>China has said it is “not worried in the slightest” by mounting international concern over the death sentence handed to a Canadian for drug smuggling.
>Monday’s sentence for Robert Schellenberg for smuggling 222 kilograms of methamphetamines prompted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to accuse China of “arbitrarily” applying the death penalty.
>Speaking at a daily news briefing in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Canada’s “so-called allies could be counted on ten fingers,” and did not represent the views of the wider international community.
They executed a British national 10 years ago despite the British PM begging China not to do it and it was quickly forgotten afterward. Nobody will care about this.
Colton Price
ten thats optimistic id say one but thats the us and id more call their relationship owner and pet
Daniel Thompson
don't think trudeau wpuld care other than a token "yeah, please don't". Everybody sane knows drug smuggling in China is a death sentence already. If anything, the government cares about the uncharged canadians imprisoned and tortured because of the huawei thing. They're probably going to be more pissed about the shitflinging going on in the last paragraph you posted, and the fact that Canada has realized that two-way fairness and friendship isn't a thing in international politics.
James Roberts
canada is chinas bitch and everyones bitch
Isaac Bell
>Be China >Your only "ally" is North Korea >Accuse Canada of having barely any allies
china has assets though, it's not like we have the market or money for the same amount of leverage they do. Back during the cold war we might have, but right now it's a different world
Parker Watson
It's not like the chink is the bad here. He knew it had coming.
Brayden Morales
>china has assets though >it's not like we have the market or money for the same amount of leverage they do >Still no allies besides the poor as fuck Norks and maybe Pakistan
The only thing worse than a country with no leverage and barely any allies is one who has all the leverages and still no allies.
Jack Collins
You LITERALLY just dropped relations with Taiwan less than two years ago and established relations with China.
Nicholas Rodriguez
I can't help but think that everybody under your flags are chinks
I suppose, but in the end, we're the ones who just realized the predicament we're and and are scrambling to catch up to the rest of the world.
I'm glad we got the wake-up call though, and I'm happy that the exploitation of our country by others is finally an issue that can be discussed. Canada is fortunate in the fact that we have enormous quantities of natural resources, and soon we'll have an important shipping channel through the northen passage. We need to make sure that these are properly controlled and have a positive return for Canadians and Canada, otherwise we'll just be exploited like our water, lumber and steel industries are, or colonized by foreign companies like our mining and oil drilling industries.
Levi Taylor
this is just payback for the century of humiliation. chinks have not forgotten the crimes of the a*Glo
Liam Collins
>smuggle drugs in China of all places Darwin Award Winner 2018.
Logan Lee
Canada has never lost a war China lost thousands of wars
Jaxon Peterson
He should have smuggled fentanyl. LOL.
Cooper Russell
Why is Canada so shit at international diplomacy recently? Or has it always been this way
Eli Richardson
>Be Canada >Has values >Stand up against the KSA >Be Canada >Help out your Americlap friends >They let you down
Alexander Ross
>shit we're finally handing out middle fingers and I'm happy. Cant trust anybody else nowadays beyond simple cash exchange.
Also CANZUK is rumored to be coming, and we just essentially enacted the TPP without the stupid IP laws with Japan, NZ, Aus, Singapore and others called the CPTPP
Jose Rodriguez
I never understood why people cry when retards get caught breaking the law in another country. If you break the law in that country, you are going to be punished according to that country's laws, you are not a fucking ambassador. This is basic shit every traveller should know, and it is their responsibility to know and obey local laws and customs, so why is there a big fuss when drug smugglers get caught, or couples get caught fucking in the middle east? It's their own fault.
Asher Reyes
What complete retard thinks its a good idea to bring in 222killos of drugs in CHINA. It's like sticking your hand in a fire and expecting not to get burned He deserves it to be honest
Ryder Foster
He was trying to get it into Australia, as well. It's like the world forgot about the whole deal with Asian countries and drug trafficking. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bali_Nine
American energy companies are currently stealing away billions of dollars worth of fossil fuel from Canada and Trump signed the okay, as though Canada didn't even have a say. Kind of mindblowing how fucked America treats its so called allies.
Isaac James
I imagine he obtained the meth from some kind Chinese pharmaceutical factory which will never be punished.
Nicholas Hughes
The easy solution is to toss the bitch to us. We are already fighting an economic war with them, having
Colton Johnson
Yeah it's weird. Every time it happens with an Aussie our media kicks up a fuss and every time no one actually cares
Easton Phillips
Particularly when it's a Third World shitpile that doesn't have as fair or humane a justice system as your country and mine do.
Nicholas Russell
...a spy war with them, finding their fraudulant students, etc. What else do you want from us to nuke them? Also the Canada/KSA shit was retarded.
Adam Cruz
>which will never be punished We're not talking about American big pharma here, senpai. The Chinese government goes as far as giving the heads of corrupt businesses the death sentence when it comes to these sorts of crimes.
Isaac Harris
yeah, but on the bright side the US government seems happy to sacrifice a lot of the soft power they have worldwide, as well as their own goodwill in order to appeal to their voterbase. Canada has been under the US thumb since the cold war began, although it wasn't a complete raw deal.
It will probably take a good decade for independent canadian industry to mature again, at least as long as there's little to no outside meddling. Our economy right now is hugely dependant on US trade, especially our auto industry and other manufacturing. CPTPP was a step in the right direction, since we lowered tariffs on japanese auto parts and vice versa, so factories from other companies, as well as sourcing from independent Canadian contractors might be a welcome boon in coming years. Likewise for australia too, since you guys are a part of it.
Leo Ross
The US justice system is a completely fucked, third world tier system which punishes the poor and allows billionaires who crash the economy to not only get off scot free, but heavily compensated for their crimes.
Jacob Foster
cuz normally we can virtue signal and morally lecture others nations without repercussions
Jacob Rodriguez
Almost all SEA countries have death sentence for drugs smuggling. If he get caught in Taiwan or Singapore sentence would be the same.
buy more supercars from our dealerships after they crash them
Jackson Cruz
The new Evropa is allied with China
Noah Watson
Why the FUCK should we care about drug smuggling scum anyway? This guy's probably responsible for so many deaths to fentanyl in the Western provinces, if anything we should bring him back so we can execute him ourselves.
Jordan Green
This isn't the 80s. They're going to give him lethal injection.
Lincoln Sullivan
This is just China slapping your balls to see how far you bend: give him your hand and he will take your whole arm.
Oliver Fisher
im no PRC apologist, but dear lord, what did this asshole expect to happen when drug smuggling in China
Jaxon Williams
you know jews, man, get rich or die tryin''
Nicholas Flores
Brayden Cooper
>there are literal inbred retards advocating canada send spec ops to get him back >leafs dont know their only spec ops unit was dissolved and non-operational >the ENTIRE military of canada is smaller than single chinese divison Leafs are literally amerimutt without the military might backing their delusions
Aaron Wood
>We're not talking about American big pharma here, senpai. The Chinese government goes as far as giving the heads of corrupt businesses the death sentence when it comes to these sorts of crimes That must be why the us is flooded with chinese fentanyl and bath salts.
Michael Hernandez
Lol canada cant even match the military might of even smaller asian countries (taiwan, south korea etc) how would they even go against chinas might.
Jackson Brooks
If only your government had a way of stopping certain goods from entering the domestic market.