Slavic qts thread

Appreciation thread for Slavic feminine beauty. Post Slav qts itt.

Attached: russianqt.jpg (1024x808, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread: Dorset/

Attached: barbie_cosplay_by_sladkoslava_dar2a7k-fullview.jpg (1024x1536, 152K)

Attached: 6347657809_e59f3a1116_o.jpg (1000x1008, 105K)

Looks native American

Attached: sladkoslava.jpg (1024x1536, 180K)

But she isn't

Attached: 6347657857_f3db5f8885_o.jpg (1000x1006, 147K)

Reverse image search tells me they're Canadian so yes she is. Dorset/

>having fetish towards asians is yellow fever
>having fetish towards blacks is jungle fever

what about having fetish towards slavs?

gold-digger fever


Putin's secret weapon: she can conquer you with only her voice

Attached: Yulia_Matyukina.jpg (402x604, 36K)

Wanting to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Attached: 15461658566970.jpg (1100x618, 209K)


Shit taste

Cringe. I fucking despise her

Literally lol

All made for BBC

Would marry, I love the teeth and I am not being sarcastic.

Attached: 15461658566970__01.jpg (171x187, 16K)

she's 9 user

I would groom her until she was 13, then.

13 is still too young user

Looks Swedish to me.

Shut the fuck up, Yassine.

kys pedo

I guess Portuguese really are brown since they like to fiddle little kids

Attached: 815b5fda.jpg (683x1024, 95K)

Hate blonde slavic whores. Everyone knows North Pontids is where its at.

Attached: 6668_original.jpg (1000x668, 134K)

t. Mehdi

Attached: 109023eb8d27361f99f76b2ad84816b1_1.jpg (721x1127, 107K)

Attached: 1507763771731_1_1.jpg (1013x1080, 324K)

Slavic girls have pancake butts. Disgusting.

Attached: Agent Hitler.jpg (800x450, 37K)

Attached: 3dpd.webm (640x640, 1.78M)

Attached: 1480113206157.jpg (832x824, 102K)

Attached: russian wamon.jpg (500x374, 29K)


Attached: Russian bodybuilder.jpg (750x733, 69K)

Its 2015 again ? Long time didnt see such thread
