....Why are Africans starving ?

....Why are Africans starving ?

I just don't understand

they have the richest fauna and flora in the world, what prevents them from picking a bow and go hunt some antelopes and go fishing ?

literally NOTHING

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Are you fucking retarded user.

Hrs just a Jow Forumsyard, so yes.

Don't pretend like you don't know why..

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answer the question

You can't fucking hunt in a city, you cant fucking fish in a city either. And even if you did, you can't survive purely off of food. Dehydration kills faster then starvation, are you unaware of the shitshow Africa has become thanks to the Cold War and subsequent territorial and governmental disputes. Do you know how hard it is for medication, food, water and equipment to be given to the average african living under the poverty line?

>You can't fucking hunt in a city, you cant fucking fish in a city either.

should have thought of that before settling in a city, son't you think ?

and stop with the 'there is no water in africa' meme

if that was true, why do the animals drink ? if they didn't drink, they wouldn't surviceà and if they wouldn't survive, there wouldn't be animals in africa

ergo, there is drinkable water in africa, they have no excuse for being deshydrated

>are you unaware of the shitshow Africa has become thanks to the Cold War and subsequent territorial and governmental disputes

yes and ? so what ?

humans have something called FEET, it enables us to WALK

if they don't like it where they are, they can just WALK elsewhere

>Do you know how hard it is for medication, food, water and equipment to be given to the average african living under the poverty line?

again, they can WALK, find some ANTELOPES and HUNT them

it's not that difficult to understand

You fucking French I swear to God.

he's right

Only few are starving because of corrupt governments and dictators

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Why Europeans lived and created cities in South Africa & Namibia but not in DR Congo , South Sudan , Central Africa , Chad
same thing if you check South America map and see where most of Europeans live today
easy to talk , very hard to live in their conditions

so I'll repeat my question: how come africans are starving ?

cuz black ppl are dumb

When will anglo nations pay back the trillions of worth of tribute to their former colonies?

if it's hard to live in these conditions then why settle there in the first place ?

>be ancestor of africans
>"oh what an awfully arid place with very few wet seasons and lots of deadly desease-carrying mosquitoes....let's settle here forever instead of migrating in a better place!"

are they just dumb or idiotic ?

Cuz black people are fucking lazy.

Africans havent come up with being nomads yet

only some of them are starving you know? Also Africa is rich in resources so they have corrupt governments, war for minerals etc etc


then why are they starving

we have loads of them here and t's true

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Im not hungry frog

Because they are poor and live of agriculture. So when the weather is bad they starve. It used to happen here too

ants and squirrels store food so they can eat them when the weather is bad
why don't they do the same ?

>richest fauna and flora
Wtf do you want us to eat ? leafs and lions ?

they actually suck at agriculture

pick a bow, shoot some antelopes
go to the shore, fish some crustaceans and catfish
breed some chickens to get eggs
put some seed in the ground, wait for the rain, badabimbadaboom you now have fruits

problem solved

Notall of them, some even have really good and complex food.

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Too many mouths to feed, the animals are far away from the shore.
Why would i do that when it rains food aid ?

>Too many mouths to feed

why did you make children if you can't feed them ? I don't understand

>the animals are far away from the shore.

then walk

>what prevents them from picking a bow and go hunt

They do, it's called bushmeat

I worked with some Nigerians and overheard them talking about the culture shock that you can't just go and hunt squirrels here

>why did you make children if you can't feed them ?
You don't even know how bored you could get in africa, you got nothing to do.
>then walk
I do that everyday

>They do, it's called bushmeat

then why are they starving

find a hobby, you obviously have the internet

walk until you find animals, shoot them and you get a free feast

problem solved

They aren't a small group of hunter gatherers anymore. Some squirrels alone aren't gonna cut it.

>find a hobby
Yeah it's sex and making more babies
>walk until you find animals, shoot them and you get a free feast
My neighbour mamadou shoots them all before i could even see them

That richest flora and warm climate is the main reason why they're not developed, more specifically why they "didn't need to develop".
When you're living in a place where there are harsh climate conditions like winter, sandstorms etc, you feel the need to build houses, make clothes, organize groups, trade with other peoples in order to survive.
If you're living in a warm jungle where thousands of fruit species exist, only thing you need to do is to pick fruits and eat and maybe build a straw hut.

Second reason is, they were pretty much isolated from the rest of the world throughout history. Europe, Middle East and Asia were pretty much connected to each other via trade routes and shit, so they were able to share explorations, inventions, philosophical thoughts etc.
Meanwhile, Sub-Saharan Africans were unaware of said advancements mostly because of the isolation created by sahara desert. They weren't even aware of wheel, writing, the concept of feudal system and governments.

As Ibn Khaldun said before: "Geography is destiny."

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there are antelopes, elephants, giant birds and buffalos they can hunt

then eat mamadou

most arent. if they do its usually because of civil war or retarded goverments that disown the farmers. only in rare cases the cause is actual drought. only around 9 percent of the worlds population today lives in extreme poverty most of africa is still poor but far from starvation poor.

here a handy tool if you want to see how much extreme poverty and other stats have changed. africa only seems like a lost cause because retarded aid organisations keep pushing the picture of a constantly starving africa. you never hear about successes. they just switch focus to a different shithole.

There are bears in France. Why don't the poor people in Paris just hunt bears? Poverty problem solved.

That's what you sound like.

>killing and cannibalizing your own neighbor
Yuck you europeans disgust me even more now

why are you asking me ? I'm not poor

This. I now understand why jews are so masochistic.

survival of the fittest

why don't they leave for another african country ?

ants and squirrell probably protect their females too and don't let them get fucked by ordes of africans/maghrebis. Why don't you do the same?

I'd rather come to europe

Only a few countries starve after a long period of drought or similar climate fuck up, you mongoloid.

The answer is first world socialism


because those other african countries still arent wealthy, even if they have a decently large middle class with a modern lifestyle there likely isnt much welfare.

but we don't want you here
go to your muslim neighbors

Op i suggest you to read "Emperor' by Kapuscinski

I'd rather you summarize it for me in three sentences

Is this pasta
>If you're living in a warm jungle where thousands of fruit species exist, only thing you need to do is to pick fruits and eat and maybe build a straw hut.
Au contraire, it is very dangerous to live in a jungle because of fleas, heat, humidity, dangerous animals etc. Most people did not live in jungles. Moreover, Africa is not one big jungle: it is a huge continent with many different landscapes and climates: there are jungles, but also savannas, deserts, mountain plateaus, etc.
>Second reason is, they were pretty much isolated from the rest of the world throughout history.
Eh, no. Not at all, how do you figure so many African countries are muslim ? There have been contacts between the Sahel and Maghreb areas since at least the 10th century and between the East Coast (particularly Tanzania) and the Middle East for even longer than that.
>They weren't even aware of wheel, writing, the concept of feudal system and governments.
Wrong again

>why don't they leave for another african country ?
They do afaik. Where I am from (Comoros), popular destinations are Madagascar, Tanzania, Senegal or Morocco.

>that one black guy tested with 140+ iq

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t. don't know about the Nok culture and the Kerma culture. Non Bantu negroes were quite developed.

"Lmao why starve just eat"

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Hmm, you're right though. Maybe it's just their low iq.
>Is this pasta

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>>They weren't even aware of wheel, writing, the concept of feudal system and governments.
>Wrong again
It was far from being the norm when the colons came. The first thing missions did was to teach how to read.

Africa do have a big variety of landscape, most of them suitable for human population. Do you know France was a big forest when Caesar took over?


The situation isn't anywhere near that simple.

It was Yakub

>if that was true, why do the animals drink ? if they didn't drink, they wouldn't surviceà and if they wouldn't survive, there wouldn't be animals in africa
Animals in Africa generally can go for longer periods without drinking and/or can tolerate dirtier water. Not to mention droughts still often do huge numbers on herds.

yes it is
stop looking for excuses

Ants build fortresses and squirrels hide their food. Niggers can't do that because if they did, another nigger would come to take the food.

Yes they have, that's why they're going to Europe

>80% of continent is desert

Read a book, Pierre.

>It was far from being the norm when the colons came.
So was it in Europe desu
>Africa do have a big variety of landscape, most of them suitable for human population.
Agreed, and most of it is indeed populated. I was solely responding to the pseudo-history above.
The premise from OP is wrong: No, most Africans (whatever that means) are not starving. Neither are they hunter-gatherers or living in huts or whatever the fuck people seem to believe.