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does anyone else think this trap is an absolute qt and raises some valid points?

Better luck next time.

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i want a mexican bf

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>For me, it's anarcho-naturalism.

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for me, its queer anarchism

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why it gotta be mexican

Me? I’m an Anarcho-Fascist

is this a record?

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Anarchism is based
>pic related, but the dam is state monopoly of force

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if you disrespect natalie again i will fucking kill you

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There weren't 100 posters, some burger schizo was just IP hopping to fuck with Sven

You know what? I'm about to say it.

I'm glad you were born male

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Ale BTFO by one second

Sorry for saying trap, but she's really cute and I've watched like two hours worth of videos from her channel earlier today. Love it

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you know damn well we weren't gonna post in the other anyways

jfc not everyone im not the only mexican that exists in the world

i'm gonna kick your ass

I want a cute Egyptian girlfriend. Latinas will never be as exotic as them.

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me? I want a cute jewish gf

~~~¥^-^*lovely edition*^-^¥~~~
wacky dreams are the best dreams
REALLY good dreams are the worst dreams
(nightmares are kinda great)

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Do lefties who obsess over Kurds realize that Kurds are Aryan (Iran group), and by getting involved in Levantine ethnic tensions on behalf of the Kurds, they are literally fighting for white supremacy over Arabs?
(and it's beautiful)

i want a myself bf


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I think watching the original Yu-Gi-Oh as a young lad might've influenced my love for brown Arabian women, specifically Egyptian.

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me? I am in support of Assad
what am I?
a socialist, yea

>everyone is made equally
the harsh reality is that you're extremely wrong


I’m a Jew AMA

you ever fart so hard that poop came out?

בן כמה אתה

so you cant eat pizza with meat on it?

burger king or mcdonalds?

I’m not practicing and neither are my parents
I’m not even circumsized


yeah im a non practicing astronaut

why are we here

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wtf I hate jews now ;c

Do you like Chinese Food?

To shitpost. No other reason

Brainlet who doesn’t know what makes a Jew a Jew

Equality is a social construct and does not exist in nature. Every human being is unique, which is another way of saying that no two people are equal.

wtf japan has space fireworks???
artificial meteor shower???
Hiroshima next year???
omfg im gonna fucking diiiiieeeeeeeeee

janny's on a break, hasn't been here all night.

Marx was an extremely anti Semitic Jew
Burger King is garbage my dude

>Burger King is garbage
Jow Forums was right
jews are subhumans and should be purged

There is literally nothing redeemable about Burger King
McDonald’s is at least good drunk food

Post nose or gtfo


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now im being schizophrenic, nice

how could bk be garbage when he's touting mcdo

Will I die in Mexico City?

I have a Slav nose :(

I’m an Israeli citizen too
I should get my passport made so I can post it on Jow Forums
I didn’t say McDonalds was good
It’s just better than Burger King

Burger King has always been known as garbage, have you been living under a rock?

>tfw no gf

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burger king is gud
kys tbqh

He obviously is mentally ill
Burger King is the bottom burger chain


No dude

>tfw no bf

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>He hasn't killed himself yet

mmm China, what a beautiful country.

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You should meet Alexis.

>tfw no placer bp to fug

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>tfw no qt Mexican gf

Arby's better not be drunk again

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Gays welcome?

>tfw no qt Jewish gf

the first gay couple in cartoons?

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ive meet him
hes trash

so what if i am
but im not


Wherever you guys may be right now, I want to let you know that I've enjoyed your guys company at /cum/. I feel happy just messing around. Thank you for this moment.

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So uh any girls here? Just wondering not looking for a gf or anything haha

>playing skyrim when daggerfall exists

The mentally ill cuck? No thanks I'll be happy when he finally kills himself or gets kicked out and has to live on the street so he stops posting

Pretty gay post

the mechanics intimidated me after the tutorial dungeon so i played morrowind instead

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it was only the fast travel that i didn't really like

bruh, thats the easiest part. Just select a city/type it in, and click how you want to do it

bye bye


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i didn't like it

drunk driving should i do it lads?
im hungry as fuck

How do I get over a girl? 23 and haven’t figured this shit out. At least it’s less heartbreaking and more annoying now than anything.

gn bud

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Give it time user. Just distract yourself with hobbies and erase anything that has to do with her.

No, retard. You could ruin you life in or someone else’s 100 different ways if you drive drunk.

no, you idiot

who was your favorite rocket power character

oh no hes still calling me a cuck lol