1. Country
2. Do you love TURKIC people?
1. Country
Jaxson Hall
Kevin Perry
she's white
Caleb Watson
stop posting e-thots you mong
Chase Bailey
She is Turkic(Asian).
Gavin Gomez
>tfw no turk gf
Justin Cox
Ah, a fellow Turkic female enthusiast. Based and redpilled.
Daniel Miller
honestly the more I read about turks the more annoyed with them I find myself.
like I wish western turks would just admit they're genetically greek or eastern-roman and quit fucking larping about it.. maybe even convert back to christianity as you can go to heaven without praying 21 times a week + going to service.
Levi Richardson
>turks humans
>nice try
The PEOPLE who like Turks probably never met one or either are a turk themselves
Gabriel Cook
I like the girls and despise the mens
Elijah Harris
only if they (female) have sex with me, otherwise they don't even register as people