Why do third worlders complain about their lives so much?
>no regulations or civic responsibility so you can just bribe important people to get things done quicker instead of going through red tape >don't need a drivers licence because nobody cares >everything is 100x as cheap >human life is valueless so you don't have to help anyone and can focus entirely on yourself >mental illness doesn't exist and everyone is physically healthy unlike obese firstoids >nepotism is not only tolerated but encouraged so your uncle or cousin can just give you a great job whenever they feel like it with no repercussions >don't have to independently date women because you can just have an arranged marriage set up by your parents >religion and traditionalism haven't been destroyed by postmodernist degeneracy yet >education is the only way to succeed without nepotism so every 2nd person has a masters degree so society is much more intelligent as a whole >death penalty is still in force so there is much less crime and safety is no longer an issue >pollution and industry haven't destroyed the environment so everything is pristine and you can live in harmony with nature
Why do thirdies act like people in the first world feeling sadness is their biggest problem? Kind of ironic.
Nathaniel Howard
>pollution and industry haven't destroyed the environment so everything is pristine and you can live in harmony with nature >picture has too much smog in the air to barely see past the train
Jason Lopez
This, it's even funnier when they get angry at first worlders for being individualist. When in reality, nobody in third world countries gives a shit about each other.
Easton Thomas
The funniest thing is that everyone posting on Jow Forums from a developing country is at least upper middle class since they know English and have computers and internet access, yet they STILL complain
Samuel Baker
>not everyone can afford bribes, bribes are often offered only for higher ups or with ppl with connections >lol, retard >lol, retard >and nobody will help you either so avarage Pajeet is on his own >it exists but pretended its not, no help, at worst case they lock you up with proper schizos >great jobs are rare, thus your chances are small for getting one even with connections, theres always a bigger fish >and then that wife cheats on you or turn your life into hell >religion and traditionalism is destroyed but hypocrisy isnt so you have to act like you like it >even with good education you arent getting a good job, pays are laughable compared to prices most of the time >virgin freak, who cares about death penalty >elmao, trash everywhere, ppl purposely destroy their enviroment because they are poor
it sounds like you are a retarded angl*id who yet again failed at humour
You can probably buy a house in Hungary for like $20,000, that's a few months pay, meanwhile in Australia a house is $500,000 for the shittiest one available Thirdoids don't know how good they have it
NICE B8 SUBHUMAN >no regulations or civic responsibility so you can just bribe important people to get things done quicker instead of going through red tape False, try it and you get your ass in jail >don't need a drivers licence because nobody cares False >everything is 100x as cheap Not imported goods. Everything else is indeed cheaper >human life is valueless so you don't have to help anyone and can focus entirely on yourself Actually, 1st world societes are individualistic, 3rd world societies have a reputation of being collectivist >mental illness doesn't exist and everyone is physically healthy unlike obese firstoids Obesity is a problem in the 3rd world too >nepotism is not only tolerated but encouraged so your uncle or cousin can just give you a great job whenever they feel like it with no repercussions Just like in the 1st world >don't have to independently date women because you can just have an arranged marriage set up by your parents Not a thing. Literally never heard of arranged marriages over here >religion and traditionalism haven't been destroyed by postmodernist degeneracy yet How is this bad you fucking gook? >education is the only way to succeed without nepotism so every 2nd person has a masters degree so society is much more intelligent as a whole See above >death penalty is still in force so there is much less crime and safety is no longer an issue America tier. There is no death penalty over here, sadly >pollution and industry haven't destroyed the environment so everything is pristine and you can live in harmony with nature False, we are one of the cleanest countries and we also have one of the cleanest airs. look it up Zhang
>bribes They are a thing here but for average citizen it only works for transit police and cops that caught you with weed. >drivers licence Yeah you don't really need it if you can afford enough bribes >100x as cheap Not for imported things (aka basically everything that is not vegetables and fruits) >human life is valueless agree. Nobody cares about anyone here >mental illness doesn't exists Not as much as americans but still we have massive ignorance instead >Nepotism true >arranged marriage Not a thing here >religion and traditionalism It makes people to be ignorant and have low IQ's. It is a cancer >Education is the only way to succeed only in a few cases. People get success because they know what's going on with relations and influences (and even corruption) >death penalty No such a thing here >pollution big cities have it. Countryside is clear
>No such a thing here Won't the cartels execute you?
Blake Reyes
Samuel Hughes
Holy fuck. Sorry bro. I saw your wall of text very similar looking to mine and I though he quoted me
Ryan Myers
Only if: 1. You are a famous instagram whore who intentionally relates to narcoculture because of netflix shows and money/attention 2. You are a rich citizen that lives on a narco state and refuses to pay them their taxes 3. You are a member of a rival cartel/gang 4. You are an activist that pisses off government (cartels do their dirty job)