I was born in September

I was born in September.

Attached: me.jpg (950x960, 79K)

im drama queen

>have been skipping gym for over a month
ouch this hurts


yup, seems pretty accurate

Attached: 484d60938f2660bde28aa141f659f8d2--frog-meme-the-morning.jpg (500x500, 17K)

Is september the best month in your country? It is in mine along with May.

April, but I'm very parsimonious

Stop posting facebook shit people

>being sassy
This is true

i am literally always late. based facebook horoscope.

>drinking wine
They might be onto something

what is downing shots? is it like the gun thing or the murican drinking game with that red cup or something?

>Always Being Late
how they know

guess i'm quite good at insulting yea sure

>shopping at kmart

haha, how did they know that!

March and it is true.

I refuse to believe that a meme picture could be right...

It's probably on purpose. September is the month with most newborns(because it's 9 month after new years eve). In my case it's pretty accurate

Jow Forums(nel) is not Facebook, get out !

I’ve never drunken more than half a cup of alcohol in my life.

>insulting people

I do like to sleep.

Also September ;_;

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