Would it be dangerous to travel alone in the east of siberia?

would it be dangerous to travel alone in the east of siberia?
i want to hike or hitch hike from village to village. Probably east of lake baikal and make my way up to Magadan.
Are the people who live out there friendly?
Would i be murdered?

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You ll die of cold before even reaching Yakutsk west*Rnoid

Nah, you’d probably die of radiation though

>would it be dangerous to travel alone in the east of siberia?
>i want to hike or hitch hike from village to village. Probably east of lake baikal and make my way up to Magadan.
Not really
>Are the people who live out there friendly?
Yes but they dont speak any English whatsoever.
>Would i be murdered?
Donno lad, I cant tell the future.

He's not going to Japan

it's hot there during the summer

NA education strikes again

Let's see
>labor camps, criminals everywhere
>violent indigenous people
>no infrastructure
>no law enforcement
>no roads
>cold as fuck
what can possibly go wrong

thanks for your clueless input

You’ll get lost if you try to go through the forest. There will likely be no gps connection, not even talking about phones. 99.99% of people you will encounter won’t be able to communicate with you. There are lots of dangerous wildlife. Distances between places are tremendous.

>wants to hitchhike from lake baikal to fucking magadan
>talks about education
you can't talk, mate

You will be fine. Russians are good people.

He was smart enough to reach out and ask. Fucking jerk.

>There will likely be no gps connection, not even talking about phones.
Pretty sure there's gps everywhere.
It's been done many times before by backpackers.

you need to watch the documentary Pobeda and link up with some of the people that helped the italian dude climb that mountain

Why are Burgers posting in this thread lol?
You're on a different continent for fucks sake.

can you speak russian?

using gps is cheating though. same with phones/computers. if you do it, do it the real way, walk from village to village and ask locals for directions and take notes.

why are russians posting in the amerihours? you are supposed to be asleep for fucks sake

пoтoмy чтo нeт мoй бpaт

нe мoг пo pyccки кaк пeдepaц aхaххaхa пытaйcя oпять

>ask locals for directions
>walks 100 kilometers
>no village, no road, no nothing
>turn around 179 degrees
>another 100 kilometers
you are now officially lost

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Sleep is for the weak.
Also you'd need a gps just in case. Nobody, not even experienced explorers/mountaineers travel without one anymore.
Please stop. Google translate doesnt work well with Russian.

You haven't hiked much have you

pussies. travel has lost its appeal. gps/phone/directions/google translate. the easy mode. no challenges. why not just walk through siberia on google street view then.

i hiked in the yellowstone park. 20 miles each way.

I don't think it could be done. Not all on foot anyway.
Distances are too large, especially as you get further east, past khandyga, on the road of bones. From Teply Klyuch to the next village would be a 6 day brutal walk with nothing in between.
Then about the same to Ust-Nera.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1961x890, 927K)

He made it... at least twice.

Attached: zcxzczxc.jpg (600x400, 143K)

Look for Autohitchhiking through the communist bloc (Autostopem przed demoludy) on youtube.