>I want you to be slender and slim, fast as greyhounds, tough as leather and strong as steel!
How do you respond?
>I want you to be slender and slim, fast as greyhounds, tough as leather and strong as steel!
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
already am whitey
*kill him*
"easy there, gramps LOL"
aye aye, sir!
>still doesn't feed his troops
Jawohl, mein Führer.
>Why yes we do Believe National Socialism is the purest form of politics, how did you know?
I rape the little shithead.
His body guard kills you. Game over. Would you like to play again?
What body guards? No mention of said people in the original post. So he's alone. And since I don't leave my home he's on my ground.
Again, I'll rape him and then leave him to rot in the woods.
You're already dead Ahmed. You have to reroll a character before you can make player decisions.
>slender and slim, fast as greyhounds, tough as leather and strong as steel
Tell him to prove to me that he is all those things because a leader who demands things he him self cannot do or live up to is no leader of mine.
Hitler was pretty cringe but he was still a veteran
SS Charlemagne was based, have some respect for pre-african France.
Good, then neither of those things should be difficult for him.
He was a pretty damn tough guy
Yeah, but globalist cucks won't acknowledge just how based he was.
>SS Charlemagne was based, have some respect for pre-african France.
Indeed, he was a tough guy. So what's your point? Will you listen to Hitlers command and hit the gym daily to become the best version of yourself?
Well, up until recently, most of us were starving to death, so the first part should be pretty simple...
No, still waiting for him to prove it.
Just because he once "was" in good shape while in the service doesn't mean he still is as a leader.
Traitors aren't based
Yes, you traitors to France aren't based at all.
He was an average soldier
>mongrel is offended on behalf of the evropan
average soldier don't get iron crosses
Sorry Adolf, you're not good enough for our Nordic ethnostate
Lmao this is your only comeback? France would be white and pure if it wasn't for people like you my traitorous friend.
What kind of retarded mindset is that? He's a 50+ year old guy, severely marked by the abysmal First World War, who is now transferring his knowledge to you and wishing that you will become the best version of yourself. If that somehow seems illegitimate to you, then you're probably not worth his time.
I would what is the difference between white and Aryan to him.
Old but classic
So he's an old, weak, soft man who shouts orders but can't do shit him self anymore?
Pathetic. He's no better than the jews. A real leader follows his men into combat, fights side by side with his men.
Yes, he's an old man who has seen the world. Grew up in poverty, lived on the streets of Vienna and fought in the most bloody war imaginable. He is like a grandfather teaching his nephews important life lessons. My grandfather was old and weak when he taught me how to deal with bullies, how to impress girls etc. He obviously couldn't do any of these things himself at this point, however, he did so in the past and thus could teach me many valuable lessons. You can regard Hitler in the same way; as a wise grandfather.
Best bögboy keyboard warrior post I've seen in awhile
*teaching his grandchildren
Meth, just like the man himself :^)
>He is like a grandfather teaching his nephews important life lessons
Or he's an old man who has passed is best before date and is now using strong young men do accomplish things he was to dumb or weak to accomplish him self when he had the chance, portraying it as something "for the people" while it only serves his own ego and need for power.
>>I want you to be slender and slim, fast as greyhounds, tough as leather and strong as steel!
If i was a president of Poland, i would give order to every Pole to go to gym at least 3 times a week. Fitness is the most important.
Oh cool, where is your 720 page manifesto so I can read it?
>So he's an old, weak, soft man who shouts orders but can't do shit him self anymore?
Hitler looks fit on this photo. At least spiritually.
Yes and no. He is teaching the people wisdoms he has gathered throughout his years and commanding the people to form a collective power to accomplish the dream of a German empire, no matter the costs.
>no matter the costs.
That's dumb. Cost should be always lower than revenue.
He was a drug addict with neet tier sleeping habits
Then you're literally Hitler
Literally got five (?) Iron Cross medals
Well methamphetamine will keep you up all night.
Yes, i heard that he was addicted to drugs of dr Morell.
If i ever become president I'd make it mandatory to do some kind of physical fitness at least once a week, obesity is no joke, like a plague really
>At least spiritually
Without a body the spirit is nothing.
Well, then he can retire and become a teacher instead. And "no matter the cost"?
That's one shitty leader right there. A good one knows when to back off or when the cost is too high. You don't win wars by sending all your men into the slaughterhouse.
Yes, that's true from a pragmatic perspective, but not from a fanatical one. For a fanatic it's either life or death.
>For a fanatic it's either life or death.
OK, so Hitler led his nation to death. Germans are alive today only because Americans and soviets were humanitarian. Pathetic.
>Well, then he can retire and become a teacher instead.
A teacher is a leader.
>And "no matter the cost"?
Indeed. As I said before, for a fanatic it's either life or death.
A fanatic leader is a shitty leader. He can't see straight.
So Mr Hitler can fuck off.
>Without a body the spirit is nothing.
Here in Poland we have a saying for this: "w zdrowym ciele zdrowy duch", translation: "healthy body contains healthy spirit"
>OK, so Hitler led his nation to death.
Indeed. That's the thing with fanatic leaders. They either turn their nation into the most powerful one the world has ever seen or they completely destroy it. I'm a fanatic as well. I'm fighting for a lost cause. I know that no matter how many leaflets and articles I write, Switzerland (and Europe as a whole) is totally lost. However, I still do it. That is my purpose and I will do it until my last breath.
Based Poland.
>They either turn their nation into the most powerful one the world has ever seen or they completely destroy it.
Isn't it better to turn your nation into most powerful one while using technique of small steps and using violence only when it is really needed? That's how USA grew to global hegemony. They stopped being a hegemon when they began to overuse their power in places where they didn't need to do this.
*throw a salute*
Mein Führer, warum sprechen Sie Englisch mit mir?
Like Stalin? That's what burgoids will say.
You are again looking at this from a pragmatic perspective. This is not the one Hitler and I have. Furthermore, there was more at stake than just German power. It was above else a moral war, an answer to the death of God. When Hitler came to power it was already close to its end. Only a radical, swift and risky move could have saved us. But as we all know, he failed.
Hitler was a good and pragmatic geostrategist and he absorbed a lot of wisdom from Karl Haushofer who lectured him on geopolitics while using Hess as proxy. If he removed ideology from his scheme of thinking, Germany would radically increased its chances to win the war.
Find another hobby
Unless you are pushing for global communism, don't bother.
By the way, today's Germany is much more effective than Third Reich. They managed to make a neocolony out of Poland without one shot fired. Back then in times of Third Reich Germans had to forcifully enslave Poles to make them work for Germany, today Poles are traveling to Germany themselves and work for Germany freewilingly. Looks like improvement to me. Back then you couldn't force a Pole to serve in German army even if you threatened him with gun, today a lot of Poles perceive it as a sensible way of life.
Germany achieved this all only because it chose pragmatism over ideology and fanaticism
Let me ask you this. If Germany would become the most powerful nation on this earth and rule over huge landmasses by the year 2100. However, no Germans would be alive anymore and consumerism and hedonism would run the world. Do you think Hitler would shed a tear of joy for this future? Of course he wouldn't. Power is one thing, but it was certainly not the root of the struggle.
Zäh wie Leder, hart wie stahl und voll wie ein Eimer
was hitler even able to speak english ?
Being anti-consumerist and anti-hedonistic doesn't mean being fanatical. You can change your nation's moral system and perception of reality with using softcore brainwashing. Maybe someday German elite decides to change it if it is going to be more benefitial for Germany. Success of AfD looks like a prelude to this.
Because you’re homosexuals
>Being anti-consumerist and anti-hedonistic doesn't mean being fanatical
I didn't say it was. I'm simply pointing out that you had a wrong conception of what Hitler tried to accomplish.
The AFD won't change anything. It's too late at this point. Germans are already minorities in the big cities and non-native Germans are breeding like rabbits. Soon they will become a big enough voting block to dramatically change the course of the country.
Germans disappearing is a good thing
Fr*nch people will disappear as well if we don't change the dominant moral system in the West.
>I didn't say it was. I'm simply pointing out that you had a wrong conception of what Hitler tried to accomplish.
Hitler tried to cleanse ethnically everything from Poland to Ural mountains because he believed that the empty space is going to be colonized by strong German square-jaw women's vaginas working at full speed and producing little Germans.
Today's Germany prefers to use populations of Central-Eastern Europe's nations for its egoistic interest, like it used to do in previous centuries, in the old project of Mitteleuropa.
I think that today's method is more effective and takes incomparably smaller cost. Germany is not strong enough to conquer the space between Oder and Ural, but it can "colonize" it in economical way, if it does its policy in a smart way.
What Germany really needs now is nothing. It already has everything to be an European superempire. I would only recommend kicking out Americans from their land and developing its own nuclear weapon and sensible conventional army, because dealing with Russians always requires a big stick, carrot alone is not enough. Poles are happy only about carrot.
hitler actually went to prison for beating some guy to a pulp at a political convention in bavaria