Why aren’t you playing Paragon, Jow Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren’t you playing Paragon, Jow Forums? It has actual graphics.

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your dick is missing foreskin what an ugly fucking monster

holy shit! how many fucking times have you been b& for posting this stupid fucking thread?? i've been coming to Jow Forums and you have been here the whole fucking time posting this stupid fucking thread.. What is the point of it? for real though.. like not even joking.. wtf is the point?

>wtf is the point?

Paragon has actual graphics.

I don't like MOBAs. I didn't even know there was a MOBA for PS4

have fun with your premature ejaculation, foreskin faggot.

If I was a girl I'd love dick so much.

lacks self control and needs to be banned so he can focus on cleaning his room

seriously though you have been posting this for years... do you ever get anywhere with this?

Kek. Nice cope.

I can have sex 8 times per night with borderline falling-in-coma pleasure.. you?

user I laugh every time I see it. No exaggeration. Every. Time.

actually so do i then i just baka and wonder wtf AGAIN?!?!

Nice dick bro, would sword fight with 10/10

If only fortnite didnt shut that shitty game down

Your girl has a mineral deficiency, based on that thumb.

nice dick desu

seriously how the fuck is this thread still up?? wtf is going on?? this guy has been posting this garbage for fucking years and keeps getting away with it

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it's a sign /oldbiz/ is back

how much money have you lost on bitmex

Yes i can

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That's some pretty strong cope you've got there. You will never feel how fucking amazing it is when forskin glides back and forth across your glans

It's the mod himself.

maybe it feels better without the foreskin 100% vaginal or anal on the tip of my penis at all times.

Cause 2D graphics are better.

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It's an old dick meme, but it checks out.

Attached: checksout.jpg (344x146, 4K)

>what's a cockring
No it doesn't. Keep coping faggot

you need a cockring to get consistent vaginal pleasure on the tip and glands of your penis? hehe

It doesnt because your dick is desensitized from rubbing against your shorts without a foreskin protecting it

Feels great to me the tip of my penis actually gets too sensitive sometimes.

Isn't this free normally?

Do they sell it on PS4 lol?

yeah that's just the phantom pain from the severed nerves

t. cutfag
