Why are they allowed nukes? It's not even a real country

Why are they allowed nukes? It's not even a real country.

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What makes something them not a "real country"? They seem pretty real to me.

dog bless

might makes right
they don't ask anybody to allow it

Hold on wasn't it both US AND UK which gave nukes to Israel ?
So both are technically responsible

more real than you Muhammad

Forgot what it's called, "something plan", but it's to keep western countries in line or else they'll nuke us all if they go down.

At worst they'll nuke arab countries, would it be a big loss?

samson option
if israel is about to be destroyed they send nukes flying in every direction, nuking every country they can

On the map it looks about the size of UK.

You could ask why Russians are allowed. They didn't have the intellectual capacity to build them and they are batshit crazy.

Also they don't even know what to call their country in their own language and use a Swedish word instead. What a non country.,

Nice meme but a meme doesn't answer the question to how Israel isn't a tangible, real country.

Why not just nuke the ones taking them down in the first place

I thought it was France that sold them their nuke tech?

because you empowered them you daft fucking jew slave cunt fucking retard

the one thing brits occasionally do that really triggers me is pretend they had nothing to do with israel or act like they're epic anti-semites now with brexit even though the anglo has been for some time and always will be the slave of the Jude

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Why is Israel, Pakistan and North Korea allowed to have nukes?

Giving it to such crazy regimes is not agood idea

very based pic

because they are our best allies, without them we would have lost the ww and all the influences, they got the best techs also, bst start ups, they are fucking genius and together we make a hell of a team

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lmao israel wants to be a country so bad

Its like the little brother of the bully of the school (amuttrica) who wants to be accepted in the social circle

France sold them uranium enrichment tech
But burgers and uk unironically gave few nukes from their stock pile to safeguard Israel after the six-days war
Israel even destroyed egypt from creating nukes by bombing the fuck out off them with the help of burgers
Egypt under Nazir unironically wanted nukes for their own safety

why they even need a country and not just stay in the host country contributing their "genius" mind? why would genius gets kicked out? because isn't it obvious they're a living scam.

israel is better than mexico

why even have a sampson option when you have almost as many jews in america than israel

kind of premature to not-end-the-world since they don't have enough nukes since it will result in the genocide of all jews in america

you gave them the land and financed them along with the americans ask yourself not me

The people that actually invented the fission and fusion bombs (Oppenheimer and Teller) went to Israel and helped them build nukes.

The "Sampson option" and "Israel will nuke all of Europe" are conspiracy theories based on the ramblings of a single Israeli author.

If Israel is about to be destroyed by Arab Invaders it would use nukes the same way as other nuclear powers and nuke the invading countries.

By holding you hostage they can rely on your superior forces at a lesser cost.

Don't ever insult Israel again you anti-semite

Area of UK: 243K square km
Area of Israel: 20K square km
Do you even map?

Israel 8 million
UK 66 million

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This, obviously.

You created us faggot

fuck you boomer nigger

of course israel doesn't have nukes dont be silly

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>Not real country

OK Ahmed

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