Why are millennials like this?

Why are millennials like this?

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Why would anyone in their right mind want children? How can you look at the world today and want to subject an innocent child to it?

Because they’d rather have two dogs and drink whine all day then kills them selves when they hit 45

Why the fuck would I want kids? so that I'll have to spend 20 years of my life working all day to provide and care for them and have zero free time for myself and my hobbies? fuck kids.

>he fell for the dogpill
imagine being this good of a boy

>eat kids
>"oh shit what now? I don't wanna get in trouble"
>"hold on dude, I got an idea"

Those two dogs ate the babies, now they are the babies. just ignore this shit post jesus why am i still typing fuck all of you

isn't the world better than its ever been?

scared for being responsible for anyone else other than their own ass

"heroic pitbull swims out to bite child"

I want dogs and kids desu. What kind of childhood doesn't involve some kickass doggos?

Why do you think that's a bad thing? If someone knows they can't take care of a child, they shouldn't have children. It's called personal responsibility. You don't just shit out kids for the sake of it and hope things work out.

This. This is what separates the first world from the third world.

My parents never took are of my childhood dog. It died overweight and alone.
I never want a dog again.

That's sad user :(
Our dogs used to travel with us everywhere, even on roadtrips.

>Why would anyone in their right mind want children? How can you look at the world today and want to subject an innocent child to it?

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Dog owners are mentally challenged

>Why are women like this?
fixed that for ya

Most people can take care of children, but Western culture is hyperindividualist and selfish and thus nobody wants to put in the work to set up the next generation

Only wh*toid millennials do this.

There's a legitimate fertility crisis going on the West that has nothing to do with people's choices one way or the other

Men's sperm counts in the West and only the West are in freefall and nobody knows why. And its not just whitoids

>set up the next generation

Set them up to do what? Be wageslaves?

Wageslaves or NEETS or anything else, you dumbass. Its the future, you help steer it however you want to, unless you just care to live for yourself.

Nobody should have kids unless you make at least 80k canuck bucks a year. Poor people and their children are a blight.


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Not even cute dogs, but genetically retarded murder-dogs made to be only good for fighting.

Dogs are bro tier.

A daughter will become a slut.
A son will become a homosex.

you meant wh*toids

>Why absolutely, I certainly support sowing my wild oats in third world countries, impregnating multiple women, and running off back to my home country. I'd get to continue my genetic legacy for generations to come but without the associated personal responsibility or financial burden. It's a win-win situation, if you ask me, and I have no moral qualms about it.

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I do not hate dogs, but I am sick and tired of millennials and younger generations calling themselves "dog-moms" or "dog-dads" and treating their pet like a fucking child and then proceeding to say having children is retarded. Of course not all millennials are like this. But the average t*itter/insta*ram millennial is 100% like this.

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>he wants to have kids
have fun slaving away 4 20 years, having to wipe asses, change diapers and deal with the crying, having no time of your own and a lot less money while im chilling here enjoying life to the max with so much money i can drown in it

If you go on any dating app 90% of the chicks have one or usually multiple of the following

>dog/cat mom
>picture hiking
>I can quote The Office I'm so quirky ha
>Look at me I'm international pic in front of a landmark like the Eiffel Tower

Disney movies. Not even joking.
The movies humanized animals.

when i win the lottery

Very cute

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you can easily neet here and whenever you "need" something for your kids you just go ask some more money and miss welfare lady will write it for you. I have a friend and the couple does exactly that, it's as easy as it gets easymode life if you have the guts for it
then again I'd bet it doesn't work like that there

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

this is the best argument for procreation