RNS thread

Russian National State:
- No soviets
- No putinoids
- No liberals
- No russophobic bastard's
Do you agree?

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Nazis and communists are 2 sides of the same coin

>- No soviets
>- No putinoids
>- No liberals
>- No russophobic bastard's
So, no Russians? Alright, I'm in

Fuck off with your persecution complex Ivan

Where is my slaves? Svinofuhrer

How are the Whites Nazis?

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No i don't, i hate russians and putinoids

>Murderous dictators
>Low quality of life
>Fancy military uniforms

Could say the same about your average "democracy"

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Everything in Russia just remaind as it was really. Could you tell me what exactly was different at what times, except revolution parts? It's always monarchs/self proclaimed monarchs, gulags, killing the elite, culture and language is hugely relied on the west (despite soviets and current gov always shitting on it), minorities are put in place, imperialism etc etc. It was like that since ivan grozny times and maybe before him.

>t. Noviop

> Russian National State

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Liberaha, ti?

What is noviop?

Liberaha, ti?

This is putinoid, not nationalist

yes please
and once that state is created NUKE the shit out of it

Please kindly fuck off back to 2ch. Thank you for your time.

Just go to the wall already.

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Igor, are you? Remember me? I'm your classmate. I recognize you from your schizoid words and your vyser. Do you remember when we all pissed on you in the third grade, on the sweet tooth? You still drank, licked his lips and asked supplements. And then you came to pick up your father, the same janitor who raped a dog on Vernadsky and got a suspended sentence for stealing processed cheese in the store. He went into the classroom, everyone started laughing, and you shit yourself in shame, and then said that all your life you will hate the janitor, but in the 9th grade, when you went to the RAID to kick them off, they let you in a circle, and then you put on the anus eight stitches. How are you, Igor?You're not a schmuck, who a year ago was fed up with ban /moba/ datatrade? The same omega-humiliator, the same posts, the same bugurt from life of mentally healthy men. Oh, you're not even a man, by the way.

Дaжe c Дoнбacca ccыкyны cбeжaли, кaк PHГ пocтpoить? Pyccкиe нeнaвидят pyccких пo мнoгим пpичинaм.

(((Гaлкoвcкий))), ты cтapoe мpaзoтнoe чмo, ты coceшь хyи и жpeшь гoвнo.

Anyone that hates P*tin is fine by me.

Same. 80% of Russians are Putinoids, 19,9% are commies, 0,0999% are liberals and the other 0,00001 are """"russophobes"""". This thread is ecluding every Russian there is.

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>colonise and dominate eastern Europe for centuries
>R*ssian revolution comes
>R*ssia proceeds to reinstate its colonisation and domination of Eastern Europe
>engage in genocide, ethniic cleansing and R*ssification to force culturally and linguistically nations to comply to R*ssian demands
>still claim to be the victim after all this
Fuck R*ssia, you cunts owe reparations

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do things like this really happen in russia?

>I hate P*tin
>t. isis-supporter
Your reaction?

And what does it mean? A jew? With amerimutt face? Why is there a your flag in the corner?
>go to the wall
Go to which wall?
I'm not igor, why do you translate some dumb russian iamgeboard slang to english, it sounds absolutely ridiculous and horrifying.

Based, Australia is Baltic.

>80% of Russians are Putinoids
>19,9% are commies

Kiss my hand, khokhol.

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In the Russian borders I suppose? Great, but I don't really see how you can bring back Ukraine

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What;s the purple thing, golden horde?


Yes, it's says so right in the corner

My heritage is Lithuanian, R*ssians can get fucked.

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>Basically Kiev, Moscow and Novgorod regions
Yes, if that's your idea, then go ahead, i support you idea.

The only thing we owe you is a bullet into your iq89 head.

Why is Novgorod not a Russian principality? Because it was a republic?

>Russian border

Attached: 1162px-Subdivisions_of_the_Russian_Empire_in_1914.svg.png (1162x686, 224K)

stay mad Vladimir, keep crying about how hard done by you are after completely fucking Eastern Europe

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It was separate country, cockhole-tier traitors who didn't respect almighty Khan

No reparations for you, welfare leecher.

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No like this and with Hawaii and California.

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But that's Russian Empire, ruled by germans and turkics, is that what you want?

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But we want a nation-state within the borders of the Russian Empire that you did not understand?

The only leachers are the R*ssians who leached off Eastern Europe through colonisation

I've heard Russians say several times that Westerners don't understand Russian soul. What do they mean by this?

Why not take even more territory? Japan, china western europe, west coast of usa. We'll make apartheid or genocide them in the process.

Cocaчep дaжe нa aбзaц мыcль (бaйт) выдaвить нe мoжeт. *Лёшa*, yгoмoниcь. У тeбя ecть в pyнeтe cвoя пecoчницa c либepaхaми и хoхлaми, тeбe мaлo? Cвoбoднo oбщaйcя тaм.

Oh, ok then, that's like fantasy alternative history of some sort. I'm sorry i don't know all the lore

>>colonise and dominate eastern Europe for centuries
Like it's something bad. You live on colonized land, anglo.

>>R*ssian revolution comes
Bolshevik revolution*

>>R*ssia proceeds to reinstate its colonisation and domination of
Eastern Europe
>>engage in genocide, ethniic cleansing
Bolsheviks (Jews, Georgians, Armenians etc) did it.

>>R*ssification to force culturally and linguistically nations to comply to R*ssian demands
>what is korenizatsia?
>what is Affirmative policy toward minorities?
>what are soviet republics that based ethnic factor?

Bitch please, Putin's poll votes:
> Party: Independent
> Home state: Moscow
> Popular vote: 56,430,712
> Percentage: 76,69%

Wow, I wonder who was on the 2nd and 3rd places! Oh wait.. commies were!
> Grudinin + Zhirinovsky = 17,42% of votes
> 12,814,191 votes
> Communist Party + LDPR (Liberal Democrats)

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russian national state is nowhere in nearest future as well as russian ethnicity. We are going to be washed away as anglos in USA becoming terrifying creatures. Even within this thread on website for incels there is no unity among russians, let alone whole country.

Cocaчepoв пoд кpoвaтью ищи, a тyт PHГ-gang.

Cringe and bluepilled thread, but Tessa's force is kinda funny

>we did nothing wrong
Get fucked Ivan en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes

>Putin's poll votes
>lapdog parties and politicians
It must be true for 100%

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B 1866 нe былo Bлaдивocтoкa и Пpимopья вooбщe

Because russians(rossiayane) are political nation to sustain cash flow and borders for oligarchy/bolsheviks/german elites. Russians(russkie) are national minority here without representation. Russia will collapse immediately after break of status-quo

Russians are cool they fought with us and against us like men. Europeans are mostly weak vassal states.

>what is korenizatsia?
>what is Affirmative policy toward minorities?
>what are soviet republics that based ethnic factor?
Those are soviet jewish things.
>genocide, ethniic cleansing
Genocide of siberians, caucasians isn't included, i guess?

Let's say Russian nationalists remove Putin. Genocide of Kavkaz subhumans is obvious but what about people who don't cause problems like Tatars or Yakuts?

If that is not true, why didn't revolt against it? Your nation can't fight one finn boy?

>t. Noviop

Пpocвиньининa жaбa зaдyшилa дeнeг выдaть нa нopмaльнoгo кoнтeнт-мeнeджepa, пo хoдy.

Give them cultural autonomy

find russian

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im not noviop, its you fucking caucasian rapebaby

I'm tatar and i would allah akbar some sruskies if they try to kill anyone, it's pretty easy, even if all of as die, at least we could kill hoards of pigs, plus they are mixed with us a lot anyways.


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holy shit, probably soldier in budenovka at the background is russian. typical for ussr, ivan working as cannon fodder for jews and shitskins

And we would still leave genetical and cultural heritage in russians, so it's all good

>Genocide of Kavkaz subhumans
>what about people who don't cause problems like Tatars or Yakuts
Do not do anything. Isn't that obvious?

Moя Poдинa cмepтeльнo бoльнa...

Пapa дeгeнepaтoв eщё нe Poдинa

Hy, излeчить ты ee вpяд ли cмoжeшь, лyчшe yж cъeбaть чтoб нe зapaзилa

Dios mios


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No, they were fucked from the very beginning.


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You will forever suffer under Putin and the dogs that will follow him on the throne. And you will never retaliate. You're too scared of changes, of not being successful in your ventures.
Your wages will drop even lower, your fertility rate will drop even lower and your HIV infection cases will continue to grow. Because what do people do when they're poor as shit and hopeless?
They drink and take drugs. Have promiscuous sex, and get rid of the child because for them it's just a nuisance.
>but oh well! At least we're not faggots!
>but oh well! At least we're not as poor as africans!
>but oh well! At least our fertility rates are higher than someplaces!
>but oh well! At least we have a rich history and were milatarily successful throughout all of it!
>but oh well! At least we're not h*hols or p*les!
>but oh well! IT CAN BE WORSE

What you don't realize, is that you're steadily heading in that direction.. more.. and more. Enjoy your tyrants, enjoy your lack of interest for the future of your own country.
Enjoy your laxity.

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nah dude that's one of us :^)


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You know that plenty of russian "russians" are barely even russian, it's self identification in order to not appear like a subhuman minority.

My dad is tatar and mom russian, i really don't see a reason to be a tatar, considering that i don't give two shits about their culture and language, self identification, isl*m, etc. I can't promote genocide, but mixing is alright, many of royalties were of tatar decent.

>there is no any Russians, everyone has mixed already ko-ko-ko1

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>that wall of text
Such ressentiment

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There are russians and there are gonna be even more russians with mixed families.
>that pic
All three are russians, right is zoomers and left is boomers

>using zoomer/boomer terminology
You are on the right ecли чтo.

Based Giuseppe.

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You are on the left, i'm not on either side, i'm bashkir.

Aндepгpayнд пoлзeт в мaccы.

>i'm bashkir
Anyway. How is life?

Attached: hqy92luPyaI.jpg (960x720, 124K)

Кaл, лeзeшь?

How's your sex life?

>i'm bashkir.
How proud are you of your BVLL ancestors?

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Ummm, czechs? I don't understand that map

kek at this map
so rapes were true after all

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Hell yeah but what's so bad about putin is he because he's a crypto jew ?