Never made a thread about spen

never made a thread about spen
this is a spen thread

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fuck spen


españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa españa




Me pica el coño

Mexico was pretty nice when I visited, Im assuming yall are just another state of Mexico right?

se mep erdio el loro
meperdo nas?

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>Mexico was pretty nice when I visited,
chicano, you aren't white

I like spen.

what do you want to talk about?
we still haven't found that kid

no one ever talks about spen in the media

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They arent white, why do you like them?
They look.nothing like you and are by nature antagonist to you

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that's good

Moroccaniards are foul, stupid, 80iq, brown and by all anthropological observations resemble more negroids.

>Yupii ganaron los basados de la alt right española están haciendo una coaliación con los basados de Cs y el no basado conservador PP!! Vox nos va dar armas y expulsal los moros compañeros andaluzes!!

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Does anyone but moroccan view these creatures as kin?

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do a google news search and post the 3 most recent news about spen

1) search for child in tunnel without success
2) spen, country of abandoned airports
3) emergency services try to dig tunnel to lost boy

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The fucking hole is like bottomless, that kid is dead.

it's a fucking Andalusian gypsy falling in a hole in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
why the fuck do people care so much

poor kid, he was 2 y/o

Sadly I've heard (Didn't read it, I don't watch the news but get it second hand from people that speak about it) that they had another kid that just suddenly died from a heart attack while in the beach, he was three. I can't slap that on poor parenting but the well thing, yeah, that goes on the parents.
El jesucristo madre mía el MurciANO descorazonado.

It's called being a decent human being.

>Sadly I've heard (Didn't read it, I don't watch the news but get it second hand from people that speak about it) that they had another kid that just suddenly died from a heart attack while in the beach, he was three. I can't slap that on poor parenting but the well thing, yeah, that goes on the parents.
i feel bad for them, this life sucks

the fuck would you know about that you mutt

Don't talk to me again, you low IQ racist waste of oxygen. Probably whiter than you btw.

>Probably whiter than you btw.

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i lik spen tred