Has anyone reached a point where they have more crypto than fiat?

has anyone reached a point where they have more crypto than fiat?

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but 99% of the world still uses fiat? How can you buy more things with crypto than fiat?

It's approximately 50/50 by now.

lol i have had way more in crypto than i have in fiat for the past 12 months

Attached: wikikek.jpg (600x600, 190K)

All the money I managed to save goes to crypto, everything else goes to paying the rent and food.

90% of my wealth is tied to crypto.. YOLO

Same, but shit I'm still poor

I have more in crypto than in my bank, if you were asking.

yes but that just means i'm double poor

Attached: itsallover.png (1600x1094, 62K)

we'll make it brolo, if you have over 10k USD in wealth, thats better than the average human who is deep in debt

i am all in on crypto, only my monthly expenses are paid in cash as i get paid for my services (i am self employed)

I have more tethers than I've ever had fiat in my life

kek, it's always been that way for me and will continue to be for a long time most likely.

95% crypto here

4 years ago

I have more crypto than cash.

85% crypto atm, was more like 50%, but i've had some big expenses recently. 50% is where im getting back to before I'm accumulating again

$3k in the bank

$27k in Tether right now

I have 1000$ in crypto, 0 in my pocket

Everyday I have less in Crypto

>buying things
should we tell him