Current weather: eur

current weather: eur

Attached: temp_eur2.png (768x768, 228K)

Living in the north isn't worth it

Yeah, it's way too warm

Attached: 18-30-14.mp4_snapshot_00.43_[2018.01.10_19.3717].jpg (908x693, 96K)

The weather is amazing today desu.

>-5 in my city
thanks, Obama


Attached: bulju.jpg (353x423, 32K)

Disappointing winter, we rarely had any snowfall and even when some appeared it melted instantly

this. really a beautiful day. now imagine being continually under 0 for 6 months and without sun too


based Alps cucking g*rmany in the cold as always

based weatherdane

What's so bad with below 0 as long as it's not below -10?

everything lower than 10 C is not fit for humans

cold is based and repilled

Anything above 15 is not fit for humans

It's too hot it's too hot fuck why can't I get a normal winter for once

Attached: 1546698424010.png (460x461, 399K)

>finland and sweden get raped by the siberian ice dick

Living near Russia is dangerous during all times of the year

>Imagine living in the East

well this is a normal winter

that's actually a different dane but thanks
