Did some research on the Chainlink team and the background of frequent code contributors.
Many of which are not widely known.
Did some research on the Chainlink team and the background of frequent code contributors.
Many of which are not widely known.
Bunch of scammers
Link 1k eoy !
TY based user
Is this FUD or not? The first image seems so but I don’t see how most of the rest are.
autism at its finest. you dont see shit like this with any other projects. this should tell you that people are seriously looking at LINK as a long term project that has a potential to make them great returns depending on the outcome and usage of their network.
In case you guys are interested in helping to counter the Chainlink FUD, there's currently a growing group aiming to counter the FUD associated with the LINK decentralized protocol.
Look up 'Link Marines for Good' on Telegram
There is a separate data dump they are preparing related to the project.
The autism is only so strong with link because there's no contact from the team. We're forced to follow breadcrumbs because we don't get fed. It's autists like OP who help keep the faith alive.
Based OP
Have a thot
Thank you.
A new data dump will be available tomorrow.
Join 'Link Marines for Good' is you want to be apart of the mission.
How come link is still on binance?
I thought it was getting discontinued?
great stuff
You fell for the weakest FUD in history I remember that thread holy fucking shit.
Wow op. You should consider being a CIA agent.
You're thinking of Ecto Cooler.
>Bunch of scammers
b-but it's just a two man team....
USDA certified moon
Can you do one on assblaster?
i sent this one to my dad, thanks OP
now he'll have to gib me monies
Can u post tg link cant seem to find it
For some reason, when I attempt to share the doc I'm blocked by Jow Forums as they classify it was spam
I meant the link to the telegram link
Whats the telegram handle fren?
'Link Marines for Good'
You have literally done nothing apart from look at their LinkedIn and guess about some stuff.
Why are all you pathetic faggots impressed?
I have tons more information on Kochis and Oblad than this lazy copy and paste effort.
Why even waste your time 'compiling' this?
Oh yeah it is to boost your ego and act like an epic internet detective. Simply fuck off back to your telegram group if you all can't find any new information.
Reporting for duty. How do I sign up?
An invite should be available within the Chainlink official telegram group before I was booted out.
This, this is all already known. This is kind of sad.
why don'y you do some original research that's not just copying and pasting linkedin pages?
Weak FUD attempt on quality research. Riddle me user, can you do better? If so, prove it.
Otherwise STFU and let people enjoy the info and make their own connections to be shared.
Got it thanks!
Jazzhands is the man
ty based user
fuck the haters
then post your info or shut up
Leutinent here. this is actually a great thread OP. Joined the telegram to find the good fight. Thanks based user.
Theres some fuckers here who are so god damn stupid to fud their own investment.
Joining the tg tomorrow
Okay what did you do in terms of 'research' for this?
1. You looked at GitHub commits.
2. You searched on LinkedIn
3. You copied and pasted and added an opinion.
Don't worry I'll massage you user: You really are a top hacker.
You didn't even post the most exciting information about John Barker you amateur hour noob.
Please keep wasting your own time pointing out the bleeding obvious, hopefully you and your friends can raise the price by a cent or 2.
Short sighted moron
Nah get fucked and do your own homework faggot
Pink ID riddles again
thank you for being so awesome
+10 Internet points
you fat lonely worthless waste of a human life
Watch some of this video: youtube.com
Until you get a situation like this, where normies are willing to drop $20k in an obvious mania situation, shilling LINK will not matter. If what we suspect is true, and institutional partners are lined up, LINK will see a massive price surge from utility alone. If it's one coinbase or the equivalent during the next mania phase, that's when you dump and buy back after it's over and wait it out for smartcontract ubiquity.
Shilling this is just pissing in the wind outside of a speculative mania or real tulity. Accumulate more because you know what's coming.
Lying here in Gran Canaria with my girlfriend beside me in bed trying to get to sleep by reading and posting on biz.
Though I could lose a bit of weight but not much lol
Gods work being done here. Key will reward you post price Singularity
>mfw mainnet releases during this bear market and LINK dumps sub-ICO because "le sell the news xD"
Damn autocorrect.
Joining the telegram group to assist you in your efforts. Im sure as hell not the only one grateful for your efforts and research.
There is no unironic link fud. This is because nobody gives a shit about link. You goobers are wasting your valuable free time policing the speech of other holders.
Oh lookie here, fudders attempting to hijack the quality thread. Fuck off you wagecucks. Go back to your cubicle and suck the old geezer you work for dick for a 5% raise.
Holy shit OP how long did this take you to research? We dont deserve you.
I mean I feel for the guy in the video but jesus christ waay too much bull in that one - he fell right the fuck off the cliff
purposefully new fagging to throw his own thread into tailspin
You shouldn't. What kind of retard dumps that amount of FIAT into something they don't understand at all at the height of the speculative mania?
When my linkies crash in price, I buy more. If I live to see it enjoy parabolic growth for a month, i won't add to my stack at that point. Notice that the guy from my vid isn't accumulating right now.
Lube your butthole up real well and buy at least 10k Link.
It's basic facts you should have known before ever considering buying the tokens. the op is legit retarded
the diffrence between that guy and you is you learned how the cycle works. Most people get burned and get out. You're the type of retard who needs to get burned more then once to learn your lesson
For anyone interested in the background of John Barker:
New name is appearing in ChainLink Pivotal Tracker: John Barker
John Barker linkedin.com
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can you translate to layman terms for me plz
More research to be done. Chainlink by is incredibly complex. I know we're on to something big but it's a question of if I'm being too early by a few years of this massively taking off or if it's a short term wait revolving around certain key dates this yr within Europe.
Maybe I should dump my research paper I wrote on ChainLink too. APA format and everything. Why is everyone dumping their goods, is this the end?
He also spent 6 months as the interim head coach of a football team in Australia, glad to see he’s moved on to better things
Mainnet is close.