Have you ever been sued? If so, what for?
Have you ever been sued? If so, what for?
Yah I punched out my ex gfs brother and father when I was 17
I won twice
not me but dad got sued when he had a chuckle when he was reading that being pregnant is a disability, got sued by a thot that got blacked and knocked up
why did we give women any say in our society?
sued for unjustified termination AMA
I caused damages to a chair and the television in a hotel. AMA
Holocaust denial.
>he got servered
rule number one do not get severed, do not answer calls of unknown numbers do not answer door of unknown strangers and if someone say your name leave and deny it.
I can't believe he actually admitted to getting backout drunk with his friends and then claimed he's 99% sure they didn't destroy anything
Haven’t been served. Tried to serve the old address but I live in a different state now
Got sued for going to emergency dentist visit and never paying the bill.
At-fault auto collision. I T-boned literal Muhamad's car at a red light and broke a few of his ribs, so he tried to sue for more than my insurance policy limit. My ins company settled for a lower amount within the limit though.
Some bitch hurt herself on my property. Insurance company 'forgot' to file my insurance for several months that i had been paying for years and technically wasn't insured. Had to counter sue my insurance company, ended up winning which meant that I had to pay for a lawyer to almost break even. Thats just the most recent example. Overall, its never fun to be on either end
I got served then sued by a credit card company. This was like 10 years ago. I didn't go to the court date set because I forgot what day it was. I looked it up recently in the county records, they tried to sue me again but the state threw it out, so got thrown out twice. I got lucky, it could of gone way worse.
Was it your thread from yesterday about not paying the hotel for damages to a chair and tv?
dumbass. learn how to drive
Hold up there space cowboy, you can get sued for denying the holocaust happened?
...kinda makes you wish it was real huh
You again with the stupid fuckin tv and chair. Kek Kek
wait a month and there will be an
skyminer-lawsuit-general every week
>blackout drunk
>doesn’t believe anything could’ve happened to the room
I always wonder if people that post when they buy the top or sell the bottom are real, thanks for answering that
Moved out of an apartment and left a bunch of damages, incurred like $400 in damages and never paid it lmao
Covered up a ton of problems with a house and sold it.
Whoever bought the house started gutting and found out
I didn't think they would do that
Got into a fight with three "gangbangers" threw one of them with a child's bicycle, knocking three of his teeth out then the other guy still wanted to fight but the other one was scared. Kicked his ass then the other guy ran away. A couple of weeks(or a month or two don't remember) later I got sued for the missing teeth and assault which they said they would make it go away if I gave them 5k.
I lol'ed at the letter because it just seemed shady, got the guys number and sent a message that he should stop or I will fuck him up again. (didn't call him because I was too beta with no adrenaline) Never hear from him again.
Does this count?
Nice larp. Even if you live in Europe where it's illegal, why would they SUE you?
Perhaps he wrote a book or profited from it in someway?
Have we heard from the guy who was statutorily raped by a teacher and wanted to blackmail her? I tried to talk him out of it, I don’t want see him in prison
I told him to man the fuck up and do it. Hopefully he did
lol whats up with that pic
Lol. Same. What happened? Garnishment?
Never fails. Humans make mistakes, sperglord
>t. white trash pickup truck driver, guaranteed
>Humans make mistakes
"Sorry I broke your ribs. And sorry I destroyed your car. But everyone makes mistakes, right?"
If you're planning on making mistakes MAYBE YOU SHOULDNT BE OPERATING A 2000LB MACHINE AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED. There is no excuse to ever cause an accident that harms another person.
I'm 26 and have never had a ticket or collision. I'm not even autistic about road safety. I speed A LOT but I choose the proper times and places to do so.
Drivers' licensing should include a mandatory IQ test to weed out you retards who think it's unreasonable to be held accountable for your actions.
Let me guess, you have multiple DUIs, are $150k in debt from your PhD in art history, and voted for Bernie because he represents the change this country desperately needs?
Who doesn’t?