Alright Jow Forums who is gonna hook me up with a pizza?

Alright Jow Forums who is gonna hook me up with a pizza?


Will deliver pics after and surely anger a lot of anons

Attached: 1487.jpg (399x386, 23K)

That long number sure don't look like kneepads, user

You know the drill faggot, sharpie in the pooper timestamped.

Attached: 1526667776504.png (287x288, 109K)

I would never insert anything into my ass

What do the numbers mean? I tried a hex translator, wtf?!

It's gonna be another night of eating bugs

Why are you on biz

lol he's probably a whale

It's eth


Where they accept Eth for pizza?.

My local store does but only because the guy is into crypto himself im guessing

Nice meme :(

What did you expect other than this and why did you come to the conclusion that there would be another possible outcome?

Whale here. I sent 0.02btc to the address. Post the pizza

Well memed friend

Well there is always someone willing to say fuck it why not

You know I would send it to you but Parity is
just not syncing up... SINCE EVER!!!

Just my luck t b h user

Post pics of the local pizza store.
Would be pretty funny to have you sit there, waiting for some eth.

I'm not there yet