why do women do this
Why do women do this
that's a tranny
with that smile I wouldn't even care
i wish a qt whore could stare me down begging for my cum while aggressively jacking me off. is it too much to hope for lads?
Name? I have a hard on right now, despite my dick being shorter and browner.
do white men normally ejaculate such an amount of sperm? seriously my dick is like draught compared to it
Love that attitude even if she didn't swallow
No it's possible I think, as long as you're not a total sperg or fat/ugly, and even then you'd be amazed if you lowered your standards some
stopping jacking off every night and let it build up
my pp is smaller but i easily cum more than that, to the point where it's kinda annoying to clean it sometimes
The average for whites is slightly higher than Asians, Latinos and Blacks but its still at an average of 4 mL. However IIRC Asians have slightly more "dense" loads than whites
my entire amount of sperm is still lower than his second shot, what's my endgame
i'm a 5/10 relatively young bloke that's relatively skinny that's maybe a 6/10 on a really good day, i can act pretty normal in public but i can't go much further than that.
i have a pretty basic & boring public personality and i don't really get anymore interesting.
you reckon it's possible for a guy like me?
I don't think it matters very much, not like you, me or anyone else here will ever use it for its intended purpose anyway
Do you cum while sitting up or something? My volume while standing or laying down sideways is way higher than my sitting ejaculant volume.
There are supplements that can increase your semen by a lot.
you're a shame for bukkake gods
Her name is cece capella
Make gaining confidence your biggest goal in life and you will get a gf.
Pornstars use specific drugs and vitamin complexes to increase their sperm volume
I'm basically the same way except I have interests that are interesting/good conversation starters. Do you really not care about anything or have any interests? Even if not just find some insecure ugly art hoe on tinder and hit it if that's what you're looking for, its not super difficult in this day and age
Anything can happen but the odds are very slim. You need to improve your life some if you want a woman to whore out for you.
Appreciate the optimism mate, i'll try and act a bit more casual and outspoken when i'm out and about. Pretty much just make me seem a bit more interesting and special i reckon', might just be the push i need
>Do you really not care about anything or have any interests?
Not particularly any noteable ones, i'm not a car-junky, big movie-watcher, or even play much vidya anymore. Although i do like Music and the like. But that's the same with pretty much everyone else.
> Even if not just find some insecure ugly art hoe on tinder and hit
Don't worry this is one of my last resorts desu,
I've seen a couple around. I'll make a chance on them if i get really desperate.
True but really it's about improving those chances, not always a guarantee. I'll make an effort to try and be more appealing. Like Said. I've heard mediocre-looking people with *good* personalities can score big-time.
god i wish that were me
>I'll never feel love
I was in that /gif/ thread, busted a nut to it as well, cheers
was it autism?
i guess they never miss huh?
just tried ejaculating to test my amount, i think the amount was that of his 1st and 2nd shots, but hey i hadn't fapped for like a week so i think I'm over
>seriously my dick is like draught compared to it