I actually prefer the 3rd world

>I actually prefer the 3rd world
Yeah if you're poor in the 3rd world life is horrendous, but I enjoy a middle class life in the 3rd world. I love latin american and asian countries.

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Argentina tier third world or Haiti tier?

Thank yiu captain

Developing, not non developed. So Argentina tier

By definition places like Finland is 3rd world

If I use the actual definition of 3rd world, people get mad. If I use the common definition, people get mad. What do you want me from.

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I dont know, I just wanted to point it out and now I feel sad.

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stop increasing demand and thus increasing prices, you imbecile
3rd world belongs to me exclusively

ALL of latam except for a couple of specific countries are 2nd world. We aren't Africa, SEA or balkan tier

even serbia has higher gdp per capital than you


you dont know shit




on average i think we are worse than the balkans

But I've lived in the 3rd world for a bit

He doesn't know that hdi is utter bullshit.
We score higher in pisa tests
havea higher life expentancy
similar or higher income
higher literacy rate
higher percentage of access to potable water

our only sins are having 2 years less of scholarship on average, which says nothing considering we score higher in PISA and having higher income inequality

keep seething Abdul

france is a yellow vest unlivable multicultural shithole

and we have 10 times more murders and inequality

exactly. Inequality is really the culprit cause violence I think is not measured in the HDI report

Latin America's HDI's go down when adjusted for inequality lol