
Greetings my honourable companions in these dark days. On my way to the Temple of Iron so to speak. We must prepare ourselves to defend mother Europa from the beytaleftists edition

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Game boy gimps fuck off

/brit/ is a fragger general lad, what had you in mind then anyway

Scots Gaelic

Wish real men like him were still common

cavorting in the slime of the bog

dis is low....TIER...GAWD

yeah yeah yeah im still a trout

I'll play RO2 lad. I usually play CS:S, but I'll give anything a go.

The golden one was the name of the last porno I bought pre Internet

>working a good job
>manage offers me an interview for a job that pays 50% more
>tell parents about it
>now they keep bringing it up while I await the interview results
it's all going to end in disappointment

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>Gropes your child

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sounds kinky

Love piss init simple as

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there's a literal dinosaur in the thread, lads

brought this upon yourself

is beowulf good?

>pre Internet

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Simple as, I don’t like gays I don’t like niggers insulting em just makes me feel bigger

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It was just a joke I was born in 2001

vocaroo in you little scrote
bet you sound bent

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lachlan's posting his images again


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>ping means you will never play games with your /brit/ frens

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Stein called me on the day off and I answered accidentally and hung up

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fuck off lachlan you whinging inbred cunt

2002 was 25 years ago

WHOU Dude, look at the SIZE of that legbone! Jamie, pull up that pic of the legbone I had the other day!

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well yeah this proves it mate you have a british passport so you're definitely him

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Rorke MIA, presumed dead

sad act

Mental how he looks less odd when taller


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GOD ash

*gets 23andme test*
*finds out i'm 1% celtic*


*changes entire lifestyle and begins living like an ancient celt*

Why do wh*Toids do this


i was not asked nor would i have consented to being born in this hellscape away from my white brethren
i want to play with evropeans

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im a european and ill play with you

Who is this guy?

yes definitely worth the money

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Why do niggers get so excited on pay day? Why do they try to get so philosophical and self-motivated just for getting paid?

let's be honest we all know that language is mandarin

Weird when a native population is not only displaced, but straight up priced out of their own main city purely by wealth

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>Fraser Island dingo attack leaves boy in hospital with leg injuries

>playing osrs
virgin freak
that dev literally has a wife's son too btw

Started my diet today and I already want a big fucking juicy McDonalds

>he PAID the wife of the Google founder to own his DNA forever
>he paid them for it

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And that's a good thing.

True men. False women. This is the darkness of the Age.

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I don't play OSRS at all mate but I met him once years ago in London

religious idea: Jow Forums fasting

by the time they can target ads at me based on my DNA i'll be long dead(or way too old to care)

had a sandwich in the fridge since yesterday and just put it in the microwave haha

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>living in london, being surrounded by the global chad elite as a runt on £35k living in a flatshare

don't get why people do this, I get mogged hard enough in my provincial town, let alone in a global city where i couldn't afford to rent a cardboard box in zone 56

Gritings tru frends
*hnng* ajm facking mässive!
Todäj aj jast vånnt too äcksplejn dätt ånnorring de gådds baj träjning in de tämpel off ajron is de only risånabbel kårs of äcktjon iff ju vånnt too be strång bååf mättafysickally and be facking joocy. Ålso dånnt bi a behta läfftist änd jast gå aut där änd be a facking biist. Dätts just maj humbel opinjon.

Änd ho am aj? Ajm de grejt lajjon åf de nååf.
xoxo boom!

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why not eat it chilled

want to go on holiday to Newcastle but it's too far

I get sexually outdone by everyone anyway

hello somalian

must eat these aldi sugarfree sweets more often. the laxative effect they have is giving me some really great and satisfying farts

it's shit anyway

Newcastle is a shithole full of foreigners and pretentious southern students

This is just embarrassing

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in what kind of situations do people get where 'mogging' is a thing?
seriously what the fuck

I would personally cave in the skull of every single yorkshireman. For the pride of Hampshire (southern powerhouse)


does he still try to “debate” with varg?


Tell her to fuck off

dont care

imagine as a normal lad going to some uni like durham, SURROUNDED by privately-educated oxbridge rejects with a chip on their shoulder

would drive me insane

That's that town in america?

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Mogging is a daily thing, when you walk past someone taller and better looking than you you just got mogged

It only has any effect when there's females concered, let's say you're in a club and there's a girl, now there's you, and some 6'4 10/10 chad, you got mogged, do you really think you stand a chance with said girl if you're both going for her? Nah, he mogged you

Tell me more

never @ me again, whacky bruce

the comments on the reddit thread from yday were maximum unironic cringe. couldn't even make some of them up. pure gems

Anybody gets it to Durham

just stop being a povvo bender

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Been addicted to empire total war since I downloaded darth mod. Never have I seen such a shit game transformed into pure kino

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imagine being catholic lmao like nigga you worship a false prophet

>the country's elite
>most of them are with munters

state of english women

>privately-educated oxbridge rejects with a chip on their shoulder
This is the most accurate description of a University I've ever come across. It's truly a dire place. Worst of all is that the staff are just as salty. They hate getting Oxbridge rejects and being seen as 'no Oxbridge' so often. They rejected me from Durham after they learned I got into Oxford and my teachers told me that would happen as soon as I got my Oxford offer so it must be a very common thing.

Imagine putting your nose up to it.

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We're full of thirty somethings that think its cool to be atheists and harass old biddys for going to mass.

I myself don't go desu but I don't take to twitter demonizing for doing so

sounds ridiculous
maybe im a crypto-mogger but have never ever been in a situation where i've been 'mogged' since i go for women in my league

>reddit thread
fuck off back and stay there yeah?

been a while since I played ETW but I remember not liking darthmod for some reason

>implying I'm not browsing there rn

guess your small brain can't comprehend such complexities

Toil recalling me to london.

Dont wanna go back lads

Only option is to start trying to emigraye

rhythmic chanting should be banned, for example at football matches

Currently watching The Impractical Jokers on Comedy Central.

It adds way more units and improves the AI by a lot. Before it'd just bunch its army into a big blob and charge at your centre but now it resembles an actual battle