What is your honest opinion on Germany?

What is your honest opinion on Germany?

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I think we're good buddies now but it seems like a pretty boring country overall, no offense

For bantz I say that I am in love-hate relationship with them.

But in reality I just love them now. Past is past.

Goddamn disgusting Huns, we should've nuked them first.

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not enough territory

You are a disgrace to your country.
They murdered millions of polish people.

F"G""R" a shit
no free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
rape and murder occuring daily
60% taxes
shitty infrastructure, public health and education, despite sky high taxes, because all money gets used on replacement of the native population so we can import 85 IQ cheap work force
jewish overlords run the government
muslim overlords run the streets
public transport NEVER arrives on time
no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
no military or borders, so this "country" would be overrun by some savages within a week

it was self defense

I was in Frankfurt, Bavaria and Lübeck and those were like 3 different countries, so specify which part of Germany do you mean exactly

t. Mustafa Allahoglu

>They murdered millions of polish people.

Their grandparents. Only tribal brainlets can blame people for what their family members did several decades ago.

Home of the Eternal Kraut. They control Europe. Germany can cripple any European country's economy on a whim.

thanks for proving my points

Could be worse. Could be better though. Sometimes I wish I lived in an equally wealthy but much smaller country that can do politics just for itself and isn't constantly involved in international meddlings.

bavaria is very comfy, the rhine river region is small and cozy, and Berlin has too many turks/kebab shops

germans are also very up front about things and cant seem to not mention trump whenever they find out youre american

Much higher standard of living and seems pretty cultured, but it's a nogunz country so I probably won't ever live there.

Also they're still hosting american military bases? 75 years later? srsly guise grow a spine.

>constantly involved in international meddlings.

you're probably the most irrelevant country out of the biggest economies in the world, you don't send your army anywhere, no one takes your opinion seriously in peace talks over Syria or Ukraine

maybe only Brazil is equally irrelevant on the global stage but it's gonna change with Bolsonaro I guess

you pay for them

They actually host the biggest american base outside of America - Ramstein

Nothing bad with that. Germans are very rational and reasonable at this point unlike Poland and Russia that reminds of two small dogs barking at anyone who passes by

did you like Lübeck?

were among the European countries with the highest gun ownership

Attached: number-of-guns-per-capita1-758x758.jpg (758x758, 135K)

stop reposting this shit again and again. literally none of it is true. and if you think it is go back to Jow Forums.

Less than Regensburg but more than Munich and Frankfurt. But desu, of all German speaking cities I've been to Wien beats them all easily

Yeah but we're basically steering Europe's financial and economic policies, in other words we're assumed responsible for fuckups regardless of whether we are (sometimes) or not (some other times). And it just goes on my nerve. Germany ruins Europe this, Germany ruins Europe that, I wish we could just mind our own fucking business. But we can't because our economy is too large and important.

halts maul, du hahnrei

this. sport shooting is deeply ingrained in the culture.

Cold grey

shitty pencil economy, shitty morals, shitty personality, shitty laws, shitty culture, i could honestly say it's one of the few countries where every single neighbor is superior to them

Oy vey remember 6 million

Do you have a lot of hunters like Scandinavia and Finland or do you just like shooting clubs a lot? I thought you would have a disarmed population like the UK but wow, you have almost as many guns as we do.

Kannst du überhaupt deutsch? Jedes mal der selbe Post und die selbe Antwort. Da könnte man genausogut nen Bot schreiben der genauso dumm ist.

>I wish we could just mind our own fucking business.

Then you wouldn't be as rich as you are. You can export your stuff everywhere over Europe because you have the EU

Don't forget their shitty language

>Do you have a lot of hunters like Scandinavia and Finland or do you just like shooting clubs a lot?
probably a bit less hunters than Scandinavia tho, for we have less nature


>Guns per 100 people
>it's over 100 in America

I don't wanna export our stuff everywhere because our wages have stagnated because of it in order to stay competitive. Middle class Germans are no better off than they were 25 years ago, all the growth has only benefitted the upper class.

>dermaßen realitätsfern, dass unzählige Einzelfälle, Geburtenraten in Deutschland und Massenimport der dritten Welt an ihm vorbeiziehen
>nennt andere dumm

>Middle class Germans are no better off than they were 25 years ago

could your parents afford to buy an iPhone for their monthly wage 25 years ago? no? so stop complaining

And has it done you any good?

iPhones didn't exist 25 years ago, you fucking clown. Also my dad's mobile phone has cost 200€, and my mom deliberately doesn't have one.

Yes, I have about 20 of them.

Can't put a price on home security.

there was no iphone 25 years ago.
I'm sure your analogy made sense in your head but if you want to make a real-world analogy to explain purchasing power pick an object that hasn't really changed in value for the last 30 years.

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Try living in houses whose walls you can't jump through sometime, or locking your front door, or not having such a high poverty rate and therefore crime rate in the first place.

Naa I'd rather wait for a burglar. I'm not good at hunting so this way the game comes to me.

I don't like the sound of their language. It alternates between sounding ugly and sounding sissy.

>iPhones didn't exist 25 years ago, you fucking clown.
>there was no iphone 25 years ago.

now I understand why Germans and Germanophiles are known for having no sense of humour

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The only reason their economy is thriving is because they keep their currency artificially low by having a monetary union with much poorer countries like Greece and the slavs. On the other hand it means that Greece and the slavs have their currency artificially high and are even less competitive than they could be.

> the slavs.

only two slavic countries are in the eurozone and these are the smallest ones (Slovakia and Slovenia). I don't count Montenegro that adopted the Euro unilaterally but anyway it's so small so irrelevant at all

>The only reason their economy is thriving is because they keep their currency artificially low by having a monetary union with much poorer countries like Greece and the slavs.

btw if it was a solution to all economic problems, why doesn't the US impose adoption of the dollar on other, much poorer countries? why doesn't even China, that desperately tries to weaken its currency, do it?

I'm so lonely.

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>Vollkornbrot mit Käse
basiert & proteingepillt

Unsere Geburtenrate ist Scheiße aber nicht wirklich schlimmer als die vieler anderen entwickelten Staaten. Und der Rest deines Shitposts ist einfach faktisch falsch. Redefreiheit besteht abgesehen von ein paar Nazi Sachen. Steuern sind keine 60 Prozent. Bildung und Gesundheitswesen funtionieren relativ gut, gerade im internationalen Vergleich. Unsere Krankenkassen haben Geld übrig, die britische ist pleite. Die Züge könnten besser sein ist aber z.B. auch noch nicht so scheiße wie in anderen Ländern. Die Amis haben kaum welche, das britische Zugnetz ist noch schlimmer als unseres.
Waffen haben die deutschen im Internationel Vergleich relativ viele. Sport schießen ist sehr weit verbreitet, das Hobby fängt oft schon mit dem Schützenfest als Kind an. Und die Kriminalität ist auch nicht außer Kontrolle die Medien verdienen nur ihr Geld durch Panik mache und du Trottel schluckst die Scheiße noch.

>und du Trottel schluckst die Scheiße noch.

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I am south brazilian BVLL
I of 100per cent german but I of learn german
Ich sprichen deutsch bitte stopf deine kotstulle in dein von herpes geplagtes maul, bzubi

how about you just go fuck yourself.

Sprich deutsch, du stiefellecker

>Unsere Geburtenrate ist Scheiße aber nicht wirklich schlimmer als die vieler anderen entwickelten Staaten.
Weil die Musel 3 Kinder im Durchschnitt haben, für die der Steuerzahler zahlen kann und die Rate dadurch gehoben wird.
>Redefreiheit besteht abgesehen von ein paar Nazi Sachen.
>Redefreiheit besteht außer halt bei manchen Sachen
>Bildung und Gesundheitswesen funtionieren relativ gut, gerade im internationalen Vergleich.
Deutschland hängt massiv bei der Digitalisierung zurück und wird in den nächsten Jahren von jedem Drecksloch überholt.
>Und die Kriminalität ist auch nicht außer Kontrolle die Medien verdienen nur ihr Geld durch Panik mache und du Trottel schluckst die Scheiße noch.
>Massenvergewaltigungen sind gang und gäbe, mach dir bloß keine Sorgen, die Rächtsbobulisten wollen wieder nur hetzen

Bin ich jetzt Stiefellecker weil ich mich nicht deiner Wahnvorstellungen hingebe? Schau dir mal tatsächliche Statistiken an anstatt dein Weltbild rein aus sensationalistischen Bullshit Artikeln zu beziehen.

Die Musel haben nach der Ersten Generations fast die selbe Anzahl von Kindern pro Kopf.
Und Drei Kinder sind jetzt nicht wirklich viel.



Tasächlich haben die Türken in Deutschland zum Beispiel pro Kopf 1,83 Kinder. Die Deutschen 1,33. Klar ist das Mehr aber es nähert sich an. und bei 1,33 Kindern und 1,83 ist das Problem nicht bei den Türken sondern bei uns.

pay reperations

I like the villages and the black forest.

Everything else is...ok ?

Volkssturm wann ?

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Seems to be going the way of england thanks to merkel and her ilk

Ich hab nie gesagt, dass das Problem bei den Musel ist, weil die es ja besser machen als das von ewiger Erbschuld belastete Volk, das binnen eines Jahrhunderts von der Bildfläche verschwindet.

Schau die Zahlen bei der Statistik zu Deutschland an. Ausländer bei ca 40% im Durchschnitt obwohl sie nur 20% Deutschlands ausmachen.

It was a self defense situation.

das es nur 40 Prozent sind ist eigentlich ganz gut. als eines der reicheren Länder Europas ist es kein wunder das die Leute zum klauen herkommen.
Immer noch kein Grund das Handtuch zu werden und den Volkstod heraufzubeschwören. Mit falschen Statistiken wie 60 Prozent Steuern etc. mach man sich nur lächerlich.
Und noch ist das deutsche Volk nicht von der Bildfläche verschwunden. Die meisten Hochentwickelten Länder leiden unter zu niedrigen Geburtenraten. Das ist einfach eine Folge von neuen Lebenstylen, einige davon bringen keine Kinder hervor. Diese Lebenstyle werden unweigerlich austerben, die Leute die Genug Kinder haben werden ihre Werte weitergeben. Und dann ist die Bevölkerung wieder stabil. Bei der Migrations muss natürlich die Assimilierung gesteigert werden.

I like Germany, I hope they will like themselves too in future

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grüß Mutti Merkel von mir

they are sons and daughters of EVROPA so i like them, i wish they didnt take in so many refugees though

what city is this? I'd say some east shit

It's Poznan in Poland. Pic obviously unrelated to thread

silence, you have nothing todo with that

Actually it is Posen

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The're alright.