In Sweden, you have to buy really weak beer. It's law. Is this a real brand in Germany by the way? It costs 20 kr (+ pant) which is why I buy it.
In Sweden, you have to buy really weak beer. It's law. Is this a real brand in Germany by the way...
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>In Sweden, you have to buy really weak beer. It's law.
explain me this
That's lame swedebro, I didn't know other countries had to brew weaker beer than our domestic waterbrews like miller. What is the limit on the abv?
Systembolaget, the government alcohol shop, has exclusive rights to sell >3.5%
I'm pretty sure there are normal beers at Systembolaget as well
What sucks even more is being not allowed to drink alcohol in the public like in the USA. How can a freedom loving country like the USA where you are allowed to open carry a gun prohibit you to drink a cold one with your friends in the park?
>weak beer
For Fucks sakes Swedes is there anything about your country that isn't weak now?
That really sucks, are you allowed to order beer via amazon or other internet sides from other countries?
>not allowed to drink alcohol in the public
We have local ordinances like that here. It's usually just in the city center that it's enforced.
And what exactly holds you from going to Systembolaget and buying beer there?