>shits in street
>forms gang of thirsty dotniggers
>rapes your grandmother and chase 12 yo girls down the street
>literally rapes fucking dogs
curryland needs the fucking SS to clean it up.
poojeets have been allowed to stick their yellow oozing dicks in unpermissable holes for too long.
mass street executions of rape gang members is the only answer.
Shits in street
Other urls found in this thread:
> S S
ameriKKKangz love to LARP as SS and shiiiet
Unlike y'all who still want to be SS
We ALREADY used to be part of SS
We unironically used to be Nazis and shiiiet back when it was cool to be Nazi
Man, my country as a whole may be a shithole but I'm so fucking glad I'm not Indian. Things could've been a lot worse.
They all shit in the streets, they all look like shit and have a bizarre culture. The country is a fucking open sewer.
shart in mart
>indian rapist
honestly never heard of a single one. they are obsessive and dont know when to give up but they have to be the least physically assertive people ive ever came in contact with
I still don't get how prestigious doctors in the USA can come out of such a hellhole
>Brazilian thinking they are any BETTER than india
Nice Cope
Nice PR
Still can't be compared with Bangalore or navi mumbai
Indian savage can't beat nigger savage
How do we fix India?
Doctors in America are literally shit so if anything that explains it
t. been to their top hospitals
Doubt that. Very few spots have better elite hospitals than the USA. Which ones did you go to?
Dude no one wants to do tourism in fucking India
>Very few spots have better elite hospitals than the USA
That's a meme, and I went there because I fell for it
>Which ones did you go to?
Mayo Clinic and I have family who went to Johns Hopkins and the big hospital in Houston
>No one wants to do tourism in India
>About 10 percent of India's net GDP is from tourism
>Mayo Clinic is a meme
Yeah bullshit. What did you go for and what happened?
the other 90% is trash production.
kill off uneducated, criminal males in mass. only way to control overpopulation.
I'm not revealing the details but let's just say the local doctors here didn't believe that the work done there was actually done in Mayo Clinic and not some shady $50 independent Indian surgeon in Bangalore.
>hurr durr Brazilian city planning is better
Yeah , it was built by Europeans
Brazilians haven't built anything remarkable on thier own
Despite getting independence long before us they had ample time to establish their own culture and indentity yet they don't have it
>second video
That fucking accent always gets me.
>Other 90 percent is trash
Dumb mutt
You clearly dont even know what you're talking about do you ?
India has all kinds of places
The most dirtiest AND the most cleanest place in Asia both are in India
It's not our fault if YOU happen to visit only dirty places
It's a country that is hovering between 3rd world and 2nd world. Black people still get shit on in America and it's for all intents and purposes a first world country. What does Latin America have to show to the world? We're USA's bitch, Central America is shit, Brazil is shit, Argentina is shit. Our infrastructure is all from white people.
Brazil is 2nd world and is regarded as a highly developed nation according to who, world bank etc You know the macacos are mentally handicapped when they're happy about being better than a medium developed country. What's the fucking point lmao
Not the other user but was your doctor black? I avoid them personally because the uni I was looking into attending actually got in trouble for failing blacks aiming to go into the medical field due to low scores and had the choice of letting them back in and adjusting their grades or losing federal funding. So in other words I can't trust my life to someone who had a high chance of being in that position because of skin color.
I would never trust a black or any other diversity doctor, I know how that works in America. The guy was 100% white of Dutch origin.
if your country can produce anything why do your police use bamboo shields like a bunch of savages?
they can't even use garbagecan lids for obvious reasons.
Bamboo shields are cheap as fuck besides indian cops don't give a fuck about human rights
They can shoot down you AND entire family and still get away with it
Ever heard about something called "encounter" ?
Cops here LITERALLY have licence to kill we don't care about human rights like you pussies
>mayo clinic
>white doctor
>procedure was the quality of bangla jungle docs
You're trolling.
Yeah India is a fucking hellhole but that image always makes me sad
poor people doing poor people stuff. why does it make you sad? literally a waste of mental energy
>poor people doing poor people stuff.
Brown people doing brown people stuff*
Fix'd for you. Being poor ≠ being filthy.
You see a poor person, I see a man doing whatever it takes to provide for his family. Just because someone has less money than you doesn't mean they're not just a man, same as you
>dirtiest = Ganges River
>cleanest = Taj Mahal
Am I right?
I'm not sure that's something you're supposed to brag about.
sounded woke to me
It's literally too late. The only chance would've been if after independence they got a dictator willing to carry out mass purges and bring order to the country. Democracy at their level of development and problems was the worst possible choice. At the very least, only a small handful of their elites should've been allowed to vote.
They'll become more relevant, sure, but a superpower? Be real, can you ever picture them projecting military power like America does? Best they can hope for is to become latam tier.
North india dirty
East india Clean and pure
South is ok
West india is ok expect big cities
Seems more likely that a bunch of arab sand monkeys had no idea what they were talking about
who/susu/ and /tatti/ here?
India's dirtiest cities are in Bengal(east India).
Cleanest cities are chadigarh and indore.
>my shithole is better than your shit hole
I can proceed to now post hundreds of liveleak videos from your country but Im not petty like you.
You can pretend to beleive whatever you feel like if that makes you happy.
i really hope your country gets nuked to oblivion, fucking useless pieces of shit, a fucking waste of oxygen. I used to think Brazil was the lowest of the low but Jow Forums has shown me that you shitcunts have the ability to go even lower. If god exists, he/she/whatever the fuck weeps everyday because of you losers. Why the fuck do I have to share the same landmass with you spastic cunts
Well, I see that too. But he's also poor and thus has to do even the shittiest of things to provide for his family. That's capitalism mixed with 1 billion people.
It's not the worst possible choice. Staying like they were till 1991 would have been the worst possible choice. They liberalized their economy in 1991. I mean, they aren't even that capitalist, they still have a ton of protections placed and what not.
They're developing slowly. That's it. That's democracy for you. As far as I am concerned, if they fall below 6.5% growth rate (fyi, their per capita growth rates, both in real and ppp terms have been among the highest), then we may as well give up on them. A lot of their projects are due to be finished in the mid 20s. Unfortunately for them, 2020 is the deadline.
>They'll become more relevant, sure, but a superpower
China isn't a superpower, why is India even part of the equation?
>Best they can hope for is to become latam tier.
We're shit tier amigo, even africa will overtake us if climate change doesn't wreck us
The doctor here is a blue eyed levantine.
If you are a hot white girl posting your pictures on the internet, you will find them and they will ask you to show your tits and vagina
good try, pajeet
these are the worst places in this country:
do you see the water tanks? do you see any shit on the streets? fuck off. i'd way rather live in a slum having fun with no laws, fucking some pardas and snorting coke than to ever get close to THIS abnormality
Why an independent doctor? Should've tried something like Apollo healthcare. It still would've been cheap by your standards while you could've gotten quality treatment.
I see people from western countries and the middle east there all the time.
mexican posters always find a way to slander brazil in every fucking post, top kek
are chad PARDO BVLLS migrating en masse to mexico and skewing the pussy market? is it jealousy because your nation shows no sign of ever getting better and chose to stay a socialist piece of shit while brazil chose the right direction and shows progress, even if little? or perhaps football is more important to mexico that i thought?
i really want to know the fucking reason. I barely see any argentinians (which are literally our publicly declared rivals) slandering brazil but every post there's one mexican talking shit about the country. the fuck's happening? is it someone butthurt larping or what? usa is fucking your bare ass while you show all this hatred on Jow Forums, juan
When I meant east i meant Nagaland , Manipur etc
That's north east
>curryland needs the fucking SS to clean it up.
During Emergency Indira Gandhi's governent done was doing pretty harsh things. This wasn't enough to make India great.
If Indira Gandhi remained PM there would be an actual chance of India being a superpower by 2020
I don't give a shit about Mexico. It's shit and I don't waste energy defending it. Simple as. Couldn't care less who's fucking mexican women.
What that Canadian dude said about India?
>It's literally too late.
That's Brazil. It's annoying af listening to you macacos talking about "signs of getting better" when nothing indicates it. Stop comparing your country to 3rd world countries and realize your country is a shit excuse for second world, even among shit 2nd worlders.
It's the result of a large selection differential imposed by the US immigration regime. Indians who migrate to USA are overwhelmingly skilled professionals drawn from the upper quintile of their society. The degree to which various immigrant groups are overrepresented in high status fields in the US is proportional to the magnitude of the immigrant selection differential.
Mass murder is always a solution to all problems, right?
>was doing pretty harsh things
Fuck my grammar
I don't think so. India needed centralised development, yes, but her government wasn't strong enough to break out of capitalist system, and they never could, desu.
>but her government wasn't strong enough to break out of capitalist system, and they never could, desu.
Pretty sure that India was more or less a socialist country before the 90s.
Mexcrements and Street Shitters belong together. Bunch of brown subhumans. Can't believe I share the same air with these fucking niggers. Most Brazilians (those who have shit skin colour) could also join them. I'm fine in the South in my 89% white town. Couldn't care less about the rest of this country.
Indhira was terrible for our economy. She nationalized banks.
In reality we needed to liberalize 20 to 30 years before our actual liberalization.
Just look at the stats. China opened their economy in 1978 and India in 1991(and not as much as china). 13 year difference.
China reached 2.75 Trillion economy nominal in 2006. We did 2.8T nominal by 2019. 13 year difference.
Socialism was always the issue. We didn't see the truth earlier and that blame falls squarely on the congress.
Depends on how you define socialism. If you define socialism as the situation when state has major hand in economics (which is total bullshit and has little relation to socialist thought), then probably yes, India was socialist.
If we define socialism as *insert marxist definition here*, then no, India was capitalist and the state-owned means of production are not the same thing as public ownership as it was intended.
>In reality we needed to liberalize 20 to 30 years before our actual liberalization.
What's the point of liberalisation anyway? You let foreigners use your population for making profits that end up in the hands of businessmen living oversea. And for the sake of "economic growth" government would take descisions to please foreign investors, while ordinary people recieve no benefits from it. It's like volountary colonialism.
>India was capitalist and the state-owned means of production are not the same thing as public ownership as it was intended.
I thought state owned was the socialist phase and people owned was the communist phase. Hence no true communism claims.
India has removed around 271 million people from poverty in around 10 years. Voluntary trade is different form colonialism.
>What's the point of liberalisation anyway? You let foreigners use your population for making profits that end up in the hands of businessmen living oversea.
Did you see what china did? Yeah they let foreign corporates use them as slave labour then they got some of their wealth which they the invested in their own country and companies, got a skilled labour and experience, Stole their technology and voila, now they challenge the united states.
Wealth has to come from somewhere.
Best thing for India is literally Thanos. He should *snap* half or more the population away. It would solve all the problems.
gj cherry picking images from google like a proper Jow Forumstard, pablito. Economy growing and currency valorizing? who gives a shit. I sent this picture i found on google of two people next to some sewer or whatever and absolutely DESTROYED this shitzilian with absolute FACTS hahhahah. Am i right, reddit?
It's too late for japan. Holy fucking shit what a shithole, barely an excuse for a first world country, wow. I always thought that japan was one of the best countries of the planet, but this guy on Jow Forums sent me this picture and now i absolutely hate japs, WOW!
spastic monkey. your white brazilians are just as special and subhuman like the rest of Brazil. You're only relevant because of the Amazon and you're getting rid of that too. Why don't you all just commit suicide together or something? Spare the world your existence. At least some people like our food. You guys have nothing to offer to the world.
>89% white town
shit with a small diamond is still shit
Actually, the topic of public vs state ownership is quite difficult since lots of people wrote about it and at certain points the translations and real policies of historical socialists have fucked up the idea even worse.
For example, in one of the Engels' works translations the word "gesellschaft" (society, commnuity) was translated as "State".
You can create comfortable life for people without having to enslave your own population.
I'm just copying your countrymen with their cherrypicking of India too. Want me to post a pic of my country to make you feel better?
>It's too late for japan. Holy fucking shit what a shithole, barely an excuse for a first world country, wow. I always thought that japan was one of the best countries of the planet, but this guy on Jow Forums sent me this picture and now i absolutely hate japs, WOW!
lazy attempt at sarcasm, don't even bother replying with this shit you ape
I am surprised by the hatred by latam countries on India here. I mean our countries barely have any conflict or even minor diplomatic issues.
Opinion disregarded
u mad beaner boy?
nah, just bored.
My Opinion>your opinion
Our region is irrelevant. We just need someone to hate. If India plays its cards right, they'll leave us in the dust and then we'd be hating the Africans for being undeveloped.
While the monkeys will be busy laughing about how good their country has it compared sub-saharan africa (like good fucking job, real accomplishment there, pedro)
>You're only relevant because of the Amazon and you're getting rid of that too
We're not. Your watching too much CNN propaganda.
> At least some people like our food. You guys have nothing to offer to the world.
We have our women. I would invite you to come fuck our women but they wouldn't want to fuck an ugly indio manlet like you.
>You can create comfortable life for people without having to enslave your own population.
I mean I would be willing to listen if you had good examples. As in large countries in terms of population with dirt poor illiterate population zooming to prosperity in 40 to 50 years.
All the post 1945 examples are east Asian countries which more or less followed the same model as china(well china learnt from them after all).
Considering how socialism as I've defined it has failed spectacularly in nations who started out with more wealth, better infra and a better intellectual background(as in having scientists and planners) like Brazil , Venezuela recently and soviets and pre-liberalization china before.
I don't hate India, the only country I hate is my own. I make fun of Indians to feel better about my pathetic life and my pathetic country. Nonetheless, I don't like when foreigners talk shit about my shithole. It's a shithole but it's my shithole. I've seen some Indian posters talking shit about us too.
Going by current trends it will be difficult to even get parity with Mexico and Brazil in terms of per capita income. I guess we can get parity.
However India hasn't been playing her cards right for decades. So it remains to be seem. I feel like Mexico is more hopeful than Brazil as regardless of issues it seems to be growing.
God I wish we hit some oil somewhere at least, even Kuwait level would be great.
fuck off that's not the matter here, you said brazil doesn't show signs of getting better which is >>>objectively
I for one welcome our Poojeet overlords
lmao, at least post a pic of a local qt, why you gotta make my eyes bleed with that horse-face.
Wait you mean that Austist who posted "I want to thank Latin Americans for existing because I am glad there's a race who are bigger subhumans than us" or something of that sort.
Because that was paki in a proxy IIRC.
That we me, a leaf
It's that one autistic Indian and Brazilian ( perhaps both are same )
That keeps making autistic threads like
" What do you mean by Brazil hasn't won any Oscars ?" Or " what do you mean by only 80 percent of india finishes schooling ?"
and bluepilled
Man I may not be a fan of the British empire but I thank y'all Nigels for conquering this 1 billion street shitters and trying to civilize them. You failed of course and they are still street shitting smelly rapists but you really tried your best at a rather impossible task.
>I mean I would be willing to listen if you had good examples. As in large countries in terms of population with dirt poor illiterate population zooming to prosperity in 40 to 50 years.
Transition from Russian Empire to Soviet Union, literacy rate hit 70% by the mid-1920s, prosperity level and GDP was growing quite active. In pre-Stalinist era there was private enterprise (New Economic Policies of 1920s) and a large role in the economy was taken by the cooperatives that used to produce consumer goods and that were literally owned by the workers. Soviet economy began stagnating about Khrushev's era, when all that stuff got nationalised
Brazil never was socialist. After the fall of junta they tried to establish welfare state.
Another attempt to build welfare-state on the oil money.
Complete nationalisation, completely different story
>pre-liberalization china
I don't know that much about chinese economy, but as far as I've heard, the main infrastructure was built in the pre-lib era and Mao's rule has layed the founding stones for industrialisation of the country. Free-marketers in Mao's place would let China degrade back to the stage of late Qing economy.
Just like the Brazilian or Mexican posters, I do shit on India all the time but I do it to feel less miserable, cause you guys are scummy in a fun way. But I'm aware of your potential as well, I like India in general :^)
It's just bantz
>There were always 1 billion Pajeets
Absolute state of leaf cuckducation
Yeah nah this is bullshit fuck off arap
Eh, you're more than halfway through to catch up to Brazil's per capita (ppp, which is more important). China passed that too recently.
You also have the mumbai metro project under construction, numerous roads under construction and the delhi mumbai industrial corridor (isn't it the most expensive infrastructure project ever?). They're all due to be finished in the mid-20s.
You sound like a smart guy so I don't think I need to post sources but there is a direct correlation between infrastructure and gdp and development.
I won't talk about rape and women rights and shit because you can't fix that shit with a snap unless you're like China. But is there anything being done by the government in regards to sewage treatment and litter?
Like I said earlier, if your growth falls below 6.5%, then you can call it quits
post some indian cringe from youtube m8. I wanna have a laugh befroe going to bed
You need to get of rid of some aspects of your culture. Stop worshiping cows, dude. For fuck's sake. Our main problem here is not even crime or poverty (which are still huge problems) but [spoiler]race[/spoiler] culture. We have a disgusting culture. Wish we could get rid of all slums but apparently slums are part of our culture now. That's why I hate Rio de Janeiro so fucking much. They spread their degeneracy to the whole country. Fuck Samba. What the fuck is samba? "Muh mullatas and beaches". Fuck off I've never been to a beach. I don't even need to comment on the northeast region. It's literally subsaharan Africa tier.
Oy vey
There was gorzillion pajeets and shiiiet
India didn't have a huge population boom until mid 19th century
You wanna REALLY see CRINGE stuff ?
Are you REALLY sure about THAT ?