Are video games a waste of time?

Are video games a waste of time?

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>spent $200 on a pixelated magic rooster mount instead of buying more btc

Time enjoyed, is not time wasted.

Same as almost everything other people who say they are a waste do with their free time.

You need some time to relax, just limit it to an hour or two a day and not before you get things done.

only useless ones

RTS & FPS teach you to think tactically. will be useful knowledge if ever the world goes to shit (more than it already has)

Video games addiction is a mental disorder now according to WHO.

All video games except RuneScape is a waste of time.

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your mom's a waste of time

Its not possible to waste time. Time just exists. Time is timeless. The only context where "waste time" makes sense is the context of a society that wants to use all of your time for socially valued pursuits. So yes, video games are a waste of time, if you accept the judgement of other people as your own.

Gaming and the esports industry is worth mega $$$$$$. You either need boobs or be good at the game and your rich.


depends on your situation

why trade in-game currency when you could be doing it with actual digital currency, the grind is harder but the rewards are tangible and more satisfying

If you let it consume your life, while not accomplishing anything, yes.

Everything is a waste of time.

Yes, there are much better hobbies. Learn how to build things out of wood or metal. Learn how to trade on the stock market. Choose something where a 'win' results in real world gain for you. Dump thousands of hours in to vidya, get really good at it even, and what have you accomplished? Nothing. You've gotten fat, you have a vitamin D deficiency and probably repetitive stress injuries. You're out hundreds or thousands of dollars that could have been spent on something useful or at least recreational drugs, too.

There are much worse wastes of time

Like posting on Jow Forums all day

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I like halo.

if you're playing video games to procrastinate instead of prioritising the task you know you should be doing, you're probably "wasting" your time.

many young men are neglecting projects that would have have better longer term outcomes for them than spending so much time on video games.

yes and so is browsing this stupid website, not to mention posting like im doing now. Unless you got shilled eth when it was like $10 bought, but we know you didnt

This, video games are no worse than posting on this shit hole of a website.
You are just deluding yourself if you post on here and look down on gamers.

I just play an hour or two of binding of issac rebirth each week to blow off some steam.

The rest is focused on my side hustle and work.

You can learn about crypto here.


if you play a game that involves math/planning like eve or runescape its fine i guess

and i don't mean playing the actual game, i mean finding ways to make money

any strategy game really. Though when I played Civilization or Masters of Orion it did help to have a time limit per turn, which also helps you learn to systemize.

Unless you are a developer and make shit like fortnite, yes.

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Do you do it in time you genuinely have to spare, or does it replace essential activities?
If the first, it's healthy enough. Much like people who enjoy bird-watching or movies or any other basic hobby.
If the ladder, no it's retarded and you need to fix it.

I just like playing them while listening to audiobooks. It's relaxing.

as useless as any other kind of entertainment, which is most things on the internet including Jow Forums. theres no real information here just shitposting larpers.

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It is, If you aren't making anything out of it other than getting satisfaction that you shouldn't receive doing nothing otherwise. And if you pay for wasting own time you're retarded.

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posting on Jow Forums excessively is more of a time waster than playing video games


time is the only real measurement. And because we only have a short amount of time on this earth you might as well enjoy it.

in other words: Time enjoyed is not wasted. As long as you can keep paying your bills etc.

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Was meant for OP.

This. Trips of truth.

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Literally WHO

same organization who declared transgender as not a disorder

and homosexuality is not, your point?

Yes. Your hobbies should be creative not consumptive.

am i the only one here who thinks video games are the only thing thats not a waste of time? i walked out of jobs to play some vidya, i neglected my gf to the point she left me because i valued my vidya time over time with her, my nan is my last living relative and is dying yet my vidya just seems more important then seeing her in her final days
i only want to make it so i can play vidya uninterupted until i die and i only fear death because it means no more vidya
its everything else that wastes my vidya time

Not anymore of a waste of time than watching movies or playing sports. It can be a good way to take a break from reality, but it obviously shouldn't consume your life.

sometimes they fulfill some subconscious need and give you the ability to focus better on the actual stuff you need to do in your life

but that's rare

>You can learn about crypto here.


I make money playing games.
Don't (you) me.

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literal wageslave cuck logic

You're not the only one. I am actually scared of the thought of having gf. She would need constant attention and huge amounts of time which i dont want to spend just to get sex. I think i"ll be better banging a hooker once a month

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