Should they be rangebanned from Jow Forums?

Should they be rangebanned from Jow Forums?

Only respectful discussion please.

Attached: ExpertSpeak_Kesavan.jpg (720x477, 37K)


They're way worse posters

are you saying you don't want to see gay Korean posters? extremely rude

Ok maybe we can make exceptions

Yes. They all live in slave societies and we don't need their propaganda and way of life to spread

plea bargain :3

replace china with fingolia flag and we have a deal


pls no ;-;

Attached: 1527981947663.png (384x444, 158K)

Finland vs Sweden thread is like Korea vs Japan thread right?

Attached: 1u6d.png (899x880, 992K)

let's make voluptuous love in Kaikai instead (öᴗ

I thought there are korean "jap girls (males)" poster and finn "cocks" poster

>t.notorious polish spammer "japs, do not come to poland"

all east asian countries except for japan (possibly phillipines)

Range ban everyone but Finns, Estonians, and Hungarians.

Only Japan.

only japan and i am not even joking. the country's posting is so fucking bad it doesn't make even sense

Rangeban my country please. Nothing would make me happier.


Fuck no
Finns should be banned if anything

im sorry.i take it back

*愛撫 男根*


私 男
貴方 大丈夫?


僕 女(男)

China essentially is already rangebanned. They can't post here unless they buy the pass because captcha is provided by Google.

The only thing that they are doing here is posting shit.
(Include me)
It isn't problem at all to range ban them.

Japanese poster are based

yea censorship always works out great
