>What language are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Will I learn a language by using Duolingo? Use it as a supplement >Should I learn X to get a qt wife? Women don't exist >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? Yes >What is the most useful language? Sleepless Swedish >What language should I learn Sleepless Swedish
>Sleepless Swedish Are you the teacher? Would study / 10 :p
Jaxson Morgan
I can be if you want to :^)
Caleb Wood
you should really take some sleeping pills fren
Aiden Morgan
I am kinda curious about Swedish but I don't think I can find a use for it. Maybe for fun sometime I'll try and see how easy/hard it actually is :/
Colton Cook
>I am kinda curious about Swedish but I don't think I can find a use for it. I post these kinds of replies a lot in these threads, but... Don't see "uses" in languages, user, that's not good. See interest. What drives you to learn a language? What captivates you? That is your reason, not "usefulness". If you're interested, give it a go.
But more importantly; do it! Join the sleepless gang.
are you the same swede from that other thread on Jow Forums
Lucas Torres
i miss kaycee's int. this just isnt the same. theres no cuntballs and the memeflags are shit. nostalgia upon seeing the screen pepe fell aslep to there.
Julian Morales
whatever'st happened to kc?
Logan Young
you tell me. it just wasnt anymore
Jaxson Hall
I never really used kc sorry Bernd, no answers from me.
Jayden Rogers
Which one? I have recently only been posting in /lang/ as the full extent of my activity on Jow Forums, so if it's something recent then it's not me.
You can imagine what the average person would say if I told them I was studying Finnish. "What a waste of time. You should be learning Spanish. At least that is actually useful", or something like that. I guess what I meant is that I haven't given Swedish any serious consideration and don't know much about it, so it's not currently an interest for me. I would need some motivation or reason to study it first. I could certainly change my mind though. For now, I'm just enjoying the struggle of learning Finnish :p
Brandon Young
>I guess what I meant is that I haven't given Swedish any serious consideration and don't know much about it, so it's not currently an interest for me. I would need some motivation or reason to study it first. Ah, then I get what you meant by use. We're all good.
>For now, I'm just enjoying the struggle of learning Finnish :p Based. Have some based Fennoswedish rap to bridge the gap between the languages and help inspire you. :^))) youtube.com/watch?v=eDWuhjKO8nI
The whole Fennoswede thing is pretty fascinating actually. I notice a lot of 'r' tongue rolling in that song. Is that common for Swedish or is it just a dialect feature or used just for songs (like Rammstein)?
John Campbell
There are many different Rs in Swedish and they vary from dialect to dialect. I actively use at least 2 different Rs unintentionally because of native dialect + influence from standardized Swedish. I can pronounce more dialectal variants but I see no reason to do so and mutt up my speech even more.
Michael Wood
should i learn basic french lesson 2?
Thomas Ramirez
>page 9
Jordan Perry
Interesting. I always like the rolled R sound.
>mutt up my speech As an Amerimutt, I am offended :p
Ich heiße Harald. Ich habe fünf Äpfel. Meine Freundin heißt Elisa. Sie möchte einen Apfel. Wenn ich einen ihr Apfel gebe, dann wie viele Äpfel habe ich?
Landon Richardson
Ich mag Frösche Sie sind glatt Magst du grüne Frösche? Die grünen Frösche leben in kleinen Teichen
Ich habe immer einen Haustierfrosch gewollt Meine Freunde glauben ich bin zu besessen von Fröschen Ich ging gestern zu einem Teich und ich habe zwei kleinen Frösche gefunden Ich habe meiner Mutter die kleine Frösche gezeigt, nachdem ich sie erwischt habe
What language learning apps would you suggest using in combination for the best results? My plan: Duolingo (for a little bit of everything) Memrise (for vocabulary) Clozemaster (for reading comprehension and vocabulary)
Thought I was okay in German until I started trying to actually talk to Germans, I can't understand shit. Help. I'm clueless.
Isaac Cooper
want to learn icelandic
Jonathan Jackson
That goes for almost all languages fren, if you compare yourself to someone who's been learning since day one and then using if everyday it's only natural you'll look like an amateur
Ian Reed
Check em
Caleb Phillips
>page 8
Noah Cook
>page 1
Landon White
>American education
David Rodriguez
Is studying with poetry without a strong grasp of grammar counterproductive?
Carson Gomez
>page 8
Carson Long
Page 5
Cameron Rodriguez
Page 2
Jayden Nelson
Page 3
Nathan Gomez
Extremely so. A lot of poetry is about abusing grammar either to or past its limit.
But it is originally written in Swedish. I'm happy to get some Finnish culture as well though. Really I just want to get to know the Scandinavian countries a lot better. I really love the folk art of this region.
Oh it's fine. From my understanding the author was a minority Swedish speaker in Finland. It was also soon translated into Finnish after publishing. I found this out after taking time to research it so I understand that most don't know about it. The nice sleepless one actually helped encourage me to learn it. Based indeed.
>helped encourage me to learn Yeah, he also made me at least think about learning it. And since he never sleeps, he could be like a 24/7 Swedish tutor here :p
Mason Wilson
>What language are you learning? French. It's for cinema and literature reasons. I'm aware that I'll have to be pretty well versed in French to understand those, but that's something I'm willing to take on.
Thanks for making these threads Sven. I'm usually a lurker, but these are comfy.