I just wanted your attention okay...
just shut up
You're my least favorite poster on this board
BASED Singapore poster of NICE comments
shut the fuck up
>ant eyes
im gonna puke
Fagapore is decent compared to the nip bot
Same. This Singaporean is so obnoxious and attention seeking it's mental.
I like you too.
stop stealing our girl singapoo
someone made this for me and now karen is my favourite girl
Love you too tbqhwyf, you're always nice and witty. Please never stop posting.
I just like shitposting a lot...I wanna tone it down but there aren't many good discussions here :(
just how old are you?
Here's an idea, how about you stop shitting up the board so it's a better place to visit :)
This thread is now mine
kindly fuck off
singapore more like singapork * oink * * oink *
Yeah, just drink less piss, and you'll stop your obnoxious shit threads within a week. It's clearly intoxicating your brain.
Bang Bang
I love you too Cutiepore
More anime cat girl please
You can hug me fren :3
He's just showing his appreciation for the Commonwealth.
*blocks your path*
Karen is pretty much shit though
stop trying to be a fucking Jow Forums personality you faggot. the essence of this board is in its anonymity, and retarded attention whores like you don't belong here if you can't handle not being given attention for anything other than the quality of your posts.
Not funny. Didnt raugh
how exactly is he, or in fact, any one poster shitting up a board?
that can be said about all of Jow Forums, ignoring the fact people can choose names and tripcodes, but desu, I'd say Jow Forums is less anonymous in that it shows the geographic location of the poster.
Fuck off OP.