Lol fucking millennials

lol fucking millennials

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how the fuck are you going to repopulate a species with just two people?

adam and eve bitch, or you tell me you're a polack who doesn't believe in jebus?

don't forget about the dog

Adam and Eve story barely makes sense from a biblical perspective

But she said she wants to travel

Sure, if you don't mind if everyone is going to look like the Habsburgs and worse
Not to mention they'd be literally retarded

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This is probably the biggest flaw in abrahamic religions. Even the most basic concepts and facts of anthropology go against it.

lol what boomer made this. We’re already incredibly overpopulated and are projected to go up to 11 billion at least by the end of the century. But let me guess, they’re not whaitu, so it doesn’t count?

wanting kids is bluepilled

maybe they were almost demigods and we are the retarded offspring

Fuck having kids desu i

I don't see what's wrong with that.

Population growth is very good for developed nations and having two children is important to at the least sustain the population. When the young population is too low, there is not enough money going in to support the older generation when they retire. Having a family also isn't about population, it's about settling down and taking responsibility for raising the next generation with values you find important. I feel like such a cuckservative having to explain this but christ it's not as simple as hur dur overpopulation.

Why in fuck’s name would I want to support the most entitled generation in this country’s history? Fuck boomers and fuck old people, they can starve to death for all I care.

I’m never having kids desu

>fuck old people
actually true

Well, thats one of the basic teachings of Christianity about pre fall and early humans being nearly divine-like, not to mention unpolluted genepool. I'm surprised that everyone forgets this detail

Man, look at the planet. Whites are like 10 % of the species and yet people throw the shit at us like we were actually controlling them.
I'm thinking die out, leave them to China.

That is what they all deserve.

Indians, chinks, SEAs, and africans are literally slave populations that produce 90% of the stuff you use in your daily life, Hans. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

>early humans being nearly divine-like
that’s literally the Greek creation myth you neo-platonic dofus

unless you’re born before 1988 you’re one of the millennials too

A huge chunk of young people are probably never going to get out of semi to completely casual work let alone getting a house even with a steady income

Based boomer memes.

It's not just boomers. It's literally everyone who gets old as long as social security exists. So even if you don't want to support them you have no choice if you work and your taxes go to them. Not to mention people are living longer and longer. You would want the working generation when you're older to be able to make enough for you. Yes you could always save for retirement but a lot of people do not do this and it can really fuck the economy if we don't have sufficient funds for social security.

I want to make a family. But I can't find partner(((

Underrated post

Yes but neither is my boss forcing them to do it, nor am I, personally, ordering Jeans from slave workers in Malaysia.

They have their own, Asian or African boss and HE is the bitch! HE is forcing them into capitalism - the SYSTEM is bad, not white people.
I sure as hell will never ever take account for this greedy bullshit you BRITS AND AMERICANS pulled on the world for like 250 years.

You imbeciles would love it if we regarded ourselves as "whites", because you could share your shame with us then but we will allways know who's pile of shit this is.

Germany will be free or dies rather than go with you on this forever.

Giving a birth in Russia is a crime against humanity

lmao you’re the consumer. They wouldn’t be selling anything if first worlders didn’t buy, don’t try to turn it around.

They would fucking starve

When the US invades the middle east for oil it's also the consumers fault for owning a car isn't it

adam and eve had more than 2 children over the course of their lives
they were all archetypical, biologically perfect humans so inbreeding wasn't an issue for the longest time since there weren't established flaws in the genepool yet

>more than 2
If they lived more than 1000 years they must've had hundreds of kids

Why no one taking the problem seriously though, look at how desperate Abe with Japan. Now they are accepting more immigrants because of that.
First worlder sure are weird.

>wtf you can’t just abolish slavery think about the poor slaves!
Yes? The vast majority of Americans supported the Iraq War initially. I’m not saying I’m any different, I’m a consumer just like everybody else. I’m just not pretending otherwise.

Don't friend. Don't.

it even documents (at least some of) them
you also have to realize that despite gaining lust and subsequently shame from the fruit, those traits weren't a fully ingrained part of their instinct yet so they probably didn't fuck as often as modern humans do or have any baggage surrounding the act when they did

but why in Russia

people in the west are just selfish pricks who would rather spend all their time and money lavishing gifts on themselves and buying the nicest short-term things instead of investing in children


Because Russia is a poor corrupted shithole

>you can't just abolish slavery
No, you can't. These people need a job to feed themselves

millenials should be banned from the whole world

Dude look at britain lol

>people in the west are just selfish pricks who would rather spend all their time and money lavishing gifts on themselves and buying the nicest short-term things instead of investing in children
People in russia do exactly the same except they usually don't have any money at all.

are you that retarded? Adam and Eve were the first not the only humans on earth and Jesus is legally recognized as a historical figure, do you atheists even read?

Imagine being a mentally ill religious freak in 2019. I hope it'll be officially recognised as a mental disorder soon. People used to believe in witches and nowadays no one does so it's only a matter of time.

I thought I ordered Pizza Hut, not Domino’s?

Hey guess why we call it 2019?

>entire species goes extinct
god i wish

>People used to believe in witches and nowadays no one does
oh the implications...

you’re wrong on Adam and Eve and the Original Sin, which is something very human and i’m glad they did it:
the Original Sin is not lust but disobedience. by disobeying a direct order they stopped being another animal pet and became free with all the curses that it implies (doubt, choosing shit over good, having to work in order to survive etc.)

By incest, What did you expect?

I know right. I thought everyone sees Adam and Eve as just a story but they genuinely believe it to be factual despite there being absolutely no proof. In fact the proof we do have from anthropology completely disproves. I wonder if they believe that langauges comes from the fall of the Tower of Babylon too.

>humanity doesn't die with dignity but devolves into a race of hideous deformed sterile mutants for another three generations before finally dying out
What did boomers mean by this?

Tbf, as a catholic, we mostly disregard genesis. I was taught that it wasn't historical truth, but rather truth about the nature of God. It's very clearly the mythos of ancient sand people that wasn't written down until after 1000+ years of oral tradition.

i never said the original sin was lust
i said the consequence of eating the fruit was that it bestowed lust and shame onto us
we already had free will as evidenced by adam naming the animals

My gf tricked my pénis to breed her. Now I have off spring and can't sue the cunt. I have to pay up 20 years of my life at least. Trust no bitch.

>promote shitskins
>offer support in third world countries
>third world countries rise in population
>third world countries move to america because it's the #landofopportunity
>promote a sexless and puritan lifestyle for whites
fuck boomers, you can rot in a chair and get pushed around by niglets for all I care

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Do religious people not understand how to interpret metaphors?

men cannot get pregnant

You're calling Brits and Americans bad? did you have a stroke and forget the last 100 years hans?

how are you going to maintain genetic diversity with just two people? you need more to stop the effects of inbreeding


The human species was very likely born of incest.
We won't all be closely related if we weren't sister fuckkers

they are the consumers

eventually all that inbreeding gave way to mutations and imperfections which diversified the genepool and made races

and that's no accident

>he wants to have kids
have fun slaving away 4 20 years, having to wipe asses, change diapers and deal with the crying, having no time of your own and a lot less money while im chilling here enjoying life to the max with so much money i can drown in it

>beaner intellectual

>doesn't know how probabilities work
You can recover from population bottlenecks, all it takes is time and natural selection. Have 20 babies and force them all to have 20 babies, even if a much larger percentage of them will have congenital diseases than normal there will be enough semi-functional individuals left over to keep going.

So long as no disease comes and wipes them all over within 5-10k years they should be close enough to normal.

you are fucking retarded and should be culled to keep the gene pool pure.

not an argument

Based, only third worlders should have kids. Then their kids can eventually replace the populations of the soon to be extinct first worlders

based and redpilled. i hate silent generation even more tho

I hope humans go extinct yes

shut u you cucked faggot. We are only getting overpopulated if niggers keeps having children unable to provide to themselfs and whites disapear

Only wh*toid millennials do this.

>When the young population is too low, there is not enough money going in to support the older generation when they retire.
everyone before millenials is a boomer

FUCK Boomers, FUCK the elderly, FUCK retirement and most importantly FUCK the elderly retired boomers

>actually having children
unironically at this point just a Jewish plot to sell toys, diapers, wipes, accessories, formula, etc
you can lead a perfectly fulfilling life without kids, who literally only make your life harder
for 7 years if you don't want to hire a babysitter you have to drag them literally everywhere, you have to keep an eye on them all the time and doing anything fun or for entertainment becomes a shitty conglomeration of crying, whining, and trying to shut them up.
my stepmom and my dad were originally not going to have kids but I guess with her being 39 she thought her reproductive thought was ticking and she just HAD to have kids so she got pregnant, which was nice and fun getting attention from all the boomers and her ditzy friends who think having kids is the best thing you could possibly do, then the kid was born and her general happiness just dropped off a cliff. Now the kid's 15 months and she isn't any happier. I guess her and my dad also didn't consider the fact that I'm 20 which means that by the time the kid's actually an adult her parents will be old as balls


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>Having white children is a Jewish plot
What the fuck are you even talking about, only chinks use formula for their babies.

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The output has to be high enough for the first few generations that all the downies die off and the recessive genes causing problems are bred out. This happens in nature. It's happened to us at some point.

She'll have you to take care of her. You wouldn't abandon your little sister would you?

>everyone iit doesn't want children
>I want
>I can't even get a gf

Me too desu.

>only chinks use formula for their babies
it's sadly very common in america
they'll be able to take care of her retard but by the time she's an adult her parents are gonna be senior citizens

>Not to mention people are living longer and longer.
Actually the average american lifespan is decreasing

Have you ever read the Genesis btw?

To starters the genesis is written twice with minor differneces. Also the Gospel never says God only created 2 humans. Also fuck protestants.

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Why did protestantism end up such a failure? Depending on the country, it's either completely dead or the domain of utter retards that would have been called backwards in the medieval era.

There's more to family than feeding someone until they're 18.

>Wanting to preserve humanity
Mankind has lived to curse, the day it climbed down from the trees.

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Traveling fucking sucks

Even worse.