Appreciation thread for Slavic feminine beauty. Post Slav qts itt.
Slavic qts thread
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Looks native American
But she isn't
Reverse image search tells me they're Canadian so yes she is.
>having fetish towards asians is yellow fever
>having fetish towards blacks is jungle fever
what about having fetish towards slavs?
gold-digger fever
Putin's secret weapon: she can conquer you with only her voice
Wanting to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Shit taste
Cringe. I fucking despise her
Literally lol
All made for BBC
Would marry, I love the teeth and I am not being sarcastic.
she's 9 user
I would groom her until she was 13, then.
13 is still too young user
Looks Swedish to me.
Shut the fuck up, Yassine.
kys pedo
I guess Portuguese really are brown since they like to fiddle little kids
Hate blonde slavic whores. Everyone knows North Pontids is where its at.
t. Mehdi
Slavic girls have pancake butts. Disgusting.
Its 2015 again ? Long time didnt see such thread