Hard times, but as someone who's in it for the tech, I still believe in this coin

Hard times, but as someone who's in it for the tech, I still believe in this coin.

Attached: DV9Yf1iWkAApPAo.png (1199x599, 187K)

Currency is a meme. Wont never get adopted, smart contracts will and iot.

Smart contracts can be 2nd layer solutions np.

>adoption as a currency
>devs obviously shit on security
>again and again and again

>devs obviously shit on security
They're not shit in security. Using math.random in a wallet is a stupid mistake, it decreased security for about 3 hours, but overall it's not worth all the shit people are writing about it.

This. There is only room for one currency, and that will always and forever be Bitcoin (cash).

Any reason why I'd pay fees to Chinese miners that have the power consumption of multiple countries when I can avoid it?

A feeless payment system absolutely has real-world application. However we're still a few years out from adoption, and there's no guarantee that Nano will win.

think again about the shit you wrote
why would you pay someone to do something?
think hard
there is no free-lunch
and there is a reason for that

just be happy about the fact that you gave some poor thirdworlder a months wage by buying some shitcoin from him he got for free
should make reddit happy enough

>why would you pay someone to do something?
>think hard
Yea, why would I pay someone to do something unnecessary? In Nano you do the POW as you send your tx. No Chinese mining farms needed, you stupid spaz.

Attached: oh.jpg (399x385, 29K)

I actually believe a feeless payment system will come (or at least cheap enough fees that it doesn't matter.) I'm not shilling Nano here, just getting a point across that there is a true need for something with lower fees than credit cards.

I don't get the tech angle at a deep level, but I think it's had problems every time it's been added to an exchange. I hope that if you still believe you have a plan about how to buy more.

>capitulation frogs

Yes that's an ongoing series of issues. Nano has lots of hoops to jump through for an exchange to implement it and there's no standard solution it seems. ETH had the same issues in the beginning though.

i like nano bought 5k worth

It has good tech, I’ve always like how fast it was etc

Also you can gamble with it instantaneously on pvp.me

Underrated coin

You can believe in the tech without gambling. If you are buying shitcoins, you're in it for easy money.

But it's not a shitcoin, it's one of the few cryptos that could actually be used as a currency.

Everytime i open nano threads i delight in the stupidity of nano shills assuming they are fast/feeless and as secure and stable as btc. But im sure smart money staying away is because of "no adoption yet" or "whales price supression" right?

The hacks and the wallet problems are unironically good for NANO. You can only have so many problems and NANO seems to have had almost all of theirs! Only one way to go now!!

>A feeless payment system absolutely has real-world application. However we're still a few years out from adoption,

If you believed this the massive money would be in shorting credit card companies..