummet under torsdagen.

Men allt kan förändras om Grímsvötn vaknar till igen och vädermönsterna skiftar. British Geological Survey (this remains in English) har ombett allmänheten att hjälpa till med att övervaka askmolnets utbredning genom att genomgå en internetundersökning och samla in prover.


Ed Daly, övervakningschef för iJet Intelligent Risk Systems, säger att vindriktning och partikelstorlek är viktigt för att kunna fastställa säkerhetsrisker för flygplan och tidsramar för flygstörningar. Som ett exempel uppges att den finkorniga askan från Eyjafjallajökulls utbrott i april 2010 var lätt och höll sig kvar i atmosfären under en längre tid. Grímsvötns aska är tyngre och faller fortare till marken.

Men det är för tidigt, säger Daly, att avgöra om Grímsvötn kommer att bli lika störande som Eyjafjallajökull, vilken stängde ner Europas luftrum i fem dagar och strandsatte tusentals resenärer.

Daly kommer med följande lärdomar sedan det förra vulkanutbrottet:

--Köp en reseförsäkring som täcker inställda flyg.

--Ha extrapengar, oavset om det gäller höjd kreditgräns eller mer kontanter, utifall att du tvingas vara hemifrån längre än väntat.

I'll shoot the link to your post his way so he sees when he wakes up. B^)

No, I just marathon my days. :^)


Sorry for late replies, typed up that long ass translation for the Austrian lad.

Attached: mmmyeah.png (112x112, 19K)

thank you sooo much, lifesaver

Np lad
Why are you learning Swedish, or Basedish rather (^:, btw?

>Vidim mjesec
>Mjesec je svijetao na jasnim noćima
>Na jasnim noćima, ponekad možeš vidjeti cijelu galaksiju
>Iako ima veličanstven svemir vani, i milijuna zvijeda, i milijuna pitanja, rađe bih ostati unutra i raditi jezični izazov

Why is your resolution to learn Korean? It sounds like it's at the very least your own decision. Being able to commit to learning a language (in my philosophy) is largely grounded in a strong and lasting motivation that usually comes from wanting to experience something in the target lang. Could be a culture, people, family, love interests etc. Considering you're starting to doubt yourself less than two weeks in, try reevaluating what made you start in the first place. If you're not gonna do it wholeheartedly you might as well save the time for doing something you like instead.

why the fuck are you niggers still up

Should I learn the Swedish learning gang

For keeping the thread alive, of course. It is getting pretty late now though, so I'll let you take over för a few hours, okay? Good night!

Because I am the fabeled Sleepless Swede, tending to /lang/ when everyone's asleep, bumping it to keep it from falling off.

Yes (and the Discord server)

Attached: sunglasses.png (112x112, 19K)

>Thanks to the burger

Now please get to sleep, Sven :p

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whats the discord?

Is Swedish duolingo good? I thought lang said never do duolingo

Nah man, I am already sipping my caffeine water. I have some work to do anyway so I'll be here looking after the thread. :^)

Attached: Sweden.png (112x112, 36K)

duolingo is pretty good just don't use it as your sole resource and expect to get fluent. its very good for introduction.

Insomniac gang

basado en rojopillado

>Is Swedish duolingo good?
Not from what I've seen from it. Better to just look at the stuff in the OP archive.

Well, or some other learning platform. I don't use them so I can't tell if they're good or not. I learn via books and shit like an old school language nibba.

Post your tag and I can add you and PM you an invite. Server admins don't want public links for reasons. It's a chill place, so I recommend it, and people are always helpful if you ping them or their native language roles.

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You're too much lol

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based Swedesitting burger

Attached: kekpepe.jpg (128x128, 6K)

Tomorrow I'm visiting the dentist

Can I join?

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Out of curiosity, what language are you learning? And how common is it among Mongols to learn your neighboring countries' languages (i.e. Russian and Mandarin)?

Gonna need the numbers to add
Discord can't identify you with just the name or just the numbers, the friend adder needs both

Russian is compulsory for 3 years in middle school, English is our official second language. We have international schools pushing down their soft power agendas everywhere, it's the wild west here. French is sought after, German and Russian have very strong roots and Turkish is popular to the Mongolian Tirkish school attendees
There is a lot of english used in the modern day work environment, everyone needs to have at least B2 on the CEF scale to get hired much to their dismay
We also teach Mongolian traditional script to go along with the cryllic alphabet, calligraphy contests are very popular and everyone is reminiscent of their traditional culture and roots
English>Mongolian>Russian>German or french or turkish>everything else

I'm learning Japanese but I want to learn something closer to English. My friends recommended I study something Scandi related since my English is pretty concrete

My bad

>My friends recommended I study something Scandi related
based, join the Swedish gang

Attached: ez.png (112x112, 15K)

Chinese(preferrably Mandarin) is very popular too, it's somewhere as important as Russian

my ancestor

Added, link is in your PM.

Nani the fuck

>everyone needs to have at least B2 on the CEF scale to get hired much to their dismay
I take it that knowledge of English isn't very good then among the majority of the population?

How come you keep finding me everywhere, Caшa

Attached: butters.jpg (251x233, 5K)

currently learning polish but seems like that i am more attracted to the language of vikings... so should i just learn swedish?

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>should i just learn swedish

Everyone who picks it up in /lang/ either drops it or disappears. ;_;

Attached: what.png (112x112, 14K)

я никoгo нe иcкaл, пpocтo peдкий флaг нa нyлёвoй yвидeл
кcтaти, зaчeм yчить япoнcкий, ecли живёшь пoд бoкoм y китaйцeв...

Attached: _.jpg (980x551, 440K)

In terms of employability, English gets you the bucks E.g.: my job in IT

And yes, they speak little to no English, kinda ironic isn't it

how is mongolia?

My Russian is a bit rusty, sorry for butchering your beautiful language
Moя бaбyшкa из Япoний, пoэтoмy я дoлжeн изyчaть япoнcкий, чтoбы пoгoвopить c мoими дaльними poдcтвeнникaми...
Извинитe, я дoлжeн был пpинять вac зa дpyгoe

hvorfor skal du lære sv*nsk når du kan leære norsk?

Inget fel på svenska, sluta mobbas.

Attached: sad.png (112x112, 14K)

Beautiful in the summer, it's kind of cold right now

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живёт в япoнии или y тeбя кaким-тo oбpaзoм poдcтвeнники япoнцы?
в любoм cлyчae yдaчи в oбyчeнии, мoй aнцecтop...

At what folder can i find the swedish? I mean i could just try and found it on torrent for swe lang but idk maybe the packs in here is more complete?

>At what folder can i find the swedish?
There are 5 books in the OP archive. Check those out and see how far they get you.

Attached: swed.png (1642x957, 270K)

do u like living there



Mongolia is great and all that but our air pollution is the same as Delhi & we're fucked without some superpower intervention, public health wise
Nepotism and corruption gets old pretty fast

can i move there

As a citizen? We only accept 2 or 3 people per year and you have to get the presidential seal of approval to do that OR marry a chad mongolian to bang your skull out every night
As a non permanent resident or tourist? Yes!

do you know this band? if you know, just want o let you know... soon mongols will conquer everything again. soon brother

what the fuck is this video resolution

[spoiler]nice song, though[/spoiler]

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maybe i just need to drink the blood of the native speakers

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Yes, Mongol seal of approval to your patrician taste brother

why is mongolian citizenship so hard to get? can i bribe for it? find a qt mongol waifu?

wow so many langs

do you have a pet eagle or are you a sheep herder? do you live on the steppe?


is the link legit a virus or no

Attached: 1459952442138.jpg (236x350, 11K)

So i'm like half mongols now
can i get a citizenship?

Attached: 1513239326558.jpg (300x300, 24K)

DO NOT CLICK IT, it makes mustard gas

cringe and bluepilled
бaзиpaнo и чepвeнoхaпчeнo

legit vi-ruse

p-please just yes or no, i just want to learn

Attached: 1536727766283.jpg (588x870, 379K)

i wish

We are a very small countey blessed with land and we fear that we might lose our cultural identity if we take more immigrants in. Our main fear is the Chinese invading our economy, stealing our already saturated job market and leaving us alone with nothing but the worst jobs. Unemployment is very high as it is and the irrational fear we have of losing our cultural identity is the main motivator for these kinds of xenophobic rules. But the people here are very generous and giving to visitors, you'll be treated with the best of Mongolian hospitality if you happen to meet the best people in town.
visit the immigration office and get some info. The site should be in english. I'm sure immigration and the refugee situation(we have the same stance as magyars and polskis on the whole issue) are completely different, I've seen some burgers assimilate into the culture after they married qt3.14s and had children

Nibba, how are you gonna get a virus from a file host like MEGA? If there are malicious files there you still have to make the conscious to download them. But no, it's a joke.

I showed part of what's in the archive here if you care It's literally a HUEG archive with PDFs on a fuckton of languages, even obscure ones.

another day of sad-learning

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Dude I'm serious, all modern motherboards come with a mustard gas capsule (it's meant to be an anti-espionnage measure). The virus literally releases this mustard gas.

How can I get from B1 in Spanish (my current level) to B2?

>conscious to
*effort* should be there in between those words

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wtf there's americans there?

bruh lmao

also poland and hungary have EU rule so live here for 5 years and you get the citizenship. many ukrainians get it.

how many hours per day or per week should i be putting in if self learning

it's literally a file of ebooks and pdfs, stop being such a paranoid schizo