Were two nukes too many, or not enough?
Were two nukes too many, or not enough?
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too much for sure, they should have targeted that big island filled with roos in the south instead.
Not enough nuclear strike on Australia.
Two nukes and still no apology for Nanking. What do you think?
>tfw she looks like my mom
Not enough.
What happened to that lady is one of the worst fucking thing ive ever read.
Insect people domt give a fuck
They also had this guy who canibalized French woman.
should have hanged emperor
she wasn't french
Two nukes was enough. Only faggots would accept nuking a demographic of women who enjoy foreign cock.
Uhmm... Yes, she fucking was?
he became popular in japan because of that
what a country
ah------- I have seen that pic before----------
cannot remember who is zat
I know, right?
wasn't she dutch and happend in paris ?
At least 2000 needed
They wouldnt have hit anyone except old farmer bill.
4'9" the average bug manlet
Renée Hartevelt sounds French.
>''He raped her corpse but was unable to bite into her skin, so he left the apartment and purchased a butcher knife. For two days, Sagawa ate various parts of her body, saving other parts in his refrigerator.''
>ai fak ur mous milikana
He was 1.45cm.
Who is she?
bakemono desu...
>it sounds french
you autist she was dutch read whatever article about that case.
Reminds me of that Calvin and Hobbes strip.
Well, it DOES sound French, you niptpcking fucktard. But hey, you fucks probably don't give a damn that he murdered souneone in your country because ''She wasn't French''. You fucking animals are not really better than Japs.
Junko furuta
Link or describe it
>be wrong
take a drknk poletard
Too many. Nuking civilians is literally a war crime.
Link pls
Just watch this you vermin sick Russian scum
from 11:20
(They had it coming)