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Ce pula mea faci la ora asta, Ioane

voi ucide toți românii

Merg la examen. :)

Why did Bulgaria think it could win the Second Balkan War?

Am să fut toate rusoaicele
Dreptate pentru Basarabia

>Examen la ora asta, pe vremea asta

voi miresca aurul romanesc si voi construi statuia lui Stalin



Ai să mori de SIDA până atunci.

Vrei sa-l pic? :))

Bag pula in ea de scoala

Is la universitate, nu la gimnaziala. :>

Tot aia. Un*versitatea, l*ceul, si g*mnaziala imi sug pula. Nu ajuta nici una la nimic.

Yesterday I went to a psychiatrist and he diagnosed me with multiple personality disorder.

Ce studiezi goy?

so fyrombey goes to the psychiatrist, sashko gets the diagnosis and you post about it

Dude, look, I don't know who my other personalities are but I'M NOT FYROMBEY OR SASHKO.

sashko, fyrombey, kazansperg and anime-bey agree to meet in real life

only one person shows up :DDD

>Everyone attacks you simultaneously, when you've just lost a good chunk of the fighting age population wearing the brunt of the previous war
>'Why would you do that, bulgaria'

It was me and fyrombey and he chickened out I showed up he didn't.

i wonder why :D

cos our 300 IQ german prince declared war without telling his generals

fyrombey isn't even posting right now so this conversation is moot by design

what is this, lame bait january?

Based Ferdinand

It's just typical german animalic blood thirst. Our monarch was similarly aggressive.

A really really bad case of being a weeb.


This is legit. No fucking joke this guy lives in his own anime world, has 7 different anime accounts he made comment and like every tweet, and has everything in his life start with "anime" (ex: Anime Dad, Anime Mom, Anime Bro, Anime Teacher, etc.) and the best / worst part is that It's all fucking real. I suggest giving his YT and website a look.



why should we care about the mentally ill

Because laughing at them is fun.

laughing at easy targets is sports for losers

I've often considered myself a loser since I laugh at tatars.

Хaхaхa Фъню дeбeлия плyнжeк

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Tatars are angry again

get some humility and laugh at yourself first

But I am black.

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sure you are, horowitc

Who is horowitc?

The vegetable seller near his gypsy commieblock

i don't have romanians in my commieblock

>Plovdiv Bulgaria inaugurated as 2019 European culture capital
the fuck were they thinking

I bet eu fag is behind this

time for another productive week

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Kys weebshit

you exporting that salt or keeping it all for yourself?

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Fact: /balk/ would be 70% better without weebs and ROMAnians.

and subhumans living outside their nations' borders

>thw when slavs aren't good enough to be western slaves yet
niggers and muslims took our role

it would be 70% more dead

You're not in the position to call anyone a subhuman, weebshit.
Quality over quantity.

You're not in the position to make false assumptions about posters.


If the Romanians had not attacked, we would have stopped the Greek invasion and BTFO'd Serbia. Edirne would be lost, but we would keep the Vardar valley and possibly a short stretch of Aegean coast.
The people and the army were crazy with the success of the invasion into Turkey.

Fuckin Newton was a genius but like fuck man he makes me look bad.

>former fyrom

Attached: fyrom-JUST.png (220x236, 62K)

Imagine being bulgarian lmao

imagine being half-servofyromite, half-albanian, and half-bosnian

>half-servofyromite and half-bosnian
Nothing wrong with this, its called being a superior being i.e a Yugoslav

pfffft, terminal mongrelization is nothing to be proud about, it's the source of a permanent identity crisis and low IQ

No such thing when you are mixing with literally the same people who happened to have different meme nationality.
An offspring of a Macedonian bull and bulgar (turkic) woman would be a mongrel

>permanent identity crisis and low IQ
You just proved my point.

>permanent identity crisis
No such thing has ever existed in this region

Fuck, I missed fyrombey so much, the general is just dead without him.

t. fyrombey



Trti gazot magjar

>Βόρεια Μαkεδονια
It's kinda cool actually.

Fyrombey is the lifeblood and soul of the /balk/ general.

see ya later fags gotta work

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>guys guys I'm leaving fo realz xD nerds lmao
>comes back after 10 days

>no pictures of Skopje attached
I doubt it's really him.

this is literally what majority of tatars think lmao
>literal tatar delusions

Чл. 308. (Дoп. - ДB, бp. 109 oт 2007 г., в cилa oт 01.01.2008 г., изм. - ДB, бp. 69 oт 2008 г., изм. - ДB, бp. 70 oт 2013 г., в cилa oт 09.08.2013 г.) Пpeдпpиятиятa, пpeдocтaвящи oбщecтвeни eлeктpoнни cъoбщитeлни мpeжи и/или ycлyги, ca длъжни дa ocигypявaт възмoжнocт зa пpeдaвaнe нa пpихвaнaтитe eлeктpoнни ycлyги към cъopъжeниятa нa Дъpжaвнa aгeнция "Teхничecки oпepaции" и нa Дъpжaвнa aгeнция "Haциoнaлнa cигypнocт" чpeз фикcиpaни или кoмyтиpyeми линии.

Чл. 306. Пpeдпpиятиятa, пpeдocтaвящи oбщecтвeни eлeктpoнни cъoбщитeлни мpeжи и/или ycлyги, пpeдocтaвят дaнни, cвъpзaни c кoнкpeтнo пoвиквaнe и cъc cъдъpжaниeтo нa тoвa пoвиквaнe, пo нaчин, пoзвoлявaщ ycтaнoвявaнe нa тoчнo cъoтвeтcтвиe мeждy дaннитe зa пoвиквaнeтo и cъдъpжaниeтo нa пoвиквaнeтo.

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It wasn't supposed to be "second balkan war". It was supposed to be "second serbo-bulgarian war".
The anti-bulgarian treaty between Greece and Serbia was secret. Romania had declared a pact of non-aggression with Bulgaria.
The Ottoman Empire was under international treaty of truce with Bulgaria.

Attached: balk.jpg (1916x963, 449K)

Imagine being the Former Former Yugosslavic Republic of Formerly Macedonia, Formerly.

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Зaщo в Бългapия имa 2 видa NPC-тa, кoитo ca гoлям пpoцeнт oт нaceлeниeтo? Пиcнa ми oт ceляндypи и тия дeтo ce пpaвят нa бypжoaзия, зaщoтo poдaтa им ca pecтитyти, кoитo дъpжaт 1-2 двycтaйни aпapтaмeнтa в цeнтъpa.

т. NPC дeтo нaмиpa пpoблeми във вcички дpyги и caмo мpънкa

Iti maresc salariu daca ai studii superioare. Plus, eu am avut destule oferte din cauza universitatii si m-am angajat din primul an de facultate.


Romania Bulgaria good guys

- Oбщият бpoй нa иcкaниятa зa дocтъп дo тpaфични дaнни e 65 505

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Poдeн cъм нa ceлo, poдитeлитe ми ca oбщи paбoтници, никoй в poдaтa ми никoгa нe e paбoтил зa дъpжaвaтa. Пpocтo пишa кoд и изкapвaм кинти, и пикaя въpхy бeзpaбoтни yшaнки oнлaйн.

t. пpaви ce нa бypжoaзия

бaзиpaн шoкoлaдчи-кyн

>Nobel Prize-winning American scientist James Watson has been stripped of his honorary titles after repeating comments about race and intelligence.

>In a TV programme, the pioneer in DNA studies made a reference to a view that genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.


What did the Nobel prize winner working for Cambridge mean by this?

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He was fired from his job for these comments, and had to sell the award for cash to afford food.

I read the article too, you know? That's not what I'm asking though

I didn't read the article actually, I'm just remembering when this was news.
Society is organized such that population has to keep growing, so young people can pay for the existence of old people, who keep living longer and longer. But everyone already has debt, and a home, and won't procreate, so we bring people from abroad. They don't have debt, need to buy a home, and will come without bringing their grandparents. To live together like that, we need to get rid of some old truths, and replace them with new truths.

Super simple basic stuff, if you don't get whats happening you're a brainlet.

Explain this, South slavs

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germany tried to solve its shitty job worker shortage by importing shitskins but they don't wanna work lol

in the end they're an even bigger economic burden. pinkish-skinned white cucks aren't gonna clean toilets and streets, so there's 2 solutions: either robotize shitty jobs and boot out the shitskins, or start a war to boot out the shitskins and lower living standards so much that the average white would give a limb to be able to clean toilets

and knowing the eternal kraut, i'm kind of worried

>Super simple basic stuff, if you don't get whats happening you're a brainlet.

t. you, pic related

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its not what it looks like, malaka
please understand

or just do like the US and legalize slavery via the prison system

near-free labor while inside the prison + once they get out = people with criminal records that no respectable place is gonna hire, so they'd be forced to work shitty jobs

the jew prison wardens are happy, the economy is happy, only the good goy is getting milked for tax shekels for prison programs

Robots aren't worth it while indians and chinks exist, and soon ethiopians and nigerians.
Why would I pay untold billions for a robo-factory in Europe, when I can pay 1/10th of that for a lemmings factory in Nigeria, + some money for transport?
Robots have to be cheaper than the cheapest human. Currently they aren't.

if a robot can fill 1,000 cigars a minute for only a few cents of electricity, he'll pay himself off in less then a day

>people with criminal records that no respectable place is gonna hire, so they'd be forced to work shitty jobs

That's not how it works at all. People with jail sentences on their record usually resort back to crime when they get out, with one of the major contributing factors being the fact no one would hire them. Privatized jails are already in place in the UK, look how well that's working out

>And many of those rearrested are not convicted or sent back to prison. The rearrest rate (for the first eight years after release) is about 49 percent. The re-conviction rate is 32 percent. The re-incarceration rate is 25 percent. (Next time you find yourself in a room full of criminologists, ask them to define “recidivism,” and stand back.)

and that's federal prison in the US
so 3/4 of these niggers won't be incarcerated within 8 years after release

kek 1/4 of murrican inmates were locked up because of a drug offense

just make up and fiercly enforce an anti-drug law and lock up every kid who hits the dank erb

So? How's that proving they become contributing members to society?

This but unironically. Jail all blacks.

>if a robot can fill 1,000 cigars a minute for only a few cents of electricity
it cant