I think there is too much hostility and banter among our cunts, so lets change it up

I think there is too much hostility and banter among our cunts, so lets change it up.

Say one thing you like or envy about the cunt above you.

Attached: allies-3351806.jpg (1300x957, 91K)

Your population size


Your nature

I think you are an adorable and kind little brother

Your snowy northern regions

literally nothing

your girls (male)

your belly

You are good friends and ally

envy your national pride

Look theres 2 Swedish flags

your girls are bootyfull

Literally the we're best allies in the world
go USA
up China

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i love you too, aussie. hope you get all the chink out of your cunt.actually been considering moving to australia. seems comfy.

Good food

Your uniqueness.

good cocaine

are you hinting that we have autism

No, I think Finlandia is a very particular country.

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incredible soup

great basketball players

Having a history that doesnt make a lot of people hate you + your wealth

Your nordic status

Your emigrants are great carpenters