I am going to an event where I will be entertaining soldiers, paramilitary and police from nations of over 120 countries.
I am crafting a medley to sing to them in the hopes of entertaining and bringing the night of drinking, meeting and exchanging kit/stories to a good peak.
I need your help:

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i can suggest the start of the melody. it goes do do do do de dah do do.

I am after something jolly with an uplifting beat, something that the average (your nation) soldier/paramilitary will know and want to sing along with.
Ideally medium to fast paced with a fun chorus, ideally military/folk related, but knowing and enjoying is priority.
Examples of other nations:
Germany: Panzerlied
USA: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Russia: Katyusha
UK: Long Way to Tipperary (Rule Britannia?)
Italy: Funiculi Funicula
Finland: Säkkijärven Polkka
Japan: Yuki no Shingun
Netherlands: Merck Toch Hoe Sterck
Spain: El Novio de La Muerte
Poland: Przybyli Ulani pod Okienko
Australia: Waltzing Matilda
Ireland: Drunken Sailor
Greece: Duce Puts on his Uniform (Na tane to 21?)

(WIP) for many

If you have suggestions from your nation, I want to hear it.

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>Long Way to Tipperary
literally who?

Attached: download (10).jpg (260x194, 5K)

Don't have a list of the nations at the event?

Honestly lad, I am struggling with UK the most.
I know the average soldier is a 19 year old, lad out of THE SESH, jus' come back from cheeky nandos, NICE ONE BRUVVA, and has likely never heard it, but I have no idea what to suggest.
Unless you are implying Amerillio.

long way tipperary
feels like that old queen mary
herpussy is so soft and hairy
but i dont like pussy
that shit is not juicy
i like cock and cum in my throat
now britannia moves to the boat

dont sing waltzing matilda, do a scatting-be-bop cover of thunderstruck by ACDC.

Unfortunately no, and because it's in Lourdes france, it's mostly europeans.
But I very much have met many americas, mexican, koreans, argies and a few african countries too, so I'd very much like a suggestion, señor